Approver: President and CEO
Policy Owner: Chief Human Resources Officer
Date Approved: June 18, 2024
Replaces: E1 Safety Policy – March 10, 2010
Red River College Polytechnic recognizes the importance of a strong, proactive workplace safety and health culture and recognizes that safety in the workplace and learning environment is the responsibility of both RRC Polytech and all members of the College Community.
The aim of this Policy is to set out the expectations and obligations of all members of the College Community that will ensure the safety of staff, students and visitors to RRC Polytech and to ensure that RRC Polytech complies with all Federal and Provincial health and safety legislation. RRC Polytech will aim, where possible, to exceed minimum standards set by law.
This Policy applies to all members of the College Community.
All members of the College Community will support safety at RRC Polytech. Everyone is expected to obey safety rules and exercise caution in all activities that occur at RRC Polytech, including complying with safety rules and obligations established under this Policy and any associated Procedures or Codes of Practice or Safe Work Procedure established for a given task.
RRC Polytech will establish and maintain a safe and healthy work and learning environment and promote a culture of safety that proactively ensures the safety, health, and welfare of workers, students, and visitors.
RRC Polytech will comply with all applicable Federal, Provincial and Municipal Legislation, Regulations and Codes of Practice concerning safety and health, including but not limited to:
Safety and health considerations will be incorporated into all RRC Polytech’s activities.
Codes of Practice and Safe Work Procedures established under this Policy may address specific safety-related issues. Everyone must be aware of and comply with the Codes of Practice and Safe Work Procedures applicable to RRC Polytech activity in which they are participating.
Any workplace incident that results in injury (regardless of severity), property/equipment damage, or that could have resulted in injury must be reported by employees to their supervisor at the first available opportunity in accordance with the relevant Code of Practice.
RRC Polytech has the right to manage activities and spaces to ensure safety which includes the ability to take interim measures during a safety related incident or circumstance to protect members of the College Community.
RRC Polytech’s Senior Leadership shall provide the support and organizational leadership necessary to implement this Policy.
The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for ensuring the development of appropriate Procedures and Codes of Practice and approving them under this Policy.
The Safety, Health and Security Services Department will have the responsibility to:
Supervisors shall have the responsibility to:
Instructors shall have the responsibility to:
Workers shall have the responsibility to:
All members of the College Community share the responsibility for safety and health at RRC Polytech and shall:
The Workplace Safety and Health Committee is responsible for:
Failure to comply with this policy or other safety-related policies, procedures or Codes of Practice may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion.
In the event of any alleged breach of this Policy or its associated Procedures, RRC Polytech may take immediate and necessary interim measures to ensure the safety and health of workers, students, and visitors before investigating the alleged breach. Such interim measures do not determine the validity of the allegation.
“Code of Practice” means a set of written procedures that provides directions to ensure the health and safety of workers. For the purpose of Policy G1, Policies Development Framework, a Code of Practice is equivalent to a Procedure. It is understood that the term “Code of Practice” is used to be consistent with terminology used by the regulator, Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health.
“College Community” includes:
“Regulation” means The Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, M.R. 217/2006
“The Workplace Safety and Health Act” means The Workplace Safety and Health Act, CCSM c W210
“Safe Work Procedure” means a written step-by-step process of how to perform a task in a way that eliminates or controls hazards which may be developed when a particular action or task is identified as potentially hazardous to a member of the College Community or the public.
“Supervisor” means a person who is in charge of a workplace or has authority over a worker, including Deans, Chairs, Directors, Managers, Supervisors, Instructors, and Faculty.
“Worker” means any person who is in an employment relationship with RRC Polytech and includes:
“Workplace Safety and Health Committee” means an established group consisting of both management and worker representation committed to improving safety and health conditions and acting as a resource among the Red River College Polytechnic community.
This Policy will be reviewed and updated as required within five years of its approval date.
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.