Corporate Legal

Policies and Corporate Legal

E3 – Radiation Safety

Originator: EHSIS
Approver: President’s Council
Effective: February 15, 2005
Replaces: New


Radiation is broadly defined as energy that originates from a source and travels through space or matter. Radiation, particularly ionizing sources, can pose a risk to human health and the environment if not properly controlled.

The possession, use, transfer and disposal of radioactive material and other sources of ionizing radiation is regulated by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) under the authority of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act and affiliated regulations. Other international, national and provincial agencies may also have jurisdiction over how sources of ionizing radiation are managed.

The following policy applies to all RRC Polytech campuses, programs and activities.


RRC Polytech is committed to the protection of students, staff, members of the public and the environment from the adverse effects of ionizing radiation. To meet this commitment:

  • Radioactive materials and sources of ionizing radiation will be used only if there is a net positive benefit to the College.
  • RRC Polytech will ensure that doses of ionizing radiation to staff, students and members of the public from the use of radioactive materials and other sources of radiation do not exceed regulatory dose limits and are kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).
  • RRC Polytech will comply with the requirements of the Canadian Nuclear Safety and Control Act and other legislation with respect to the procurement, use, storage, transfer and disposal of radioactive materials and other sources of ionizing radiation.
  • RRC Polytech will designate a Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) to administer a radiation safety program to ensure this and other policies, procedures and legislative requirements are met.
  • Radioactive materials and sources of ionizing radiation will be secured. Access to radioactive sources will only be permitted to those who have training in radiation safety and are required to use the material or source as part of College activities. No other use of radioactive materials and sources of ionizing radiation is permitted.
  • Radioactive materials and sources of ionizing radiation will only be used by staff and students who have training in radiation safety and are required to use the material or source as part of College activities.
  • All parts of the College where radioactive materials or sources of ionizing radiation are stored and used will be marked with radiation safety markings. Radioactive materials and sources of ionizing radiation will only be used in marked areas.
  • RRC Polytech will maintain an emergency response plan for spills and uncontrolled releases of ionizing radiation.

Procedures & Responsibilities

Radioactive materials and sources of ionizing radiation may be purchased, used or stored at the College only after a radiation safety permit has been issued by Environmental Health, Safety and Insurance Services (EHSIS). Failure of any party to meet the responsibilities noted below may result in the revocation of the local radiation safety permit and possible penalty from the CNSC.

College Departments

  • Determine when a local radiation safety permit is required.
  • Apply to EHSIS for a local radiation permit prior to the purchase, use or storage of radioactive materials or sources of ionizing radiation.
  • Ensure that all conditions of the local radiation permit and CNSC requirements are met.

Radiation Safety Committee (RSC)

A Radiation Safety Committee, made up of representatives from departments with radiation safety permits, will meet at least annually to:

  • recommend improvements to the College Radiation Safety program.
  • review local radiation safety permits including purchasing decisions.
  • review radiation safety training programs.
  • contribute to the annual report required by CNSC.

Permit Holders

  • Meet the requirements of the CNSC and the local radiation safety permit.
  • Ensure that all staff and students who use or work in the vicinity of radioactive materials and sources of ionizing radiation receive training in radiation safety.
  • Notify the RSO with regard to radioactive sources in an emergency, unplanned event or change in the conditions under which the local radiation safety permit is issued.
  • Maintain an inventory of radioactive material and sources of ionizing radiation.
  • Control access to radioactive material and sources of ionizing radiation to authorized/trained staff and students.
  • Submit training, leak testing results and other records pertaining to radiation safety to the RSO for retention.

Staff and Students

  • Immediately and in writing, advise permit holder and the RSO if they are or become pregnant during the time period when they work with or in the vicinity of radioactive materials or sources of ionizing radiation.
  • Work and learn in accordance with College policy and procedures, CNSC requirements and the local radiation safety permit.

Policy Date and Review

This policy will be reviewed every three years or upon changes to relevant legislation.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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