
Thank you! – The Celebration of Culture Party

Thank you to all students and staff for attending the Celebration of Culture Party on January 27. It was great to see everyone enjoying the fascinating performances from artists from Brazil, China, Latin America, Africa, and India. There was also a large selection of delicious ethnic traditional food from six countries. The party was filled with joy, celebration, and diversity!…

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English Conversation Circle

Hosted by the Academic Success Centre, students are invited to join the weekly English Conversation Circle to strengthen speaking skills, and build connection and confidence through communication practice. No registration required, just drop in and join the conversation! Sessions will run for six weeks, starting the week of January 9th. Mondays, 12-1pm at NDC, Global Connections Room, D208 January 9th –…

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Anti-Racism & You: Understanding Systemic Racism

Anti-Racism Workshop #2: Understanding Systemic Racism You may have heard, “it’s just not enough to be ‘not racist’; you must be anti-racist”. We know that diversity is one of our greatest strengths, and its fullness is only realized when injustices and inequalities are challenged by people standing up, speaking out, and pushing back against racism in all its forms. The…

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Black History Month

Every February, people across the United States and Canada observe Black History Month by learning and understanding Black histories, but more specifically honouring Black Americans’ and Canadians’ contributions and accomplishments. Throughout February, RRC Polytech will be highlighting and sharing some personal stories from Black staff, students, alumni and members of our Board of Governors. Check out our upcoming events and engagement opportunities:…

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Beyond Culture: Navigating Cultural Differences

People find comfort in what’s familiar; however, our lives are connected through people of all sorts of cultural identities that are different than our own – in our classrooms, workplaces, and communities. How well are you able to step outside your comfort zone and navigate cultural differences between people?   Success in the workplace depends on the ability to consider…

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Celebration of Culture Party – Friday, January 27, 6PM

You are formally invited to the Celebration of Culture Party hosted by the Centre for International Education and Global Partnerships. As part of RRC Polytech’s commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, we highlight and celebrate the diversity of cultures represented within our community – everyone is welcome to share their culture, including dressing in traditional attire. This event will feature…

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Health Insurance Information Session – February 1, 12PM

Do you have questions about the International Student Emergency Health Plan? Am I covered? What are the eligibility criteria? How can I learn about coverage information? It’s also important to learn about your health coverage so you know what to expect when you need it. If you have questions about the health insurance plan, we are offering information sessions at the …

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Writing for Success Workshop Series

The Academic Success Centre is offering a six-part online workshop series this term called Building Your Writing Foundation and is open to ALL students. The series includes six sessions that will equip you with foundational writing skills for your college success!   You are welcome to attend any or all of the six sessions. No registration is required, just log…

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Health Insurance Information Session – January 25 and February 1, 12PM

Do you have questions about the International Student Emergency Health Plan? Am I covered? What are the eligibility criteria? How can I learn about coverage information? It’s also important to learn about your health coverage so you know what to expect when you need it. If you have questions about the health insurance plan, we are offering information sessions at the …

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Work Authorization for International Students

From November 15, 2022, until December 31, 2023, you can work more than 20 hours per week off campus while class is in session if you are a study permit holder and are studying at a DLI full-time (or part-time during your final academic session), OR have been approved for a study permit but haven’t arrived in Canada yet In addition,…

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