Donor Community

Impact Stories

Olga’s Story

January 12, 2019

Olga was in grade 9 when she dropped out of school to help her mother care for her five siblings.

For many years, Olga worked in retail to provide financial support for her family but had dreams of working with children. After expressing her dream to her husband, John, he offered nothing but support. While she thought she was too old, John’s persistence encouraged Olga to obtain the education she needed. But while she was obtaining her high school equivalency, John was diagnosed with cancer.

Olga Rusnak“He wanted me to finish my school, and that was the hardest thing I could have ever done”. Olga took her schoolwork to the hospital so she could study by her husband’s side as he received chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She went on to earn her Education Assistant certificate from Urban Circle Training Centre Inc. in 2012, but not long after that, John passed away.

“I didn’t know what I was going to do after that, I was just totally lost. But I just kept remembering his words. He said, ‘Keep on going.’ He wanted me to have a future.

Olga then had an opportunity to enrol in the Early Childhood Education program at Red River College, which allowed her to work Monday through Wednesday, while going to RRC on Thursday and Friday. On top of a flexible schedule, she also had a strong new support system. She had instructors and classmates, as well as RRC’s Indigenous Student Support Centre, pick up right where John had left off.

“You’ve got all the support you need (at RRC),” she says. “There are a lot of instructors that really give you the boost, the confidence, the encouragement that you need. They have your back. And that’s what got me going. I’ll always remember them. I don’t mean to sound corny, but I’m just so grateful.”

“We’re in the North End, and I can see some of these parents, how they struggle,” she says. “They’re going to school and their children are coming here and sometimes you can see the stress. I’ve been through it, and I’m right there for them, telling them, ‘I did it, and you can too!’ A lot of people need that confidence.”

The day after graduating from the Early Childhood Education program, Olga visited her husband’s gravesite to tell him the good news. ‘I did it, Hon. I did it.’

With your donation, you can be part of helping students like Olga achieve their dreams with a life-changing educational opportunity.

Make your donation today

Allison’s Story

January 12, 2019

Before coming to Red River College, Allison learned she has multiple learning disabilities and was advised to not take classes with reading, writing or math. She was also told that she would have to choose a different career than the one she had set her heart on.

Instead of taking no for an answer, Allison applied to the Civil Engineering Technology program at RRC to prove to herself and to others that her disabilities don’t define her.

Allison Enns“When I got to Red River I was nervous it would be a similar experience to my time at university, but I was wrong,” she said. “Here, instructors know my name. They say hello in the hallways, they care about my grades, and they make time to answer all my questions – and I had a lot of questions. At Red River the instructors take a personal interest in my success and work with me so I can succeed. Being here feels like I have my own private tutor for every class.”

At RRC, Allison was provided with the supports she needed to succeed and even thrive in the Civil Engineering program. After graduating she decided to grow her skills further and is currently enrolled in the College’s Construction Management program. The hands-on and applied-learning, at the RRC has been something that really works for her.

During Allison’s time at the College, she went on co-operative work placements where she was given the opportunity to play an integral part in the design and construction of RRC’s newest building, the Skilled Trades & Technology Centre.

Allison feels extremely fortunate that the instructors and staff at Red River have provided her with the skills necessary to successfully complete her co-ops, have a role in giving back to RRC and help create a building that will provide similar experiences for future students.

With your donation, you can be part of life-changing educational opportunity for students like Allison.

Make your donation today

Donor Testimonial – Brian Scharfstein

July 9, 2018

Over the past 15 years, Red River College has transformed our Exchange District into a viable, vibrant campus-based community. From across the street I’ve seen first-hand the changes unfold. New restaurants and shops continue to open, more people are looking to downtown as a desirable place to live.

I feel passionate that ‘education is the solution to poverty and integration!’ and the product that RRC delivers to our community is the lifeblood of Manitoba’s future. Our graduates are a commodity that is recognized globally, and I firmly believe supporting RRC is supporting the success of our future generations.

Winnipeg’s downtown can be a thriving center for living and learning. The Exchange is a safe, healthy environment where both students and newcomers can collaborate in living, learning, and socializing. And RRC’s new Innovation Centre will be impetus to that collaboration. The centre will be a place for community members to congregate, to learn and be inspired, and to connect.

I will continue to support and promote the Exchange District Campus through it success, and I’m looking forward to welcoming staff and students – our new neighbours – into the community.

Brian Scharfstein
Campaign Chair, Red River College
President, Canadian Footwear

Donor Testimonial – Ronald Hambley

July 9, 2018

The Winnipeg Construction Association is pleased to offer our unconditional support for the Skilled Trades and Technology Centre. Red River College has always been the ‘go to’ facility in Manitoba offering highly respected technical and trades training. Today this facility is badly in need of an expansion and renovation.

Demand for skilled trades is high and is expected to remain high (but) our ability to move apprentices through school, given the severe lack of space, has the potential to jeopardize this opportunity. This bold and innovative project will provide the skilled trades program the space they need to grow and attract students by offering them the opportunity to learn in a state-of-the-art environment.

Ronald Hambley
President, Winnipeg Construction Association

Donor Testimonial – Kathy Looman

July 9, 2018

Red River’s commitment to the Skilled trades and more specifically advanced manufacturing is well known throughout North America. I will speak personally about the reasons why I am so impressed with the college; my thoughts also reflect that of my organization.

I spent the first twenty years of my career in the manufacturing industry and over the years I witnessed firsthand how the lack of a commitment to the Skilled Trades was severely impacting productivity in the United States and I know in Canada as well. About ten years ago I decided to alter my career path to focus on making a difference in this arena. In this role of a spokesperson for careers in MFG I have become well acquainted with manufacturing education programs around the world. I have seen what is effective and witnessed the impact of schools like Red River.

Some of the strengths I see and greatly appreciate are:

  • Relationship with Skills/Compétences Canada.
  • Staying current and incorporating new technologies in the curriculum.
  • The focus on learn by doing rather than theory based teaching.
  • The schools relationship with business and industry so what is taught in the classroom is aligned with the economic development needs of the region.

These key factors in creating a relevant program cannot be underestimated. At Haas Automation and the Gene Haas Foundation we are proud to be partnering with Red River on the new Innovation Center and look forward to working closely with Red River College for years to come.

Kathy Looman
Gene Haas Foundation

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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