Information Technology Solutions

Report Phishing Emails

The Report Phishing button in the Message tab of Outlook, allows you to easily report phishing emails. By using the button to report phishing attempts, you are helping the ITS Security team to better identify dangerous attacks and to protect your personal information and college data.
click repprt phishing button

How to use the Outlook Report Phishing button

  1. Select the phishing email you want to report.
  2. Click the Report Phishing button, in the Message tab of Outlook.
    click Report Phishing button and then Report
  3. A pop-up will appear asking if you want to report the phishing email, select Report.

    NOTE: Any emails you report using the Phishing Report button will be automatically moved to your deleted items folder and forwarded to the ITS Security team to for investigation. If you report an email in error, you can retrieve the email from your Deleted Items.

When do I use the Report Phishing Button?

Anytime you believe you have received a potentially dangerous or suspicious email, click the Report Phishing button. Emails you report using the Report Phishing button will be automatically:

  • Moved to your deleted items folder
  • Forwarded to the ITS Security team to help identify phishing campaigns
  • Forwarded to Microsoft to improve filtering

This button should be used to forward emails to ITS that contain malicious content or any emails that you feel are suspicious. You can block nuisance emails, such as spam or marketing emails in your Outlook by right-clicking on the email and selecting Block Sender.

NOTE: A suspicious email can also be reported by forwarding it to the Phishbowl email address. Please refer to the Report Phishing Email section at the bottom of the Phishing FAQ web page.

What is the difference between Phishing and Spam?

While phishing and spam are both unwelcome nuisances to the inbox, the biggest differences between phishing & spam emails is the intent of the sender.

  • Spam is a method of offering products and services by sending unsolicited emails to bulk lists, similar to the flyers delivered to your house.
  • Phishing actively aims to steal login credentials or other sensitive data, and campaigns are often highly targeted and well-researched. The emails will ask you to click on a suspicious link, open an attachment or provide your login credentials.

If you are unsure if the suspicious message you received is spam or a phishing attempt, use the Report Phishing button and it will be reviewed by ITS Security.

Why should we report phishing emails?

A phishing email looks legitimate but it is actually an attempt to get personal information such as your account number, user name, PIN code, or password. If you supply this information, threat actors may gain access to your bank account, credit card, or information stored on a website. When you see one of these threats, do not click anything in the email. Instead, click on the Report Phishing button in Outlook to alert the ITS Security team.

For more information on scams and how to protect yourself, visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

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