Fraud Alert: Job Scams

There have been several reports of attempts to scam students through fraudulent job postings. Avoid these scams by watching for these warning signs:

  • You received a job offer without an application or interview
  • You are offered a job different from the one you applied for
  • You’re promised high pay for easy work or a limited amount of work hours
  • You’re being asked to use your bank account to conduct business on behalf of the company
  • You’re told you have to pay for training, software or materials
  • You’re asked to use your own money to purchase gift cards or other items of value to send back to the “employer”


Many scammers now have an elaborate website with a matching professional-looking email which makes it difficult to tell if they are legitimate or not. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact Career Services at


For more information, visit How to Spot and Avoid Online Job Scams