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A5 – Course Outlines

Originator: Program and Curriculum Development
Approver: Senior Academic Committee
Effective: July 3, 2008 (Appendix Updated November 6, 2020)
Replaces: New

1. Preamble

RRC Polytech is committed to providing students with high quality instruction that prepares them to graduate with the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities for success in their chosen careers. The College ‘cherishes learning and has clear and high standards for learning’.1 It is committed to the principles of a learning college which include “systems for ongoing assurance of quality, effectiveness and responsiveness to the needs of the employment sector and community”.2

A standardized Course Outline forms an integral part of this commitment.

2. Policy

A Course Outline will be prepared for every course offered at RRC Polytech. It will conform to the standardized template adopted by the Senior Academic Committee. This template is included as “Appendix A” of this policy.

The Course Outline is an official document that ensures students receive accurate and up-to-date information regarding course content, course requirements, and course expectations.

Course Outlines will be updated prior to the delivery of each course and reviewed for currency and accuracy at the end of every program delivery cycle. For most diploma programs, this will mean at the end of every 2 year delivery cycle. For all other programs, the timeframe for review will reflect the program’s normal delivery cycle.

3. Procedures


All Course Outlines must be approved by the department Chair or Program Manager.


Once approved, changes can be made only to the following sections prior to each delivery of the course without the need for re-approval: Instructor Information; Instructional Schedule; Important Dates; Acknowledgments; Additional Information/Frequently Asked Questions.


On the first day of each course, instructors are required to provide the approved Course Outline, either printed or electronically, to all students. Course Outlines will be reviewed with students at the beginning of the course.


Changes to the Course Outline during the delivery of the course are not permitted except in exceptional circumstances with approval from the Department Chair or Program Manager. Students will be advised of such changes in writing.


Copies of Course Outlines for each course section offered will be kept for twenty (20) years in a centralized repository for access by the Office of the Registrar and other College personnel.

4. Responsibilities


Instructors are responsible for developing Course Outlines and updating Course Outlines for every offering of a course. In the case of multiple sections of the same course, development and updating of Course Outlines may be assigned to a single person at the discretion of the department Chair or Program Manager.


Chair or Program Managers are responsible for approval of all course outlines. They must ensure that approved Course Outlines are provided to students.

Related Policies and Documents

2.3 – Academic Quality Assurance – RRC Polytech Board of Governors Policy Manual
A10 – Intellectual Property
A22 – Academic Standards
S1 – Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities
S4 – Academic Integrity


1 RRC Polytech Statement of Values
2 RRC Polytech Board of Governors Policy Manual


Course Outline Template

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.