Frequently Asked Questions

The recent announcement on January 22, 2024, by the Government of Canada to introduce new measures to address international student recruitment in Canada has sparked numerous questions and concerns among current and prospective international students at RRC Polytech.

We recognize this news is incredibly difficult and may cause stress and uncertainty for current and prospective international students.

We are still learning about what kind of impact this may have on RRC Polytech and we remain committed to working with the province and federal government to fully understand how these new measures will be implemented.

Our priority is to support you and provide you with the information and answers to questions you may have.

International students bring a wealth of knowledge, new perspectives, and cultures to Manitoba’s communities, schools, and workplaces. RRC Polytech has always taken an incremental and balanced approach to international student recruitment. The goal is to provide a positive and high-quality academic learning experience for international students with the necessary services and supports in place, while ensuring we continue to meet the workforce needs of Manitoba.

We know that you have many questions, and we’re working to obtain more information so we can provide you with answers as soon as possible. We are committed to keeping you updated as we learn more.

If you have questions about this announcement and the implications, please contact RRC Polytech’s Centre for International Education and Global Partnerships (CIEGP) by email at for information and support as well. Students, staff and faculty can access various supports and resources.

Current and Accepted Students

International Travel and Immigration

Student Finance and Life Support

International Health Insurance