Information Technology Solutions

Information Technology Solutions

Teams Recording in Microsoft Stream

Teams records your videos in the cloud and saves them to Microsoft Stream so you can share them securely across the College.

NOTE: Recordings must meet the requirements of the RRC Polytech Fair Dealing Copyright policy. If you are sharing video from external sources during your presentation, please pause the recording during the run of the external video (do not re-record/make a copy of an online video.). You may provide to those who wish to access the recorded version of your presentation a link to any online external videos so that they may open them at the same time in addition to your recorded presentation. Please ensure all your presentation materials meet our Fair Dealing Guidelines.

Below is a list of recording steps. You can scroll through the entire page or choose a specific topic from the following list:

Start recording

  1. Click the More options (more options icon) icon on the toolbar.
  2. Click Start recording.
    click start recording
    NOTE: If you started the recording, a notice will appear at the top of the meeting window to remind you to let everyone know that you are recording. If you are an attendee to the meeting, a notice will appear at the top of the meeting window to remind of the privacy policy. Please open Information Technology Policies for more information.

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Stop recording

  1. Click the More options (more options icon) icon on the toolbar.
  2. Click Stop recording.
    click stop recording

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Save recording

The following message displays in the recording window and shows that the meeting recording is saving.
recording has stopped and is saving to microsoft stream

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Open recording in Microsoft Stream

Once the meeting recording has finished saving, locate the saved recording within your chat, click the More options (more options icon) icon on the toolbar, and then click Open recording in Microsoft Stream.
click open in microsoft stream

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Default permissions for the recording

When you schedule a Teams meeting, everyone you invite to the meeting, regardless of their attendance, gets access to the meeting recording by default. You can invite attendees in the following ways:

  • From Outlook, you invite the required attendees.
  • From the Teams Calendar, you add the required attendees.


    • You also can Add a Channel instead of adding attendees, and that invites everyone who is part of that channel’s parent team.
    • If you create a meeting link in LEARN and share it with potential attendees, only the users who actually attend the meeting will have access to the meeting recording.

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Change permissions

IMPORTANT: When changing permissions, do NOT select the Allow everyone in your company to view this video check box. Selecting this option will share your video with all staff and students. This means that you could unintentionally share confidential information that conflicts with the College’s G3 – FIPPA privacy policy. If someone discloses personal information to the people in the video recording, it does not imply consent to share that information with the College community.

To change the permissions so that your entire team can open the video, click the More options (more options icon) icon, click Update video details, and then refer to the Share with a team and Share with specific people sections below.
ms stream – update video details link

Share with a team

  1. In the Permissions window, click the Share with drop‑down arrow, and then select My groups.
  2. Locate and select the team name to share the video.

Share with specific people

  1. In the Permissions window, click the Share with drop‑down arrow, and then select People.
  2. Search for individuals with whom you want to share the video.

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Share the video link

  1. In the Options window, click Share.
  2. Copy the video link and share it in LEARN, Teams, or email.
    rrc polytech stream

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Edit the video transcript

As the recording owner (the person who started the recording), you can edit the closed caption transcript after you upload the recording to Microsoft Stream. Please visit Microsoft’s Edit the transcript for your video in Microsoft Stream and Edit the transcript of a meeting recording in Teams webpages for instructions.

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