Mask Extension and Reporting Update

As we have done throughout the pandemic, RRC Polytech is continuing to monitor the COVID-19 response in the community and follow all public health guidance and advice.  We have and will continue to adjust our response as appropriate.
Therefore, RRC Polytech has made the decision to extend the current on-campus mask policy and re-introduce the reporting policy beginning today.

With the uncertainties surrounding new variants of COVID-19, keeping the mask policy in place and re-introducing Health Centre reporting will help to keep our community safe and reduce the opportunity for on-campus transmission.

The mask policy, which was set to end of April 29 will now be extended to May 31, 2022.

Proper mask usage has been proven to be an effective approach to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. The College will continue to ensure access to medical-grade masks for anyone on campus.

Re-introducing the reporting policy will help ensure we keep transmission low on campus and will also provide information on operational planning and students on practicums.

Beginning today, all students and employees, whether on campus or not, must now contact RRC Polytech’s Health Centre by using the Reporting Form in the following scenarios:

  • when testing positive for COVID-19,
  • if they have symptoms of COVID-19,
  • if they are travelling outside of Manitoba
  • or if they are a confirmed close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

RRC Polytech is regularly assessing and updating our strategies as we move through the changing situation in our province to ensure we keep our campuses safe for our community.

We will maintain physical distancing policies and the current program delivery method for the remainder of Spring and Intersession 2022 to limit disruptions for students and faculty and to prioritize essential hands-on learning.

The College will continue to move through our current re-entry plans where appropriate, including increased events and activity on campus, with the goal of a full return to on-campus for Fall 2022 term. As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve we will adjust these plans accordingly.

Thank you for continued support as we navigate the changes and challenges in keeping RRC Polytech safe.

More information found here.