Planning for Success

Make the most of your RRC Polytech experience!

Your time at RRC Polytech will change your life, but achieving your goals requires a balanced plan. We have comprehensive supports to help you build the skills, knowledge, and connections you need to succeed. Check out the resources below to plan your journey at RRC Polytech and beyond.


RRC Polytech offers a variety of excellent supports to help you succeed in your classes. Don’t wait until you are struggling; connect with these resources early so that you can reach your full potential.

Check out these resources:

  • Academic Success Centre – Tutoring, academic coaching, technology literacy, and online resources to help you succeed in your program.
  • Library Services – Online resources and guides on many relevant topics.


Students have to balance limited amounts of money and time. Budgeting your money will allow you to use your time for studying and building your career skills, and reduce your level of stress while studying.

Check out these resources:


A healthy body supports a healthy life. Caring for your physical needs and staying active will help you stay focused on achieving your goals.

Check out these resources:

Social / Cultural

As an international student, you will have opportunity to try new experiences, meet people from many cultural backgrounds, and build friendships that will last a lifetime.

Step out of your comfort zone by connecting with someone else on campus, joining a club, or volunteering as an intercultural mentor. Get involved in the local community, sharing your skills and connecting with your neighbours.

Check out these resources:


Being a student in a new culture can be stressful. Stay aware of your mental health, practice strategies that help you to keep a positive mindset, and access resources when you need some support.

Check out these resources:


Life in a new environment can be disorienting at times. Maintaining a connection to spiritual practices, traditions, or communities can help you maintain your sense of identity and purpose. If you’re looking for spiritual connection or support, Counselors or International Student Support Coordinators can help you find spiritual supports from your community.

Check out these resources:


RRC Polytech programs prepare you for career success. Your career starts the moment you start your program – your instructors come from the industries you’ll be working in, and your colleagues and work experience contacts will be part of your professional network throughout your career.

Plan for career success by participating in career fairs, and employer or industry events on campus that will build your employment knowledge, reputation, and network. Your career starts now!

Check out these resources:

Your program instructors and coordinators can connect you to industry opportunities as well.


Having a safe, secure, and supported College experience is important. RRC Polytech works hard to support the safety and security of all students.

Check out these resources:

  • College Security Services – Services such as Safe Walk, crime prevention, and first aid, to keep you secure in campus. Check out these Safety Tips to find out what you can do to stay safe.
  • No Wrong Door – RRC Polytech is committed to preventing sexual violence, harassment and discrimination and to creating a safe and inclusive working, learning and living environment for everyone. Find where to go for help if you need it.
  • Scam and Fraud Prevention – Every year international students are targeted by scammers. Learn how to protect yourself, and what to do if you are targeted.
  • Safety and Health – Guidelines, procedures, and support for a safe learning and working environment.

Contact us!

Need help? Make an appointment to meet with an advisor by logging in to or email us at to connect with a member of your International Student Support Team.