Information Technology Solutions

Mobile Device FAQ

You can scroll through all the FAQs on this page or click the following links to proceed directly to the area you need help with:

What should I do if my phone is lost or stolen?

If you have a College‑issued device, report the incident to RRC Polytech Security Services in person or by phone at 204‑632‑2323. You must report any lost or stolen device, whether personal or College‑issued, by submitting a support ticket using the College cell phone category in My Tickets. IT Solutions will determine if it is necessary to wipe the device.

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I lost all the data on my phone—can IT Solutions restore it?

No. IT Solutions does not save a copy of your data on your device and recommends that you regularly back up your mobile device to prevent data loss. If you have backed up your device to a computer or cloud‑based service, you can recover lost data by following your manufacturer’s instructions. Refer to how  do I back up the data on my phone FAQ.

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How do I back up the data on my phone?

Refer to the instructions that came with your phone or visit the following support websites:

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Will I still receive my email in Outlook?

Yes. Active Sync is a default set up and allows you to open the same emails on your mobile device that are on your computer’s Outlook.

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If I delete an email on my phone, will I still have it in Outlook?

No. By default, your mobile device will synchronize with your computer. When you add or delete an item, such as an appointment, Outlook is synchronized to make the change on all devices automatically.

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How far back can I sync?

Your phone’s manufacturer determines the default setting for this. Refer to the instructions that came with your phone or visit the following support websites for information about changing your device’s sync settings:

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Can I set Automatic Replies (formerly called Out of Office Assistant) on my phone?

Yes. You can find this option in the email account menu on your mobile device.

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Can I reset my phone myself?

Yes. You can wipe your device using the RRC Polytech Outlook Web App interface.

IMPORTANT: IT Solutions cannot recover your data once you wipe your device. You can only restore the data that you have backed up yourself.

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I accidentally reset my phone to the factory default settings—can I restore my data?

IT Solutions does not save a copy of your data on your device. Once you wipe your device, IT Solutions CANNOT recover your data. You can only restore the data that you have backed up yourself. Visit the following manufacturer’s support websites for instructions on backing up and storing your data:

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Why do I have to have a password on my device?

This is for security reasons. If you lose or misplace your phone, a password will prevent someone from being able to access your data or send emails from your account immediately.

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How do I change my password?

NOTE: To ensure you will not be locked out of your account after a password change, you must also forget the network and then connect to it again with your new password in the following places:

  • Cell phone Wi‑Fi password
  • Cell phone Exchange email account password
  • Laptop Wi‑Fi password

Open these additional self-help support Help Resources web pages:

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I am not receiving emails anymore—how can I fix it?

If you have recently changed your password, verify that you have updated your password in the following commonly overlooked places:

  • Cell phone Wi‑Fi password
  • Cell phone Exchange email account password
  • Laptop Wi‑Fi password

Additional self-help information

Open the following ITS Help Resources pages:

NOTE: To submit a technical support ticket regarding your mobile device concern, click College cell phone.

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RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.