Our impact is global. Each year, thousands of international students turn to RRC Polytech for immersive, applied learning and experience. Many continue to live and work in Canada after graduating, adding their experience and perspective to a workforce that draws strength from diversity. With the support of international donors, we can enhance resources and create opportunities to support the success of our international students, wherever their journey takes them.
Donors who reside and pay taxes in a country other than Canada are encouraged to review local tax laws and regulations, or to consult a local professional tax advisor for guidance.
$1,000 Scholarship
$1,000 Award
Four awards of $500 each are presented annually to four projects submitted by students who spend time exploring a dimension of diversity different from their own and produce a leave-behind project that promotes the selected the dimension of diversity and/or benefits the volunteer organization.
Two $1,000 Peace Awards are presented annually to current students in full-time academic programs who entered Canada as refugees or refugee claimants. This is an invitation for self-reflection, exploration and goal-setting that helps facilitate settlement and integration, and highlights the significant contributions students with refugee experiences bring to a multicultural community.
For more information on how to give to current international student awards or to learn how to establish new awards, contact Development Officer Elena Grinshteyn at egrinshteyn@rrc.ca.
World University Services of Canada’s (WUSC) Student Refugee Program (SRP) has enabled over 1,000 refugees to settle in Canada as Permanent Residents and pursue post-secondary education. Every year, over 55 refugees enter Canada as permanent residents through the SRP and immediately begin their fully funded post-secondary education.
Join the International Education team and Local Committee in supporting the journey of SRP students from camp to our campus.
WUSC ensures the success of the program by facilitating the overseas selection of the refugees in cooperation with international agencies and the Canadian government, placing them at a Canadian university or college, and providing training and guidance to the Local WUSC Committees. Each refugee is sponsored by a campus-based WUSC Local Committee, which raises the necessary funds ahead of time and provides the student with at least 12 months of financial, social and academic support. Help support the start-up of a RRC Polytech Local Committee and change a refugee student’s life today.
You can support this initiative by making to the Student Refugee Program Fund. Donate now or email development@rrc.ca for more information.
Explore our website to learn more about program areas, research initiatives and capital projects that help shape the educational experience for your students.
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.