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In Front of What’s Ahead: RRCSA Gives Back to Enhance Student Life

December 2, 2021

(Red River College Polytechnic Students’ Association executive – Jahnavi Jahnavi, VP Academic; Avery Halldorson, President; Austin Burtniak, VP External Affairs)

An accessible workspace in Red River College Polytechnic’s Manitou a bi Bii daziigae offers students a chance to collaborate, create and explore new ideas using advanced technology.

The Red River College Students’ Association (RRCSA) Sandbox Zone is a multi-use area that encourages a collaborative approach to projects, small seminars and presentations. It gives students a safe space to work, while pushing them to be creative, strategic, adaptable and innovative problem solvers.

“The RRCSA Sandbox Zone was one of our favourite choices from the beginning when we started going over our donation options with the College. We made our choice very carefully, and I was very glad we chose this room,” said Avery Halldorson, RRCSA President and Business Administration student at RRC Polytech.

The main floor space is viewable from the public agora and is accessible for all students to work, research, and share ideas.

“It’s on the first floor, which we liked—we want the things we support to be accessible for all students. I hope students from all walks of life can come together and create something beautiful within the space,” she said.

The space will be outfitted with advanced technology for students and entrepreneurs to play, test and experiment with 3D printers, ultra-fast processors and secure networks. Entrepreneurs, industry professionals, businesses, government, educators and community members can dream, develop, test and implement solutions to their unique problems with the help of highly engaged RRC Polytech students and faculty.

“I’m really excited for the technology that’s going to be inside the Zone for students to use. It will be a very innovative space,” said Halldorson. “Together, students can make a difference, create new opportunities and help leave this world a better place than we found it. With everything going on in the world, RRC Polytech students can create something that will change the future,” she said.

The area will act as an extension to the highly successful ACE Project Space, where individual groups are steps away from mentors in the form of peers, faculty and industry partners during class time.

As both a student and RRCSA president, Halldorson appreciates RRC Polytech’s willingness to work with students and address their needs.

“Especially in the last two years, the College has done a really good job at listening to students and keeping students’ safety top of mind. With the Manitou a bi Bii daziigae opening, there are so many opportunities for students to grow and innovate today,” said Halldorson.

“The College is known for adapting to change and making those changes for the better, and constantly recognizing when they need to make improvements,” she added.

The RRCSA is one of the largest supporters of RRC Polytech, and it’s a relationship that Halldorson expects to continue for years to come.

“I hope RRC Polytech and the RRCSA can continue to offer opportunities for students heading into the workforce, allowing them to be ahead of the curve. Change is a big part of life and making sure the College can keep up with that change and teach students to be adaptable and go into the workforce with that knowledge is important,” she said.

The RRCSA, formed in 1963, acts primarily as an advocate for student concerns, publishes a student newspaper, and offers many different services, opportunities, support and activities for students throughout the school year.

In Front of What’s Ahead is a $60M comphrehensive campaign to help RRC Polytech make a difference in the lives of all Manitobans.

RBC Future Launch powers biggest Directions conference in RRC Polytech’s history

November 29, 2021

Red River College Polytechnic’s (RRC Polytech) annual Directions conference was back this year, and bigger than ever thanks to generous support from title sponsor RBC Future Launch.

More than 2,300 students and 150 industry professionals gathered online November 4 for Directions 2021, which featured an inspiring slate of keynote speakers, panel discussions and virtual networking opportunities, making it the largest Directions in the conference’s 20-year history.

The purpose of Directions is to connect students with industry and business professionals and leaders – those who have their fingers on the pulse of emerging trends, future career possibilities, and the real-world challenges of working in their chosen field. These insights can be invaluable to helping students decide if they’re on the right course in their education and career goals.

“The world of work is changing faster than ever, and to get ahead of what’s coming next, you need a strong sense of direction today more than ever,” says Kirk Johnson, Dean, School of Business, Information Technology & Creative Arts and Dean, School of Hospitality & Culinary Arts at RRC Polytech. “This conference is all about giving our students that sense of direction.”

This year’s keynote speaker was Joelle Foster, chief executive officer of North Forge Technology Exchange, one of Manitoba’s largest start-up incubators and accelerators. Introducing Joelle was RRCSA President and third-year Business Administration student Avery Halldorson.

“Joelle’s positive message about overcoming adversity and believing in yourself really resonated with me,” she says. “Hearing someone of her stature talk about her personal experience with imposter syndrome was hugely empowering, and I think it gave us all a boost of confidence as we look forward to embarking on careers of our own.”

Another highlight was blind Oji-Cree musical artist Matthew ‘Mattmac’ Monias, who delivered a special concert. You can access a recording of the concert online.

Because the virtual format of Directions 2021 allowed more students to participate, organizers expanded the event to include RRC Polytech’s School of Indigenous Education, School of Continuing Education, regional campuses, and Information Technology program.

“Great ideas happen when you bring together students from different backgrounds and perspectives,” says Johnson. “We’re also mirroring the realities of today’s workplaces, where you’ll collaborate with professionals from other disciplines than your own.”

Free access for more than 2,300 students wouldn’t have been possible without the generous support of RBC Future Launch. The program is a commitment to empower Canadian youth for the jobs of tomorrow.

“We’re excited to be working with RRC Polytechnic to showcase what can happen when we empower and enable young people to be future ready,” said Mandi Taylor, RBC Regional Director, Marketing and Citizenship. “RBC Future Launch seeks to bring Canada together around the potential of youth by collaborating and supporting programs that provide access to work integrated learning, future skill development, mentors, and resources for youth mental wellness. This is an idea that we have in common with the Directions Conference – an imaginative and innovative forum bringing youth together with industry around ideas, stories, and the determination to create real world solutions that will help our communities thrive and prosper.”


 RBC Future Launch supports the next generation of learners

RBC Future Launch aims to help break down the barriers facing young people. In 2020, for instance, RBC committed to providing $50 million in focused funding through RBC Future Launch to create meaningful and transformative pathways to prosperity for up to 25,000 Black, Indigenous and People of Colour by 2025, with investments in areas such as skills development and mentoring.

At this year’s Directions conference, RBC employees hosted eight different round table discussions on topics ranging from human resource management and accounting to information technology and the not-for-profit sector. Herb Zobell, RBC Vice President, Commercial Financial Services Indigenous Markets moderated a session called The Mysteries of Financial Services. Kevin Shaw, Senior Director Advice Centre and a member of the RRC Business Administration Advisory Board, participated in the networking lounge and met with numerous students.

“Our support always includes participating directly in the initiatives we’re standing behind financially,” says Taylor.

RBC Future Launch is aimed at preparing young people for the new world of work by promoting the digital skills now prevalent in all industries, as well as complex problem solving, financial literacy, creativity, and tech skills in trades.

In addition to the Directions conference, for example, RBC supports a number of RRC Polytech programs and initiatives that focus on boosting access to mentorship, work-integrated learning, and innovation through collaboration. These include the Ten Thousand Coffees platform, which pairs students with alumni working in their field for one-on-one mentorship and virtual networking opportunities.

“Research shows that 85% of people acquire jobs because of who you know,” says Taylor. “But the reality is, not everyone has equal access to networking opportunities, including students living in remote communities. Initiatives like Ten Thousand Coffees and events like Directions break down those barriers.”

RBC funding also supports RRC Polytech’s adoption of the Riipen virtual platform, where student teams complete real-world projects for clients around the world. RBC funding also supported the ACE Project Space, a program that puts student teams to work developing software, apps, and other projects for entrepreneurs in residence and other clients from the local start-up community.

“Winnipeg is making a name for itself as a tech and innovation hub,” says Taylor. “We want to help develop our homegrown talent in that area as well.”

And RBC Future Launch will soon host an ongoing series of Collision by Design discussion and networking events at Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, formerly known as the Innovation Centre.


52,950 meals in 10 weeks: How RRC Polytech culinary students helped the Solidarity Kitchens project feed those in need

October 14, 2021

L-R: Sharnell McDougall and Leona Monias are two of the students who worked on the Solidarity Kitchens project

For Sharnell McDougall, food insecurity isn’t a concept she’s had to learn about – it’s a reality that shaped her life and focused her plans for her future.

The 21-year-old Indigenous Culinary Skills student comes from Red Sucker Lake First Nation, a fly-in reservation where fresh, high-quality ingredients were hard to come by.

“Although we grew up on an isolated reserve, my family always made sure that we were well fed. My mom inspired me to cook and be resourceful with what’s available.”

That inspiration, mixed with a generous helping of Food Network cooking shows, served her well when Sharnell moved to Winnipeg at age 13 and began cooking meals for her grandmother.

“Those cooking shows taught me how to put ingredients together in ways that are exciting and nourishing,” she says. “My dream is to open my own restaurant that serves Indigenous comfort food.”

Last year, her dream led her to culinary school. Then came the pandemic, wreaking havoc on the food service industry and cutting off avenues for the co-operative education experience she was required to complete for her program.

This was a challenge Red River College Polytechnic (RRC Polytech) suddenly found itself facing on several fronts: how to provide co-operative education and work-integrated learning opportunities under rapidly changing health directives, and with a growing number of industry partners struggling to weather the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Part of the solution was to reallocate College facilities, equipment, and expertise in the service of community efforts to fight the pandemic. That presented an ideal opportunity for Chef Ben Kramer, who was then spearheading the Manitoba arm of the Solidarity Kitchens initiative.

Solidarity Kitchens, launched at the start of the pandemic by food insecurity charity La Tablée des Chefs, challenged suppliers, farmers, restaurants, hotels and other food service organizations across the country to donate food that would otherwise go to waste, and transform it into meals for those in need.

Chef Kramer’s goal was to produce 50,000 meals for Harvest Manitoba in 10 weeks. To reach that goal, he needed help processing mass quantities of ingredients into ready-to-eat meals. The College, impressed by Kramer’s experience leading similar initiatives, donated kitchen facilities and equipment from its culinary school. In turn, Kramer provided Sharnell and two other students the co-operative education experience and mentorship they needed to graduate.

“It wasn’t glamourous work, but it was important,” says Kramer, who is widely regarded as one of Winnipeg’s top chefs. “We were processing massive amounts of ingredients donated by local suppliers, so the student had to work fast.”

Sharnell admits it was overwhelming at first, “just in terms of the sheer number of meals we had to make. But then we fell into a rhythm. We learned how to organize, prevent spoilage, package the meals, work as a team – all the skills we need to work in kitchens or lead our own someday.”

In August, the team exceed their goal, producing a total 52,950 Spanish omelettes for Harvest Manitoba.

Ryan Whibbs, Chair of the School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts at RRC Polytech’s Paterson Global Foods Institute, says, “Partnerships like the Solidarity Kitchens project are incredibly valuable to RRC Polytech because they demonstrate how deeply we’re embedded in our community, and they help us connect with and serve our communities in new ways. They create opportunities to put students’ skills to work for those in need, when and where they’re needed most.”

Kramer’s goal was to go beyond basic culinary skills training and open students’ eyes to the role the food services industry can play in addressing food insecurity, a problem that continues to plague our society.

“We live in a precarious system, and the pandemic has given that system a huge shake. The drama and the excitement of what we see on Food Network competitions and reality shows is only one side of the story we can tell through culinary arts programs. By feeding the hungry and giving back, we have the power to transform our communities.”

Sharnell says she gained a lot from Chef Kramer’s insights, and valued “the experience of being part of the solution.” She’s heard directly from members of community support groups who have told her how much they enjoyed and appreciated the food provided by the project.

After the Solidarity Kitchens project wrapped up, Kramer connected Sharnell with a job opportunity as a line cook at the University of Winnipeg’s Diversity Food Services. She plans to return to RRC Polytech to continue her culinary studies – and pursue her dream of making food for the heart and soul.

“Learning how to make healthy and nutritious meals is something very important to me and I want to share that knowledge with my community.”

Whibbs says he hopes to see more partnerships like this in the future, and encourages College alumni and donors to support them because of the impact they can have on students and the community, especially through the creation of scholarships and awards that celebrate student success in working to address food insecurity.

Fearless Female award revs up support for women in trades

September 9, 2021

A Manitoba company built to empower and promote women in motorsports is revving up by providing an annual award of $1,000 to a woman in the final term of trades programs at Red River College.

Tina Stefanson, owner of Machine Girl Motorsports Company, says she launched the Machine Girl Fearless Female award to make it easier for women at the start of their skilled trades training. The award will cover tuition, but also includes a unique gift package that includes equipment and gear from the Machine Girl Motorsports Fearless Female workwear line.

“Tools and gear can make it expensive to start a career in trades,” she explains. “I want to help women get started on their journey in every way I can.”

A graduate of the RRC’s Computer Accounting Technician and Distance TIG Welding programs, Stefanson says skilled trades and motorsports go hand in hand – and today, more women are climbing the ranks of both.

“Ultimately, I want to see women acknowledged as equal contenders in all areas of motorsports, and to be recognized as equal tradespeople for their abilities, contributions, talents and hard work.”

Stefanson started riding dirt bikes at age nine, and began customizing cars, trucks and motorcycles at 17. She’s raced in the A-Mod class at Red River Coop Speedway, where she also worked on a pit crew.

“I’ve always had a burning passion for anything with an engine,” she says.

She launched the Machine Girl brand in 2015 to promote, empower and support female on- and off-road moto and motorsport enthusiasts. In 2018, the company grew into Machine Girl Motorsports Company (MGMC), and now offers motorsports apparel and workwear for women in trades, as well as motorcycle safety instruction.

Stefanson says the company’s goal is to reach across the world and create a community of women supporting one another in motorsports.

“One of our mottos is: We are Creating a Revolution of Women in Motorsports. I firmly believe this to be both true and possible.”

Award Description

A $1000 has been established by Machine Girl Motorsports Company, a one of a kind company built to support, empower, and promote women in all areas of motorsports. Machine Girls Motorsport Company was created from humble beginnings; mixed with a burning passion for anything with an engine and the want to share that passion with women across the globe by owner, Tina Stefanson. This award is available to a woman, who is in the final term required to complete a trades program at Red River College. Eligible programs are: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer; Aerospace Manufacturing; Automotive Technician (Certificate or Diploma); Cabinetry & Woodworking Technology; Carpentry (five-month); CNC Machinist Technician; Collision Repair & Refinishing; Electrical (five-month); Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic; Manufacturing CAD; Marine and Powersports Technician; Plumbing (five-month); Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician (five-month) and Welding. The award is intended to cover the cost of tuition first. Along with the financial award, the selected recipient will receive a gift package from the donor. Eligible students need to demonstrate a financial need and be maintaining satisfactory academic achievement . The application deadline is October 15th.

Shannon Gray Memorial Award for Nurses honours legacy of compassion

September 3, 2021

A new award celebrating the life and legacy of Red River College alumna Shannon Gray will recognize nursing students who demonstrate a passion for helping others.

Gray graduated from the Bachelor of Nursing program in 2016 and looked forward to a promising career as a Registered Nurse. She passed away from Non-Hodgkin lymphoma two

years later at the age of 28, before she had the opportunity to fulfil her dream of becoming a working RN.

The award was established by her husband, Aaron Trachtenberg, as a way to celebrate her legacy and to provide support to other young nurses in her honour.

“Shannon believed the right way to live your life is to dedicate it to helping others,” he says. “She loved nursing because of the direct connection it gave to those she was caring for.”

The award, worth $1,000 or more annually, will be presented each fall to a student graduating from the Bachelor of Nursing program who has successfully completed a senior practicum in a paediatric or oncology setting. Preference will be given to applicants who express an interest in paediatric oncology.

“We are so grateful for the generosity of Shannon’s family and friends, who are providing an incredible opportunity for nursing students to achieve their dreams. Many members of our faculty and staff had the chance to meet and work with Shannon while she was a student, and we’re proud her legacy will have an impact on other hard-working, dedicated nurses,” says Debbie O’Donnell Weigelt, Dean of Health Sciences and Community Services at RRC.

Trachtenberg says that while the award recognizes academic achievement, it is also meant to celebrate and encourage the qualities of caring, compassion, and collegiality for which Gray was known.

“That last one – helping and supporting those you work with – is so important because how you treat your colleagues shapes your working environment and, ultimately, the quality of care you provide.”

Trachtenberg, a doctor, says working in a hospital over this past year has opened his eyes to the enormous challenges nurses faces as they strive to deliver an uncompromising level of care to those they serve.

“I often see RRC nursing students hard at work on their clinical rotations, and I want to encourage them to maintain their caring and compassion, and willingness to help each other as much as possible.”

Gray graduated with distinction and received the Nursing Legacy Award for outstanding clinical performance. Although she never had a chance to work as an RN, she did get her license, passing her NCLEX exam in the minimum number of questions required.

She also completed a senior practicum in paediatric oncology, a challenging field she found immensely rewarding – to the surprise of absolutely no one who knew her, say friends and family. “There was a mutual joy between Shannon and any child she engaged with.”

Gray’s classmates remember her relentless work ethic, willingness to help others, and natural ability to make those around her feel valued.

In a tribute to Gray, one classmate who witnessed her compassion and superior clinical reasoning skills in class described her as “the perfect balance of the art and science of nursing practice.”

“The As she achieved on many assignments were not only due to her knowing the ‘right answer,’ but because she paired the correct answers with humanity,” added one of her instructors in another tribute. “Nursing has lost a huge potential in the care Shannon will never give to her patients.”

Trachtenberg wants Gray to be remembered not only as a great nursing student, but as an incredible person.

“Everyone she met immediately felt comfortable around her. She loved kids and animals, and could beat me at any sport.”

Applications for the Shannon Gray Memorial Award for Nurses will be available from the Nursing Repository, and will be accepted throughout the year. Applications should be accompanied by two reference letters – one from a preceptor, one from a faculty member – along with a short write-up about the candidate’s future goals in their area of interest.



Your gift has double the impact. For a limited time, all gifts made towards the Shannon Gray Legacy Award will be matched (up to $25,000) by Shannon’s husband Aaron Trachtenberg. Please donate today to help support the future generation of hard-working, compassionate nurses in Manitoba.

You can contribute to the Shannon Gray Legacy Award Fund and strengthen the impact of her legacy by donating in the following ways:

  • Online (please designate your gift in memory of Shannon Gray)
  • Over the phone by calling 204-619-0139
  • By mail: Red River College Development Office

C306-2055 Notre Dame Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3H 0J9



Shannon Gray memorial award for Nurses

Shannon Gray (1989-2018) was an accomplished graduate of Red River College’s Bachelor of Nursing program, who had a promising career ahead of her as a Registered Nurse. She was a bright light, and lived life with courage and exuberance while practicing gentleness and kindness in each interaction. It was her dream to become a pediatric nurse, and it was the prospect of providing care that gave her hope while fighting Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The award will honour Shannon’s legacy, and support Nursing students with a passion for helping others. Established by her loving husband Aaron Trachtenberg, along with family and friends, this award will be valued at a minimum of $1000 and presented annually to a student graduating from the Bachelor of Nursing program. The recipient will have successfully completed a Senior Practicum in a pediatric or oncology setting with a preference for those who have expressed a particular interest in pediatric oncology specifically. They will also have demonstrated a high level of skill and academic achievement, but most importantly a caring and compassionate attitude with patients and colleagues. Application forms will be available from the Nursing Repository and should be accompanied by two reference letters: one from a preceptor and one from a faculty member, and a short write up about their future goals in the interest area. Applications will be accepted throughout the year, and the recipient will be selected annually in the fall.

Magellan Aerospace Corporation provides $100,000 to Support Students at Red River College

August 25, 2021

Students in Red River College’s (RRC) Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology programs will soon be eligible for a new award, established by Magellan Aerospace Corporation to honour the late James (Jim) S. Butyniec.

Jim Butyniec had a lifelong career in aerospace, including 23 years at Magellan Aerospace, Winnipeg (formerly Bristol Aerospace) and Magellan’s corporate headquarters in Toronto, Ontario where he was President and CEO from 2008 until his retirement in 2015. While he did not have the opportunity for a formal education himself, he appreciated those who did and surrounded himself with a team of knowledgeable and effective colleagues who shared a commitment to making the business successful.

“Red River College and Magellan Aerospace have been proud partners for more than 20 years, and we are honoured that Magellan has created this award to support students in our Engineering Technology programs,” said Derek Kochenash, Dean, Skilled Trades and Technologies at RRC. “Aside from technical skills – adaptability, good communication and teamwork are some of the most important qualities a skilled tradesperson can have, and are things we aim to instill in each of our students.”

Recipients of the award will be required to have the same entrepreneurial attitude and adaptability that Jim carried with him every day. In 1997, when Magellan Aerospace, Winnipeg’s production shifted to predominantly commercial aerospace, it was Jim who took the helm and implemented a toolbox of proven best industry practices (including the Lean processes of 5S and Value Stream Mapping and Six Sigma). Within two years, Jim’s strategy for change – coupled with his straightforward and hands-on management style – accomplished a change in the culture and business practices of the company, and grew its reputation in the competitive global market.

“In recognition of Magellan’s appreciation of our long and enduring partnership with Red River College, the company is pleased to establish the Magellan Aerospace James (Jim) S. Butyniec Memorial Award.  Jim’s leadership style included a dedication mentoring and developing employees and we know that he would be honored to see this continue in the form of this student award,” said Phillip C. Underwood, President and CEO of Magellan Aerospace Corporation.

Magellan Aerospace, Winnipeg is a leading employer of RRC alumni in various roles, such as technologists, quality assurance, purchasing, business development and marketing. In 1997, the two organizations – along with Boeing Canada and Manitoba Aerospace – worked together to create RRC’s Aerospace Manufacturing Technician program, which closed the gap on a specific industry need and has trained up to 32 students per year ever since.

In addition to the Magellan Aerospace James (Jim) S. Butyniec Memorial Award from Magellan Aerospace Corporation, Magellan’s local Winnipeg facility provides two $400 awards annually to students entering their second year of Engineering Technology programs at RRC.

For more information about Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries at Red River College, click here.


Magellan Aerospace James (Jim) S. Butyniec Memorial Award Outline

Magellan Aerospace Corporation is a global aerospace company that provides complex assemblies and systems solutions to aircraft and engine manufacturers and defence and space agencies worldwide. Magellan designs and manufactures aeroengine and aerostructure assemblies and components for aerospace markets, advanced proprietary products for military and space markets, and provides engine and component repair and overhaul services worldwide. 

To celebrate and remember their former President and CEO, Jim Butyniec, who was a respected leader in the aerospace industry for many decades, awards valued at $1000 each will be presented annually to students at Red River College. Jim and his family immigrated to Canada after World War II. The early years in Canada were not easy.  From these humble beginnings, Jim worked hard and made himself a success story. This award for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Technology students, who have demonstrated leadership qualities during their studies at the College, will keep Jim’s story celebrated for many years.

Two awards are available annually, and recipient selection will be based on, leadership qualities, financial need and academic standing.  One $1000 award is available to a domestic student enrolled in the final term (307) of the Mechanical Engineering Technology program. The other award is available to a domestic student enrolled in the final term (307) of the Electrical Engineering Technology program. To be considered, eligible students should submit a completed application accompanied by a reference letter from an instructor, attesting to the student’s leadership qualities

Strong roots, mutual growth

June 30, 2021

With strong roots in Manitoba soil, a commitment to community, and a workforce brimming with Red River College talent, Wawanesa Mutual Insurance has grown over the past 125 years into one of Canada’s largest mutual insurance companies – and a generous RRC partner and supporter.

Since 2009, the company has made significant donations to a number of College programs, awards and capital projects aimed at helping RRC students excel in business, management, and information technology.

That includes a recent $50,000 gift in support of the College’s 100,000 square foot, state-of-the-art Innovation Centre in downtown Winnipeg.

“Looking after one another is the essence of who we are at Wawanesa,” says Selena Hinds, Vice President of Culture, Community and Communications at Wawanesa Insurance. “That’s why Wawanesa is proud to support Red River College, its students, and the new Innovation Centre. Together with RRC, we share a commitment to making our community a better place to live and learn, and we know students and all of Winnipeg’s downtown will benefit from the new Centre and surrounding greenspace.”

Eighteen per cent of Wawanesa employees say they attended RRC, and more than 240 indicate an RRC connection on their education profile.

“We’re proud to have a partner and supporter who understands first-hand the value of supporting our students and grads,” says Kirk Johnson, Dean, School of Business & Applied Arts and Dean, School of Hospitality & Culinary Arts, Red River College. “Wawanesa has hired many talented RRC graduates over the years. I’m excited to continue working with Wawanesa as our Innovation Centre opens up new opportunities for our students in Information Technology, Business, the Creative Arts, and more.”

Support for the Innovation Centre Project is directed to the Elgin Avenue Plaza (shown above), a greenspace and pedestrian plaza located between Princess Street and Adelaide Street. The new outdoor space will include seating areas, recreational space, and power outlets for food trucks, entertainment and vendors. Students and community members can use the space to study, eat lunch, or host events such as concerts or maker markets. The greenspace is located across from the new Market Lands, a creative hub, housing and market space that will attract more people to live, work and play in the growing neighbourhood.

In addition, the company has provided a $10,000 annual donation to support RRC students since 2009. This year, eight Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Awards will be distributed to individuals in the Business Administration, Business Information Technology, and Business Technology Management programs, providing opportunities for students to achieve success in their education and into their careers.

Wawanesa is also a sponsor of RRC’s Girls Exploring IT technology camp program and previous capital campaigns at the College. “As a member of the community, we know how important it is to ensure accessible education,” says Hinds. “As an employer, we see great value in the education and training RRC provides.”

That passion for community support extends far and wide. Last year, Wawanesa increased its community giving by $1.8 million in response to COVID-19 – bringing the company’s total community giving in 2020 to $5.3 million.

Wawanesa takes its name from the small Manitoba town where it was founded 125 years ago by a group of farmers determined to keep insurance premiums down. Since then, the original “Wawanesa Insurance” has grown into one of the largest mutual insurance company in Canada, with growing operations in the United States. Its North American corporate headquarters remain here in Winnipeg, at True North Square – where, in the years ahead, its Manitoba roots will grow even stronger.


Thank you to our donors for a record-breaking year of Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries!

June 11, 2021

Because of your support, Red River College (RRC) has been able to provide $5,104,509.45 directly to students in need during the 2020/2021 fiscal year – that’s more than any year in the College’s history. These funds were provided to more than 1,700 deserving students in the form of Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries.

Thank you to the many alumni, staff, donors and community members who generously donated to help students in what has been a challenging and uncertain year. Your kindness has helped students overcome financial barriers so they can be successful in their studies, and carry a sense of pride as they enter their careers.

A special thank you to the donors who participated in the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI) matching program this past March. During that month, MSBI matched scholarship and bursary gifts on a 1:1 ratio – doubling the amount of funds we could provide to students. Because of this one-time matching incentive, RRC received an incredible $2,447,950 from the provincial government.

Thank you again to our incredible community of donors – your support truly makes a difference in the lives of students at Red River College.

“I would like to thank you for this award. I’ve been struggling to find a way to pay for my schooling. It’s been a very stressful situation for me, especially the thought that I may have to ask family members to borrow large sums in order to pay for my next tuition. That’s why it was such an amazing surprise to see the email that I received this award. I teared up immediately as it has taken a huge load off my shoulders. I am very passionate about Nursing and am so thankful for the opportunity to continue in my program without worry of being unable to pay for tuition and textbooks.

I want to sincerely thank you for this opportunity and assure you that this bursary will not be wasted. Thank you for all you do in allowing us students to continue in our education.”

-2020/21 award recipient

We’d like to recognize the following donors for their contributions to the MSBI 2020/21 Matching program:

A. Cowell

Advertising Association of Winnipeg


Aileen Najduch

Alexis Reeves

Alisa Ramrattan and Christine Watson

Allison Peterson

Alyssa Malenchak

Anne MacVicar

Arden Mills ULC

Arlene Joanne Sawicz

Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd.

Arnold Kolaski

ASM International Manitoba Chapter

Association of Manitoba Land Surveyors

BakeMark Canada

Barbara Forsyth

Barbara McCandless

Barbara Parsons

Beach Rocke Engineering Ltd.

Bell Media Radio Winnipeg

Bernice Fanning

Beverley Emes-Macklin

Bill Kerwin

Bird Construction Company

Boeing Canada Operations Ltd

Brayden Robb

Broadcasters Association of Manitoba

Bruno Carvalho Rivas

Bryan C Collier

C. Dudley Hill

C.K. Machine Tool & Industrial Supply

C.P. Loewen Foundation

Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories

Canadian Culinary Federation – Winnipeg Branch

Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society – Manitoba Chapter

Canadian Institute of Steel Construction

Canadian Public Relations Society – Manitoba Chapter

Carolyn Schmidt

Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba Inc.

Certified Technicians and Technologists Association of Manitoba Inc.

Cheryl Ryczkowski

Christiane & Charles LaFleche

Christine Watson

Clinton E. Wilmot

Community Foundation of Portage and District

Concord Projects Foundation

Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs

Conor Lloyd

Craig Rowbotham

Cynthia Boughen

Cynthia Hacking

Dale H. Kendel

Damien Goodridge

Dan Moroz

Darlene Funk

Dave Kemp

David and Joan Rew

David Brand

David Pinchuk

De Jonckheere Family

Dean Gagne

Deanna Muller

Deanne Spiegel

Debbie Reeves

Denis and Gwen Sutton

Dennis Curle

Derek Kochenash

Diane Ramrattan

Dilla Narfason

Dilly Brodovsky

Donald Carlson

Dorothy Davidson

Dorothy Ford

Dynamic Machine Corporation

Edward Payne

Electrical Association of Manitoba

Elena Grinshteyn

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba

Erik Von Der Behrens

Ernst Hansch Construction Ltd.

Flávio Raphael dos Santos

Flynn Canada Ltd.

Francesca and Tony Creta

Frank Patterson Foundation

Fred and Elaine Meier

Garland Commercial Ranges

Gary Coleman

Gene Haas Foundation

Geoffrey Chambers

George and Adele Rohulych

Germiphene Corporation

Gerry & Barb Price

Glenn and Norma Baldwin

Gordon Mackie

Greg Burch

Guy Dugas

Guy Prokopetz

Halee Fayerman

Heather Mauthe

Helen Miller

Hesam Aminian

Hope Montess

Horatio Alger Association of Canada

Howard R. Engel

Hubert Bonin


Hydro-X Club – Winnipeg Chapter

IATSE Local 856 Film Technicians Union


Industrial Truck Service Ltd.

International Scholarship and Tuition Services Inc.

Irene and Gerry Varnes

Isabel Bright

Jaime Manness

James and Brenda Nykoluk

Janice and Bob McWilliams

Janis Thiessen

Jason Miller

Jean J. Burrows

Jean Lynas

Jean-Marc Joseph Blanc

Jeannine Paradis

Jeff Doneza

Jeff Frank

Jillian Schofield

Jing Jing

John and Geraldine Coyne

John Graeb

John Lu

Judy McGuirk

Julie Rachuk

Karen Thorlakson

Katrina Sklepowich

Keith Houndle

Keith Walker

Ken Burns

Kerri Korabelnikov

Kevin Dearing

Kevin Hines and Shelly Smith-Hines

Keystone Projects Ltd.

Krista Giesbrecht

Kristen Guy

L Dreger

Lauren Parsons

Leon Fainstein

Les Marmitons Winnipeg

Leslie Tsai

Leslie Walsh

Lewis Instruments Ltd.

Library Technicians Division of the Manitoba Library Association

Lois Edwards

Lori Lobchuk

Lorrie Kratzer

Louis Rodkin

Lucien Lussier

Lynne Squair

Macdonald Youth Services

Magellan Aerospace


Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corp.

Manitoba Dental Assistants Association

Manitoba Dental Association

Manitoba Good Roads Association

Manitoba Home Builders’ Association

Manitoba Metis Federation Inc.

Manitoba Pork Council

Manitoba Restaurant and Foodservices Association

Manitoba School Improvement Program Inc.

Manitoba Society of Artists

Manitoba Teachers’ Society

Manitoba Trucking Association

Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association

Manitoba Veterinary Technologist Association

Marc Da Silva

Marilyn and John Kenny

Mark Brzuskiewicz

Marymound Inc.

Mavis McRae

Melanie Gudmundson

Melody and Rod Penner

Michael Morawski

Mid-Canada Marine and Powersports Dealers Association

Mike Kolo

Mike Van Dam

Morden Area Foundation Inc.

Nadine Ogborn

Naomi Cohen

Nathan Koop

Nicole Coulson

OnWard Investments Ltd.

Paraskevi Ginakes

Pat and Bill Reid

Patricia Fraser

Peerless Garments

Pepsi Cola Beverages Ltd.

Peter Wut

Petline Insurance

Powerland Computers

Project Management Institute – Manitoba Chapter

Raj Kulathungam

Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada

Rick Pelletier

Riva Harrison

Robert & Beverley Barr

Robert and Janet Okabe

Roberta Anderson

Ron Blicq

Rose Marie Hess

Rotary Club of Portage la Prairie

Royal Canadian Legion District No. 6

RRC Students’ Association

Russell Hendrix Food Equipment Ltd.

Ryan McBride


Sandvik Coromant Canada


Scotiabank Group

Seven Oaks General Hospital

Sharon Brodovsky

Shelley Tallin

Shellon P. Williams

Sheryl Stern

Shirley and Tom Strutt

Shirley Muir

Shirley Shaley

Sid Brodovsky and Cary Shafir

Sinclair Dental Co. Ltd.


Stephanie Cyr, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton Consulting Inc.

Stephen Franklin

Steve Blayney and Associates LTD

Steven Blayney and Roberta Lowry

Steven Lipischak

Steven Onyschak

Stu and Heather Charles

Sunstar Americas, Inc.

Susan Harrison

T. Kent Morgan

Teresa Fox

Teresa Menzies

Tess Newton Financial Services Inc.

The Fairmont Winnipeg

The Farquharson Foundation

The Glenboro Area Foundation Inc.

The Happy Cooker

The Leonard Foundation

The Princess Auto Foundation

The Walter and Maria Schroeder Foundation

The Winnipeg Foundation 

Tony Hajzler

Toromont Industries

Tracy Cappello

Travis Paul

UFCW Local 832

Universities Canada

University Women’s Club of Winnipeg–Scholarship Trust

Veryl Tipliski

Wawanesa Insurance

Western Corporate Solutions Ltd.

Wilhelm C. Miller

WOW Hospitality Inc.

Yvette and Dave Slobodian

For more information about Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries at Red River College, click here.


Help build a better future today

March 29, 2021

When I walked across the stage to accept my high school diploma years ago it was a surprise to everyone in attendance, including me.

Like many students, I struggled in school with marginal grades – supports for my style of learning were not easily accessible back then.  After graduation my beloved mother passed away and I found it increasingly hard to find focus and stay motivated.  I moved around a lot, had meaningless minimum wage jobs and lacked security or direction in my life. My gap year turned into a gap decade. When I was finally ready to go back to school, I didn’t have the necessary credits for admission to many post-secondary programs. But I found a supportive path at Red River College and was offered stepping stones towards a meaningful career –  I had found a home!

I was accepted into the Health Care Aide program and started to gain confidence in myself.  I had discovered that I could succeed at school and knew I wanted to go further. I took College Prep for Nursing to get my pre-requisites up to date, and finally I became a student in the Bachelor of Nursing program, proudly earning my degree in 2009. I could not have done this without the help of many people along the way.

I got my second chance – when you give to Red River College, you give people like me their second chance.

Attaining my degree set the foundation for my career in the ER, ICU and as a LifeFlight Flight Nurse – giving me the opportunity to impact people, save lives and grow into who I am today. Those experiences helped me become a Nursing Instructor at RRC – where I help students the way my instructors helped me – and land my first leadership role as a Clinical Resource Nurse at Health Sciences Centre ER.

Because of Red River College, I am in a role where I can empower students and nurses to change the lives of those we serve, even under the most difficult of circumstances. Looking back to where I started and where I am now brings tears of joy and pride knowing that my accomplishments have changed peoples lives.

Red River College set me on a path for a career I love.  The skills I gained and critical thinking through my schooling taught me that there is a lot of life to live.  As a nurse, you look after others, but you can easily forget to look after yourself.   It is important to take steps to nurture your soul. Hiking was my first step. It was likely the first time I did something just for me. It went from a hobby to launching the Hike Manitoba Project and writing and publishing TWO books – which has allowed me to share some of my favourite hikes with thousands of Manitobans and help build a stronger community.

My life is full because of the opportunities that opened up for me here at Red River College.  By investing in one person our community benefits and grows. Imagine the impact you would have by investing in many? I recently became a monthly donor to the College and launched a scholarship for nursing students. My decision to give back is an investment into our future.  Red River College is an institution that provides the support, guidance and inspiration students need to grow into the best versions of themselves.

I ask you to join me and support the lives of our students.

Red River College responds to urgent industry and community needs – as a nurse and nursing instructor during COVID-19, I’m proud to work alongside my peers on the frontlines. I’m proud to teach the next generation of students, because when they graduate they become the frontline workers of tomorrow.

Please give to Red River College today to make a difference in the lives of our students. Your gift helps to provide students with the technology, support, on-the-job training and mentorship they need to graduate with confidence. Students like me!

Together we can build a better future.


Jaime Manness
Bachelor of Nursing 2009


Innovation Centre Update – February 2021

March 1, 2021

Red River College’s new Innovation Centre in the heart of Winnipeg’s Exchange District is now more than 70% complete. We’re excited to share how the new 100,000 square-foot space in Winnipeg’s historic Exchange District is coming together.

The Innovation Centre, currently under construction at 319 Elgin Avenue in Winnipeg’s historic Exchange District.


Language Training Centre on the second floor of the historic Scott Fruit Building,


The ACE Project Space, on the first floor of the historic Scott Fruit Building.


A bridge connects the Innovation Centre to the Roblin Centre.


A bridge connects the Innovation Centre to the Roblin Centre.


Student work rooms are located throughout the building

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

Learn more ›