English as an Additional Language (EAL) Tutoring with the Academic Success Centre

If English is your second or additional language, English as an additional language (EAL) Tutoring can provide you with excellent ongoing support to develop your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills for success in your program and industry. Currently, EAL tutoring is delivered online, and students can access up to 90 minutes/week of support.


EAL tutors work with you individually to focus on improving the specific language skills and tasks you are struggling with in your program. This includes:

  • Developing your vocabulary and pronunciation, and learning to use program-specific vocabulary correctly
  • Contributing to group work, including sharing ideas, and solving problems
  • Delivering effective presentations, including organizing your ideas and expressing them clearly
  • Strengthening your writing by organizing your ideas, using the writing process, improving your grammar, and expressing your ideas clearly and correctly

Click here to learn more about EAL Tutoring.

If you are experiencing challenges in your current program because of your language skills (reading, writing, speaking, or listening), and you would like to meet with an EAL tutor on an individual basis, please request an EAL tutor by completing the Tutoring and Coaching Request Form. If you have any questions about this support, please contact our EAL Centre at EALSupport@rrc.ca .