Originator: Human Resource Services
Effective: April 1, 1993
To outline the provisions respecting the transfer of employee benefits on recruitment to the College from the Province of Manitoba (Civil Service), or a crown corporation, agency or commission with which a reciprocal agreement exists.
Section 39(2) of “THE COLLEGES ACT” states:
“Subject to the direction of the board, the president is responsible for the general management and direction of the college including:
Section 40(1) of “THE COLLEGES ACT” states:
“A board may appoint any officers and employees it considers necessary for the purposes of the college and may determine the salaries and remuneration of those officers and employees and determine the terms and conditions of their employment.”
Transfer of applicable employee benefits may be authorized under the following circumstances:
For purposes of this directive, employee benefits which may be recognized are:
* administered through the Civil Service Superannuation Board
Portability of pension credits exists for all participants of the Civil Service Superannuation Fund. In addition, the Civil Service Superannuation Board has reciprocal transfer agreements permitting the transfer of pension benefits with a number of public sector authorities in Canada.
Note: Group Insurance coverage for existing participants of the Civil Service Superannuation Plan would also continue.
Where an employee joins the College from the Province of Manitoba (Civil Service) or a provincial crown corporation, agency or commission which is a participant of the Government of Manitoba Dental Plan, and has already established eligibility to participate in the Plan, the employee is not required to re-qualify if there was no significant break in employment.
An employee joining the College from the Province of Manitoba (Civil Service) or a provincial crown corporation, agency or commission with which a reciprocal transfer agreement exists, would normally have their anniversary date changed to become the date on which they became an employee of the College. This would have no effect on service where recognized for application of certain benefits (e.g. long service vacation) as described in this policy.
Note: Exception – Where an employee is on loan or has been seconded with their full salary continuing to be paid by the loaning or seconding employer, the employee’s anniversary date would not change.
Where a reciprocating employer has a cash settlement provision for certain benefits such as vested sick leave cash-out, the employee, on joining the College from that employer, would not be eligible to receive a duplicate benefit, (e.g. recognition of service for severance pay purposes would qualify as a termination benefit and therefore could not be duplicated by the College.)
If no termination benefit of any kind was received by the employee on departure from the reciprocating employer, recognition of the employee’s unbroken service for severance pay purposes would apply on joining the College.
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.