International Student Ambassador Reflection – Phuong Tran

Becoming an ambassador at Red River College Polytechnic is one of the biggest memories that I will keep forever in my life. Changing to a new life in a new country is never an easy thing to do for anyone, especially me when I decided for this big move when I am over 40 years old; therefore, I was at first full of worry on my study and adaptability here. However, Red River College Polytechnic has offered me adequate information and guidance on how get used to the academic setting and more than that how to adapt to the real life here in Canada through many useful activities during the period I have been acting as an international student ambassador.

I have the chances to attend various interesting events such as the Futsal in the college and even took part in as a player, visiting Zoo light, Snow Maze or the Voyager Festival and especially I have become a crazy fan for Winnipeg Jets after my first time watching hockey game here. From these events, I can feel that I know more about this place and people and become more Winnipegger as well. In addition, during the time of commitment, I am so happy when I was recognized in campuswide as an international student ambassador and I also have had the chance to connect with my staff as well as other students in the college from that I can expand my network. Not only that, becoming an ambassador also pushes me to act responsibly for my study, maybe it is one of the reasons why I can get good results for my program. I can feel this program and this position as an ambassador has equipped me well for my future journey with all knowledge of academics and cultures and the confidence to engage and adapt to the community or the workplace.

In addition, I am confident to say that thanks to this position, my communication skill has also been growing. I always set my own mindset to be the pioneer in connecting with many classmates or other friends at Red River College Polytechnic in many class activities. I do believe good communication will connect everyone and help to ease every difficulty we are experiencing, from that we can achieve our ultimate goal in both academic and social lives.

Looking back on my ambassador term, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Red River College Polytechnic in general and to Parmeet, specifically, who has put your trust on me and my ambassador team and all friends for accompanying me on this journey of success. I wish the successive ambassadors all the best and I hope you can take this unique opportunity to explore your exciting adventure ahead.