Information Technology Solutions

Instructor classroom support

Below is a list of common issues you may encounter when using a projector with a College‑issued computer. You can scroll through the entire page or click on a specific topic from the following list:

No audio

  • From computer
    Locate the volume icon on the bottom right‑hand side of the taskbar, and ensure that you have the volume turned up and not muted.
  • From projector
    Ensure you have the volume turned up on the projector remote and not muted.

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Colour is not clear on the screen

  • Cable issue
    Ensure that you have correctly connected the cables to your computer. If the cable is damaged, please get in touch with Audio Visual Services or email them at
  • Projector settings
    Due to the various conditions in each classroom, factors such as sunlight can affect the quality of the picture. You may need to adjust the projector settings using the following instructions:

    1. Locate the Menu button on the projector remote.
    2. Using the direction arrows, find the Picture button.
    3. Adjust the Brightness, Contrast, and Colour Temperature using the direction arrows.

    NOTE: As a courtesy, please reset any adjustments you made when you finished using the projector.

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Computer not found or blank projection screen

  • Ensure that you have attached the HDMI cable securely to your computer. Try removing and reconnecting the cable again.
  • Make sure that your laptop has not gone to sleep. For instructions on changing the sleep settings on your computer, refer to the projector has shut down section.
  • There may be a My Computer, My Source, or Search button at the top of the projector remote. Press the button so the projector can find your computer.
  • Select the input identified on the remote and podium. Depending on the projector manufacturer, this input will be HDMI 1, HD Base-T, or Input B or D. For Sony projectors. You may also need to remove and re-insert the video cable.

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Presentation not projecting

Hold the Windows logo key Windows icon + P to open projection options on the sidebar, and then choose either of these options:

  • Extend: The speaker notes on the monitor and the presentation on the projection screen.
  • Duplicate: The presentation on both the monitor and the projection screen.

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Presentation display is wrong

The PowerPoint default is set to switch back to an extended display after playing a video, but you must change the setting back to a duplicate display. Press the Windows logo key Windows icon + P to open projection options on the sidebar, and choose Duplicate for your presentation on both your monitor and the projection screen.

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Projector has shut down

If your laptop goes to sleep for 15 minutes, the projector will automatically shut down. To change the sleep settings on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. In the Windows search box, type Power & Sleep settings, and then press the Enter key (or click the search result).
  2. On the Power & Sleep menu, under screen, select Never in the On battery power drop‑down menu, and in the When plugged in drop‑down menu, select Never.
  3. On the Power & Sleep menu, under sleep, select Never in the On battery power drop‑down menu, and in the When plugged in drop‑down menu, select Never.

NOTE: The projector may require additional time for the lamp to cool before the projector can restart.

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Additional resources

  • If the above topics did not resolve your audio visual, classroom, or projector issue, open the Audio Visual Services webpage for additional help and resources or email them at
  • To report an issue with a College‑issued computer, open the ITS Service Desk website to submit a Service Desk ticket.

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