Originator: Director, Applied Research and Commercialization
Approver: President’s Council
Effective: November 14, 2006
Replaces: New
This policy provides direction for the recovery of costs of research where appropriate.
The College, in consultation with the principal investigator, will, where appropriate, charge all costs for research conducted based on external funding.
Since project requirements may vary from project to project, it is advised that all principal investigators consult with the Director of Applied Research & Commercialization when preparing the costs component of project budgets.
Where grants for research allow for the recovery of indirect costs, researchers must include them in their proposals. Many charitable organizations and foundations have formal rules against paying for indirect costs while others have guidelines providing for certain indirect costs.
Full recovery of all direct costs including but not limited to total labour cost, materials and supplies, travel and accommodation, external consultants, equipment (purchase, rental, maintenance, taxes and installation), necessary renovations and computer time. Labour costs should include a cost factor for faculty and other staff members’ time based on salary (including benefits and payroll levy).
Full recovery of indirect costs. The following are amongst those typically included in indirect costs: Comptrollers Office (purchasing, budgets & grants, payroll), Human Resources, Physical Plant, General Administration (research administration, legal counsel, institutional review committees), Faculty Administration (Dean and Department offices, review committees), and access to general library and computer services.
Indirect costs may be identified as a separate budget item or expressed as a function of total cost. Other alternative methods of costing can be considered provided that full costs are recovered.
It is recognized that the ability of the College to subsidize contract research or other academic and service programs through the absorption of indirect costs is limited.
Some agencies require that the College make “contributions” to the costs of certain projects. In this case, contributions should be calculated to express the cost of the faculty members’ time (including associated indirect costs) and shown on the budget as a contribution of cost. This contribution must be approved, in advance of submission of proposal, by the Chair, Dean and Vice-President, Academic and Research.
The determination of whether a project is grant or contract oriented has to do with the nature of the work to be performed and the conditions under which that work is performed. The following information will be of use to persons preparing research project applications in assisting them to identify the funding nature of their applications.
Grant: A grant is financial support for an investigator, or investigators, or group or centre or institute conducting research in a particular subject area or field, without any formal detailed stipulations as to the direction or outcomes of such research.
7.2.1 The research funded by a grant can be initiated by the investigator(s), group, and research centre/institute conducting it or by the grantor. The following characteristics are also normally present:
Contract: A contract is an agreement between legal entities, namely the sponsor and the College, to provide financial support for an investigator or investigators, to conduct research in a particular subject area or field under specific stipulations and conditions. These conditions may:
7.3.1 specifically outline the scope and nature of the research;
7.3.2 set the time period(s) for the activity;
7.3.3 define the deliverables;
7.3.4 establish ownership, patent rights and licensing arrangements;
7.3.5 provide for confidentiality of information supplied and created;
7.3.6 establish budget approvals and payment schedules (payment may be made as work accomplished is invoiced);
7.3.7 establish considerations for acceptance and/or termination;
7.3.8 limit liability of participants, and other matters that may be appropriate to the circumstances.
Standard Rates for recovery of costs of research, when applicable, will be determined by Applied Research & Commercialization, in consultation with the Comptrollers Office. Project-specific deviations from standard rates must be approved by the Director, Applied Research & Commercialization;
Distribution of Recovered Costs of Research will be in accordance with procedures determined by Applied Research & Commercialization.
A9 – Intellectual Property and Copyright
F9 – Conflict of Interest
H1 – Research Involving Human Subjects
H2 – Integrity in Research and Scholarship
H3 – Animal Care and Research Policy
H4 – Conflict of Interest in Research Policy
H5 – Students Rights in the Conduct of Research Policy
H6 – Research in the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut Policy
H7 – Research Involving Biohazards and Radioactive Materials Adjunct Researchers Policy
BPG104 – Development & Administration of Agreements – Corporate Legal Services
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