What does academic integrity mean?

What does academic integrity mean?

(a) Submitting academic work that shows what you know and what you can do

(b) Contributing fairly to group work

(c) Giving credit for words, ideas or images that are not your own

(d) Finding the right academic help, not someone who will do the work for you

(e) All the above


The answer is (e) all the above! Academic integrity is when students show their knowledge, skills and abilities honestly to receive credit for College work. Academic integrity ensures your RRC Polytech credential has value, and also prepares you for being successful in the workplace.


The S4 Academic Integrity Policy describes the importance of academic integrity and the College’s expectations for students and staff. For example, when students do not demonstrate academic integrity, consequences can include failing an assignment which can lead to failure in a course.


If you have questions about academic integrity, talk to your instructor or check out the Academic Integrity LEARN Module.