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Impact Stories

Carl Robert Ballegeer Memorial Award supports skilled tradespeople pursuing their careers with passion, positivity

March 10, 2022

An annual award in memory of RRC Polytech alumnus, Carl Ballegeer, will support an Apprentice Sheet Metal student who excels at problem solving, creativity, and teamwork; one who is passionate about their career; and who displays a strong work ethic and positive attitude.

Carl attended RRC Polytech right out of high school, working for a local heating and cooling company, while at the same time pursuing an apprenticeship path that earned him his journeyman and Red Seal designations in 2004. He then started his own company: Ballegeer Heating and Cooling.

Carl spent countless hours teaching and mentoring his younger colleagues and took great pride in his work and his career. His passion and work ethic earned him the respect of everyone he worked with and inspired family and friends to establish this award, which supports skilled tradespeople in training who share and who demonstrate Carl’s values.

“Thank you to Carl’s family and friends for their generosity in creating this award. Students who attend construction trades programs at RRC Polytech show up every day with the willingness to learn and demonstrate their skills. Hands-on applied learning is critical in the trades, and awards like this make it possible for students to focus on their training. In my years working at the College I’ve seen how this kind of support can take the weight off someone’s shoulders, and help a struggling student become a leader in the classroom and their careers.”

Guy Poirier, Chair, Construction Trades at RRC Polytech

Support Carl’s Legacy

Please donate today to the Carl Robert Ballegeer Memorial Award and help support the future generation of skilled tradespeople who, like Carl, pursue their career training with passion, a strong work ethic, and a positive attitude.  

You can contribute to the Carl Robert Ballegeer Memorial Award and strengthen the impact of his legacy by donating in the following ways:

Online (please designate your gift in memory of Carl Ballegeer)

by phone by calling 204-619-0139

By mail:

RRC Polytech Development Office
C306-2055 Notre Dame Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3H 0J9

Award Description

This $1,000 annual award, in memory of RRC Polytech alumnus and entrepreneur, Carl Robert Ballegeer (1980–2020), celebrates friendship and highlights a student passionate about their career; one who excels at problem solving, creativity, and teamwork, while displaying a strong work ethic and positive attitude.

The successful candidate will be an Apprentice Sheet Metal student who has displayed the above qualities, as selected by the faculty.

In Front of What’s Ahead: The $60M Campaign for RRC Polytech

January 31, 2022

On November 30, 2021, we launched In Front of What’s Ahead, the single largest fundraising campaign in RRC Polytech’s history. This event outlined a bold new vision: one that calls upon people like you to be the change we want to see in our province. The change we so urgently need.

By helping us transform our learning spaces, attract research talent, and enhance our student experience, you will create more pathways for students and industry partners to make a meaningful difference in our communities and around the world.

This campaign is your opportunity to shape the next generation of skilled professionals, problem solvers, innovators, entrepreneurs, community leaders.

At this event, our community heard from four alumni speakers whose lives have been changed by their experiences at RRC Polytech.

Chef Joseph Alex, a graduate of our Culinary Arts program, shares the story of how RRC Polytech helped him transform a Grade 9 education and limited restaurant experience into a professional career, and inspired him to give back – by teaching Indigenous culinary arts students how to realize their own dreams.

Allison Enns tells the story of how RRC Polytech said YES when other post-secondary institutions said NO to her learning disabilities, opening the door to a career in civil engineering that has allowed her work on innovative, high-profile building projects.

Sean Rayland, now a successful entrepreneur and full-time business owner with his own line of streetwear, explains how our Social Innovation and Community Development program gave him a second chance in life after a struggle with gangs, drugs, and time in prison.

Yuriy Hlukh P.Eng. recounts how RRC Polytech’s language skills and engineering technology programs made it possible for him to overcome communication challenges and build on his previous education in Ukraine to become a manager and project engineer, stewarding some of Manitoba’s largest Infrastructure projects.

Support for RRC Polytech Students Creates Legacy at Birchwood Automotive Group

January 17, 2022

Students in RRC Polytech’s Automotive Technician program

When it comes to mapping out the road ahead while leaving a lasting legacy in Manitoba for its staff and future employees, Birchwood is a driving force.

Manitoba’s largest auto group is once again generously supporting RRC Polytech automotive students through the Birchwood Automotive endowment fund while simultaneously recognizing some of its dedicated, long-serving staff.

“We wanted to give with a purpose and create a lasting legacy for our team members while giving back to our community,” says MaryAnn Kempe, Birchwood’s chief human resources officer. “We’re excited for the graduates, their futures, and our entire industry, it’s an exciting time to be part of the automotive sector.”

In 2016, Birchwood Automotive started the endowment fund at RRC Polytech with a $30,000 donation, with future contributions dedicated to retiring long-serving team members.

Jess Bowyer

Recently, Birchwood contributed $10,000 to recognize the retirement of long-time parts manager Jess Bowyer. More than 45 years ago, Bowyer began his automotive career as a parts consultant and then later promoted to parts manager and served in this role at several dealerships, most recently at Birchwood Infiniti Nissan.

“Jess spent many years serving Birchwood customers with dedication; he exemplifies our principles and values by his professionalism, commitment to his team and customers, and service to our community,” says Kempe.

Above all, Kempe says, Bowyer’s tenure at Birchwood will be best remembered for the way he helped new hires learn the ropes.

“His legacy was his ability and willingness to mentor and teach new people,” Kempe says, noting Bowyer likely trained “hundreds” of new service and parts team members over the course of his lengthy career.

The endowment fund is available to students graduating from the Automotive Technician Certificate program. To qualify, students must show satisfactory academic achievement and leadership qualities.

Since it was established, the Birchwood Automotive endowment fund has helped pave the way for 10 RRC Polytech Automotive Technician Certificate students as they continue the road with further training, which can include an additional one-year RRC Polytech diploma program and several years of apprenticeship.

The endowment fund is one of many ways that Birchwood has provided support to the RRC Polytech community. A long-time partner of the Automotive Technician programs, Birchwood accepts students on work experience placements, provides dealership tours, and participates in both classroom visits and recruitment sessions.

A supporter of the Manitoba Skills Competition since its inception, Birchwood generously supplies new vehicles for the annual April event, hosted at RRC Polytech, and every year, the company sends several team members to help judge the competition.

“We really appreciate the relationship with RRC Polytech and what the College offers for Manitoba,” Kempe says.

This strong partnership is “a two-way street,” says RRC Polytech Transportation Program Coordinator Dustin Blackwell, noting Birchwood is a major supporter of the College’s automotive programs.

“We connect our industry partners like Birchwood with students who’ve had hands-on, practical training in our workshop, and they provide the opportunity for our students to gain industry work experience, apprenticeships and ultimately, quality jobs,” says Blackwell.

Learn more about Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries, including how to apply.

Bridging the cybersecurity workforce/skills gap

January 6, 2022

Fortinet donates $150,000 to RRC Polytech information security program

As cyberattacks continue to make headlines around the world, a global leader in cybersecurity solutions is fighting back – by supporting Red River College Polytechnic’s (RRC Polytech) security program with state-of-the-art equipment and technology.

Fortinet provides cybersecurity solutions to some of the world’s largest enterprises, service providers, and government organizations. This month, the firm stepped forward with a $150,000 donation to RRC Polytech that will place tomorrow’s cybersecurity professionals at the leading edge.

A long-time partner of RRC Polytech, the company is investing most of its donation into the Fortinet Information Security Classroom, a state-of-the-art new facility located on the third floor of Manitou a bi Bii daazigae (formerly known as the Innovation Centre).

“It’s critical for information security students to gain direct, hands-on experience working with equipment they’ll be using throughout their careers to fight the increasing global cyber threat,” says Rob Rashotte, vice-president of Fortinet’s NSE (Network Security Expert) Training Institute.

But the rise in cyberattacks is only part of the problem. The war is now being waged on the home front as well, thanks to the growing number of employees working from home offices.

Rob Rashotte, vice-president of Fortinet’s NSE (Network Security Expert) Training Institute

“Businesses of all shapes and sizes are coming to recognize the impact of cybersecurity on their operations,” says Rashotte. “The threat landscape keeps changing, which places huge demands on IT departments who are now having to act as cybersecurity operations. The problem is, there simply aren’t enough people working in cybersecurity to meet the growing size and complexity of the challenges we face.”

Fortinet has ambitious plans to fill these skills and workforce gaps. In addition to expanding its public awareness and outreach efforts, the company recently pledged to train one million people in cybersecurity over the next five years. Fortinet already supports educational institutions worldwide through a variety of programs, and by providing institutions with access to its NSE Certification Program content.

“Investing in programs at post-secondary institutions like RRC Polytech helps us achieve our mutual goals even faster,” says Al Nasturzio, the NSE Training Institute’s director of programs and partnerships. “It takes time to develop new programs and adapt old ones to current realities. RRC Polytech is already doing that work, and doing it well. Our investment will enhance RRC Polytech’s proven expertise in delivering applied, hands-on training by providing access to our equipment, as well as to career development opportunities.”

Fortinet’s Security Academy Program bridges the gap between learning and careers through access to industry-recognized training and certification courses. The Security Academy Program collaborates with higher education institutions and schools around the world to help learners become skilled cybersecurity professionals.

That includes veterans, women and minorities, who often don’t think of cybersecurity when considering careers, or encounter barriers to accessing the training they need to pursue such a career. According to one study, for instance, women make up approximately 25 per cent of the cybersecurity workforce while minorities make up only 26 per cent.

Melonia da Gama, Fortinet’s director of marketing for the NSE Training Institute, says partnering with RRC Polytech will boost the company’s ability to attract more people from under-represented groups.

“RRC Polytech is already doing so much to reach women and minorities by removing barriers and enhancing access to its programs. That helps us close the workforce gap while ensuring tomorrow’s workforce reflects the full diversity of the communities we serve.”

Worth the wait: RRC Polytech welcomes new arrival under Student Refugee Program sponsorship

December 16, 2021

Mhamad Dale Aldale to is a Syrian is enrolled in the Electrical Engineering Technology program at RRC Polytech (Photo by Jason Halstead)

After waiting nearly four years, Mhamad Dale Aldale is in Canada and pursuing his dream career, thanks to the support of RRC Polytech’s Student Refugee Program (SRP).

Aldale, who goes by Dali, had what he humorously calls a “double personality” before arriving in Winnipeg this August, as he had passions in both humanitarian and engineering fields. Now, he’s decided to go for the latter in the College’s Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) program, where the 24-year-old Syrian native is finishing up his first semester.

“It was a tough decision for me, but when I arrived here, I finally made it,” he says.

In August, Aldale arrived in Canada from Jordan, where he’d spent the last eight years since leaving Syria. During that time, he studied for his future and began to figure out his career goals — including work with an NGO and taking online courses exploring electronics and artificial intelligence.

“I’ve been well prepared, because I heard that if you’re applying for something that you’re passionate about, you should start reading and looking things up. I had that base knowledge before I arrived in Canada and all of that has paid off,” he says.

The journey to get to Winnipeg was a complicated one, with over 24 hours of travel plus COVID-19 testing and paperwork every step of the way. After arriving at James Richardson Airport, though, Aldale says he definitely sensed a new beginning.

“Once I arrived, I was very satisfied that it had come through and I felt good about opening a new chapter in my life.”

The College’s Student Refugee Program was launched in 2015, when the first sponsored student arrived from Malawi, Africa. A joint initiative between Student Services, the RRC Students’ Association and World University Service of Canada (WUSC), the program provides a 12-month scholarship for one sponsored student at RRC Polytech each year.

The continued success of the program has also been the result of generous donations from stakeholders like Albert El Tassi. The CEO of Peerless Garments, El Tassi has been a champion of SRP since its inception, not only providing financial assistance, but giving students a head start on arrival — including gifts of winter coats and information on how to get around Winnipeg.

Mhamad Dale Aldale (Photo by Jason Halstead)

El Tassi cites education as his main motivation for support, noting industries looking to innovate and the refugees themselves benefit mutually from the program.

“Students are important to me because learning is the key to keeping nations advanced and to keep the world moving forward,” he says.

“You’re taking [student refugees] from a camp or a country they’re not from — Syrians in Jordan, Turkey or Lebanon — and that’s important to me. Some of them come in, they get their degree and they’re very happy, they’re working and doing really well, and I’m delighted to see their success.”

Outside of school, Aldale is adjusting well to Manitoba, including the experience of his first winter — which included, as he puts it, “layers and layers and layers”.

“I kind of like the cold, though, I don’t know why,” he adds. “Maybe because it comes with the coffee and all that. In summer when it was warm it didn’t feel like Canada, but now it definitely does.”

While living in residence, his EET classmates have been helpful, and he’s been able to find some to connect with in his first few months in residence and on campus.

“As you know, so many people who have been interrupted just take a college course instead of going to university,” he says. “I’m able to find matches with those people.”

After graduation, Aldale hopes to work as a creative electrical engineer, citing Manitoba Hydro as an example of an organization where he eventually wants to get his foot in the door. In an ideal world, he can combine his humanitarian experience in Jordan with his new technical passion.

He recognizes, though, that the opening of those doors starts with the SRP and those who make it possible.

“This program has changed my life,” he said. “Everything I’m getting here is because of them; I’m really grateful for what they’re doing, and I hope that someday I can help them.

“They’re providing something great in the field of education, bringing people who are really hopeless and giving them hope, in all areas of the world.”

Those interested in supporting the program through the WUSC Local Committee as a member or a volunteer can contact Parmeet Ghatoaura, International Student Support Coordinator, at or 204.632-2174

Profile by John Gaudes (Creative Communications, 2012)

In Front of What’s Ahead: Raising the bandwidth of Manitoba’s IT sector

December 14, 2021

Brad Olbort and Kyle Molotkin of Informanix Technology Group together at RRC Polytech’s new Manitou a bi Bii daziigae building

Informanix Technology Group, a Winnipeg-based information technology firm, has made a $100,000 commitment to Red River College Polytechnic (RRC Polytech) aimed at bolstering big-picture thinking and in-depth technical knowledge in tomorrow’s IT workforce. An additional $12,500 donation will fund a scholarship for eligible students in the College’s information technology programs.

“We know first-hand how RRC Polytech prepares students to hit the ground running on day one of their careers,” says Informanix President and CEO Kyle Molotkin, “and we appreciate how the College continues to adapt to changing industry needs by creating new programs, including IT Security and IT Infrastructure. We’re glad they’re stepping forward to fill a critical gap in Manitoba’s labour market.”

Today’s information technology sector already faces an increasingly complex set of challenges, says Molotkin. These include cyber security threats, the expansion of the remote workplace, and the rise of cloud computing.

“Compounding all these problems is an urgent need for talent in the sector,” he says. “As information technology gets more and more complex, it’s harder to find people who really understand the nuts and bolts, and how all the pieces fit together.”

The scholarship, the Informanix Future Information Security Architect Award, will provide $2,500 each year to an information technology student. Molotkin and Informanix VP of Operations Brad Olbort both graduated from the program in 2006.

Olbort says the scholarship values critical thinking over grades. “We want to reward and encourage students who understand how all the pieces fit together, who can anticipate how one IT solution impacts other areas. These are the skills that are going to make for the successful architect-level IT professionals our industry needs to thrive and grow in the future.”

“The recipient will be an IT visionary: someone who lives, breathes, and is inspired by technology,” adds Molotkin.

The remainder of Informanix’s donation will support Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, formerly known as the Innovation Centre. In honour of their generosity, RRC Polytech is renaming a computer lab in the Roblin Centre the Informanix IT Networking Lab. Molotkin and Olbort chose this space because it has personal significance to them.

“It’s where we spent so much of our time learning what we needed to start our careers and eventually launch our own company,” says Molotkin. “We’ve been fortunate, and now we want to give back. Having our name on this space brings everything full circle.”

The two founded Informanix in 2013 after successful careers in the corporate sector. As a full-suite information technology service provider, the company provides managed services to small and medium-sized businesses who don’t have capacity for an in-house IT department of their own. Informanix also provides highly technical and specialized project-based support for enterprise-level clients.

So far, the company has added has more than a hundred clients across Manitoba and Western Canada to its roster. It employs a team of 17 – including several RRC Polytech grads.

CPA Manitoba helps students at RRC Polytech get In Front of What’s Ahead

December 10, 2021

Collaboration Workroom Rendering | Courtesay of Diamond Schmitt Architects and Number TEN Architectural Group

A new workspace at Red River College Polytechnic (RRC Polytech) offers a welcoming space for students to explore new ideas and opportunities, and encourages collaboration between students, industry partners and visitors.

The CPA Manitoba Collaboration Workroom, located on the second floor of Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, is a bright, modern space designed for study, work, community meetings, breakout sessions and small group activities. The space can be used during events or ceremonies as a private place to reflect, or for small groups to connect and collaborate.

“We’re very supportive of post-secondary education, so the more we can do to enhance that experience for students, the better,” said Geeta Tucker FCPA, FCMA, president and CEO of CPA Manitoba.

“It’s a way to enhance student learning by showing them what opportunities are out there in the world and connecting students to opportunity. And if students see the signage and wonder what CPA Manitoba is, maybe that encourages them to find out more and eventually pursue a CPA designation,” she said.

Tucker has held her title with CPA Manitoba since 2019, and is the executive sponsor of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for the CPA profession in Canada. She also sits on an accounting advisory board that advises on the curriculum of the accounting and business programs at RRC Polytech.

“I appreciate RRC Polytech’s focus on Indigenous engagement, and one thing that has really attracted me to the College is the innovation in its teaching approaches and delivery. It produces students who really add value in the workforce, and we want to be a part of that by being a donor” said Tucker.

She notes that while Indigenous students make up a low percentage of those in accounting and finance programs, she hopes the new CPA Manitoba Collaboration Workroom will foster collaboration and curiosity in students, inspiring them to explore new opportunities.

“Having this beautiful space to enhance and encourage Indigenous learners to come to the College is exciting for us, and if it ladders into the steps that lead to a CPA program, we’re helping contribute to improving the diversity in Manitoba,” she said.

Supporting the new space complements CPA Manitoba’s Indigenous Understanding Initiative, which represents the start of the organization’s learning journey towards making the CPA designation more inclusive and representative of Manitoba’s population, as well as to reduce barriers of entry to the accounting profession in Manitoba.

The Initiative also includes an Indigenous mentorship program, launched in 2021, which connects University of Winnipeg students with mentors from CPA Manitoba. The pilot program has been incredibly successful, and the organization hopes to continue growing it by partnering with other post-secondary institutions in the future.

“The hope for the future is that CPA Manitoba supports a profession that reflects the diversity of the working population in Manitoba. It’s going to be a long journey, and there are many barriers, but it’s something that we strive toward. We’ll know we’ve gotten there when CPAs feel they can bring their true, authentic selves to work,” said Tucker.  

The Chartered Professional Accountants of Manitoba (CPA Manitoba) is a regulatory body that represents more than 9,000 members, candidates and students. CPA Manitoba protects the public interest through rigorous educational and certification programs and ensures its members uphold the highest professional and ethics standards.

Kim Kotelo Memorial Award for Nurses honours passion to caring

December 3, 2021

A graduate of RRC Polytech’s nursing program, Kim Kotelo spent the first year of her career as an acute care nurse at Health Sciences Centre, working through the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. She passed away in April.

Kim Kotelo

The Kim Kotelo Memorial Award for Nurses is valued at $1,000 and will be presented annually to a student completing the third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program.

The award was established by Mark and Sharon Evans, who read about Kim’s story in the Winnipeg Free Press shortly after she died. The story painted a picture of young woman full of life, dedicated to serving her patients. When the pandemic struck, for instance, Kim would often spend her break time sitting with patients who weren’t allowed family visitors.

“We were so moved by the loss of someone who still had so much to give,” says Evans, who is CEO of Winnipeg-based financial technology company Conquest Planning.

No stranger to hospitals thanks to his own health struggles, he says he owes his life to the “miraculous people – the doctors and nurses who care for us day in and day out.”

Establishing the award is his way of giving back. Mark and Sharon will also be matching donations made to the award fund.

“You can’t change what happened, but you can make a difference. You can start something that hopefully inspires others to take positive action. We want to honour Kim’s memory and encourage people like her. Especially during this pandemic, we want to recognize the sacrifices they make to become nurses and keep the rest of us safe. We want them to know that we care, too.”

Those sacrifices are realities Kim knew all too well in her own education and career. Eleanor Kotelo, Kim’s mother, says her daughter worked long hours throughout the pandemic, often without any contact with her own family members for extended periods of time. “Yet she went in to work every day, giving hope to her patients and the best she had to offer as a nurse.”

Eleanor says her family is “humbled by the generosity of Mark and Sharon Evans, who never met Kim but felt compelled to honour her memory in this way. I do believe there are angels among us.”

According to Eleanor, nursing was Kim’s childhood dream.

“She wrote it in her journal at age 12: she wanted to be a paediatric nurse. Many years later, during her clinical rotation, she saw the life-changing impact of lung and respiratory medicine and changed her focus to that.”

Her instructors describe Kim as someone who embodied all the qualities that make someone an exemplary nurse: caring, compassion and drive. Kim also assisted on MAID (medical assistance in dying), which solidified her belief in advocating for people to be in control of their own health.

“Kim believed in helping others, serving those who were less fortunate, extending a hand to those in need. She had a huge heart,” says Eleanor. “In her younger years she volunteered at a senior home, a women’s shelter, and the Children’s Hospital. As a teenager, she was the kind of person who stood up for younger classmates who were being bullied. As a new nurse, she gifted shoes and a uniform for a nursing friend even though she didn’t have much extra money of her own. In winter Kim would buy gloves and hats and distributed to those who didn’t have any.”

What those who knew Kim best will miss, however, is her smile, her infectious laugh, and her bubbly personality.

“She could walk into a room and without demanding any attention and get it anyway – by being genuinely interested in and curious about the people she met or knew. She could put anyone right at ease. They felt like they knew her.”

Kim Kotelo

Kim was also a passionate traveler and explorer who preferred to go off the beaten track than follow a tour guide. She was a bargain hunter whose flair for style impressed friends and coworkers.

“And she was a spitfire. She listened to her patients and made sure the doctors treating them knew everything they needed to give them the best care.”

Eleanor remembers Kim’s ability to connect with patients through experiences they shared. Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 17, Kim went from being “angry and scared to educating herself and sharing her knowledge with others. One day while she was on duty, she was challenged by a diabetic patient. Kim rolled up her sleeve to reveal her diabetic tattoo, and said, ‘I live that life too.’”

She hopes the award will inspire and celebrate nursing students “who make patients feel special and loved, who listen to them and hear their needs, who act as advocates on their patients’ behalf, and who leave a positive impact on those around them.”


The recipient must have successfully completed a Senior Practicum in a surgery setting or respiratory medicine, demonstrate a caring and compassionate attitude with patients and colleagues, show a commitment to their education through attendance and participation, and have a strong work ethic.

Application forms will be available from the Nursing Repository and should be accompanied by one reference letter that attests to the applicant’s compassionate attitude with patients, as well as a short written statement from the applicant expressing why they should be selected for the award.

Applications will be accepted throughout the year, and the recipient will be selected annually in the fall.


Mark and Sharon Evans have generously committed to matching all donations to the Kim Kotelo Memorial Award for Nurses Fund. You can strengthen the impact of Kim’s legacy by donating in the following ways:

  • Online (please designate your gift in memory of Kim Kotelo)
  • Over the phone by calling 204-619-0139
  • By mail: 

Red River College Polytechnic Development Office
C306-2055 Notre Dame Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3H 0J9

In Front of What’s Ahead: RRCSA Gives Back to Enhance Student Life

December 2, 2021

(Red River College Polytechnic Students’ Association executive – Jahnavi Jahnavi, VP Academic; Avery Halldorson, President; Austin Burtniak, VP External Affairs)

An accessible workspace in Red River College Polytechnic’s Manitou a bi Bii daziigae offers students a chance to collaborate, create and explore new ideas using advanced technology.

The Red River College Students’ Association (RRCSA) Sandbox Zone is a multi-use area that encourages a collaborative approach to projects, small seminars and presentations. It gives students a safe space to work, while pushing them to be creative, strategic, adaptable and innovative problem solvers.

“The RRCSA Sandbox Zone was one of our favourite choices from the beginning when we started going over our donation options with the College. We made our choice very carefully, and I was very glad we chose this room,” said Avery Halldorson, RRCSA President and Business Administration student at RRC Polytech.

The main floor space is viewable from the public agora and is accessible for all students to work, research, and share ideas.

“It’s on the first floor, which we liked—we want the things we support to be accessible for all students. I hope students from all walks of life can come together and create something beautiful within the space,” she said.

The space will be outfitted with advanced technology for students and entrepreneurs to play, test and experiment with 3D printers, ultra-fast processors and secure networks. Entrepreneurs, industry professionals, businesses, government, educators and community members can dream, develop, test and implement solutions to their unique problems with the help of highly engaged RRC Polytech students and faculty.

“I’m really excited for the technology that’s going to be inside the Zone for students to use. It will be a very innovative space,” said Halldorson. “Together, students can make a difference, create new opportunities and help leave this world a better place than we found it. With everything going on in the world, RRC Polytech students can create something that will change the future,” she said.

The area will act as an extension to the highly successful ACE Project Space, where individual groups are steps away from mentors in the form of peers, faculty and industry partners during class time.

As both a student and RRCSA president, Halldorson appreciates RRC Polytech’s willingness to work with students and address their needs.

“Especially in the last two years, the College has done a really good job at listening to students and keeping students’ safety top of mind. With the Manitou a bi Bii daziigae opening, there are so many opportunities for students to grow and innovate today,” said Halldorson.

“The College is known for adapting to change and making those changes for the better, and constantly recognizing when they need to make improvements,” she added.

The RRCSA is one of the largest supporters of RRC Polytech, and it’s a relationship that Halldorson expects to continue for years to come.

“I hope RRC Polytech and the RRCSA can continue to offer opportunities for students heading into the workforce, allowing them to be ahead of the curve. Change is a big part of life and making sure the College can keep up with that change and teach students to be adaptable and go into the workforce with that knowledge is important,” she said.

The RRCSA, formed in 1963, acts primarily as an advocate for student concerns, publishes a student newspaper, and offers many different services, opportunities, support and activities for students throughout the school year.

In Front of What’s Ahead is a $60M comphrehensive campaign to help RRC Polytech make a difference in the lives of all Manitobans.

RBC Future Launch powers biggest Directions conference in RRC Polytech’s history

November 29, 2021

Red River College Polytechnic’s (RRC Polytech) annual Directions conference was back this year, and bigger than ever thanks to generous support from title sponsor RBC Future Launch.

More than 2,300 students and 150 industry professionals gathered online November 4 for Directions 2021, which featured an inspiring slate of keynote speakers, panel discussions and virtual networking opportunities, making it the largest Directions in the conference’s 20-year history.

The purpose of Directions is to connect students with industry and business professionals and leaders – those who have their fingers on the pulse of emerging trends, future career possibilities, and the real-world challenges of working in their chosen field. These insights can be invaluable to helping students decide if they’re on the right course in their education and career goals.

“The world of work is changing faster than ever, and to get ahead of what’s coming next, you need a strong sense of direction today more than ever,” says Kirk Johnson, Dean, School of Business, Information Technology & Creative Arts and Dean, School of Hospitality & Culinary Arts at RRC Polytech. “This conference is all about giving our students that sense of direction.”

This year’s keynote speaker was Joelle Foster, chief executive officer of North Forge Technology Exchange, one of Manitoba’s largest start-up incubators and accelerators. Introducing Joelle was RRCSA President and third-year Business Administration student Avery Halldorson.

“Joelle’s positive message about overcoming adversity and believing in yourself really resonated with me,” she says. “Hearing someone of her stature talk about her personal experience with imposter syndrome was hugely empowering, and I think it gave us all a boost of confidence as we look forward to embarking on careers of our own.”

Another highlight was blind Oji-Cree musical artist Matthew ‘Mattmac’ Monias, who delivered a special concert. You can access a recording of the concert online.

Because the virtual format of Directions 2021 allowed more students to participate, organizers expanded the event to include RRC Polytech’s School of Indigenous Education, School of Continuing Education, regional campuses, and Information Technology program.

“Great ideas happen when you bring together students from different backgrounds and perspectives,” says Johnson. “We’re also mirroring the realities of today’s workplaces, where you’ll collaborate with professionals from other disciplines than your own.”

Free access for more than 2,300 students wouldn’t have been possible without the generous support of RBC Future Launch. The program is a commitment to empower Canadian youth for the jobs of tomorrow.

“We’re excited to be working with RRC Polytechnic to showcase what can happen when we empower and enable young people to be future ready,” said Mandi Taylor, RBC Regional Director, Marketing and Citizenship. “RBC Future Launch seeks to bring Canada together around the potential of youth by collaborating and supporting programs that provide access to work integrated learning, future skill development, mentors, and resources for youth mental wellness. This is an idea that we have in common with the Directions Conference – an imaginative and innovative forum bringing youth together with industry around ideas, stories, and the determination to create real world solutions that will help our communities thrive and prosper.”


 RBC Future Launch supports the next generation of learners

RBC Future Launch aims to help break down the barriers facing young people. In 2020, for instance, RBC committed to providing $50 million in focused funding through RBC Future Launch to create meaningful and transformative pathways to prosperity for up to 25,000 Black, Indigenous and People of Colour by 2025, with investments in areas such as skills development and mentoring.

At this year’s Directions conference, RBC employees hosted eight different round table discussions on topics ranging from human resource management and accounting to information technology and the not-for-profit sector. Herb Zobell, RBC Vice President, Commercial Financial Services Indigenous Markets moderated a session called The Mysteries of Financial Services. Kevin Shaw, Senior Director Advice Centre and a member of the RRC Business Administration Advisory Board, participated in the networking lounge and met with numerous students.

“Our support always includes participating directly in the initiatives we’re standing behind financially,” says Taylor.

RBC Future Launch is aimed at preparing young people for the new world of work by promoting the digital skills now prevalent in all industries, as well as complex problem solving, financial literacy, creativity, and tech skills in trades.

In addition to the Directions conference, for example, RBC supports a number of RRC Polytech programs and initiatives that focus on boosting access to mentorship, work-integrated learning, and innovation through collaboration. These include the Ten Thousand Coffees platform, which pairs students with alumni working in their field for one-on-one mentorship and virtual networking opportunities.

“Research shows that 85% of people acquire jobs because of who you know,” says Taylor. “But the reality is, not everyone has equal access to networking opportunities, including students living in remote communities. Initiatives like Ten Thousand Coffees and events like Directions break down those barriers.”

RBC funding also supports RRC Polytech’s adoption of the Riipen virtual platform, where student teams complete real-world projects for clients around the world. RBC funding also supported the ACE Project Space, a program that puts student teams to work developing software, apps, and other projects for entrepreneurs in residence and other clients from the local start-up community.

“Winnipeg is making a name for itself as a tech and innovation hub,” says Taylor. “We want to help develop our homegrown talent in that area as well.”

And RBC Future Launch will soon host an ongoing series of Collision by Design discussion and networking events at Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, formerly known as the Innovation Centre.


RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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