GO – Get Oriented

Get oriented for success in your new life in Canada and at RRC Polytech. As you start your program, we have strategies, resources and supports to help you start on the path to success in your life, education and career in Canada.

Welcome to RRC Polytech! We are glad you have chosen to join our learning community. We look forward to welcoming and supporting you, online or in-person, as you start your RRC Polytech journey.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

To help you prepare to start your academic program, we invite you to read the information and links below, and watch our orientation videos below.  Then join us for upcoming online sessions, where you will have the chance to meet your International Student Support team, and get answers to your questions.

Check back often, as we will be updating information adding resources to this page.

Get Ready – Next Steps

  1. Complete all the steps in the Application Process. Make sure to meet deadlines for your tuition deposit and submitting documents.
  2. Accessibility and Accommodations – If you will need classroom accommodations for a diagnosed disability or health condition, contact Accessibility Services to set up necessary supports.
  3. Review the international student orientation information & resources below.
  4. Log in to your HUB account and check your College email regularly. (The first time you log in, you will need to click on the “Claim your account” link.)
  5. Check out important information about the upcoming term:

In this video, International Student Support Coordinator,  Parmeet Ghatoaura, reviews some of the steps to prepare for starting your program.

Get Ready – Before you Travel

You should not plan to travel to Canada more than 30 days before the scheduled start date of your program. If you arrive too early, you may be refused admission at the Canadian Border.

Get Settled

Living in a new place is exciting, but there is a lot to do to get settled and familiar with local services. If you have recently arrived in Winnipeg, you may be spending as much time adjusting to the new city as you are to your new program.

Making this new place your home will help you feel comfortable and secure, and you will be able to accomplish more in class and life. Just like building a good friendship, getting to know your city takes intention and quality time. Set a goal for yourself to get to know Winnipeg better over the next few weeks!

Listen to Parmeet Ghatoaura share some things you will need to do to settle in Winnipeg once you arrive in Winnipeg.

Get Working

RRC Polytech programs are designed to prepare students for successful employment. We are proud to produce graduates that are highly valued in the workforce, and there is a lot you can do right now to increase your chances of success upon graduation. It’s time to get working!

Get Culture

What is Canadian culture? It is a good question and not easy to answer. In such a large, diverse country, the answer may be that there are many Canadian cultures. Canada is a multicultural country sometimes described as a “mosaic,” with many culturally unique groups contributing to the larger picture.

Each community, organization or even family may have their unique way of doing things.

Get Organized!

You’ve probably figured this out already; your RRC Polytech program is challenging! You have to work hard to become employment-ready. Adjusting to academic life can be overwhelming, but with focus and organization you can take control and find study success.

For more information or questions about subject-area tutoring, please contact tutoring@rrc.ca.  For more information or questions about English language support, please contact EALsupport@rrc.ca.

Learn more about Academic Success Centre supports and services:

Listen to Nyaninni share how she honed her writing skills in her RRC Polytech Program.

Get Involved

How do you feel a sense of belonging in a new place? With so many new things going on, it can be challenging to adjust to your new life.

One negative way students may deal with their new surroundings is by hiding. They keep to themselves, staying at home, eating recognizable food and watching familiar TV, only going out for classes or work. This behaviour can quickly lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Other times, students create a “bubble” of people around them from their home culture. In the short term, this can feel very good. Together, you share a familiar language and culture as well as the experience of living in a new place.

The problem with this coping strategy is that although you have a small group of friends around you, you are still isolating yourself from all of the opportunities to learn, connect and belong in the place where you live. You may also be sending a message to classmates, instructors, employers and potential friends, “I don’t want to participate in Canadian life.” This form of isolation can narrow your opportunities for career and personal success if you plan to stay in Canada for an extended time.

Successful integration into a new environment requires intention. Get out of your comfort zone and start participating in life on campus and within your Canadian community.

The RRC Polytech experience offers many opportunities for involvement in your program, campus, and community.

Get Help!

Everyone needs a bit of help to achieve their goals. RRC Polytech has a wide range of student supports available, but it is your responsibility to access them!


Do you still have questions about RRC Polytech Services? Contact us at iesupport@rrc.ca with your questions.