Approver: President and CEO
Policy Owner: Executive Director, Student Services & Global Partnerships
Last Reviewed: June 2023
See the P7 – Fair Dealing (Copyright) Procedures ›
RRC Polytech takes the protection of intellectual property rights seriously. One such right of particular significance in the post-secondary context is that of copyright. The College and its instructors, staff and students shall take reasonable steps to ensure that materials protected by copyright are used in accordance with the law.
This Policy sets out the College’s expectations regarding the use of copyrighted materials, including but not limited to the use of such materials as course handouts, materials posted online (including materials posted to online learning platforms) or used as part of a course pack.
This Policy elaborates on the application of the fair dealing exception contained in the Copyright Act as it applies to the College and provides guidance for instructors, staff, and students on compliance with the Act.
This Policy applies to all instructors, staff and students of the College and should be applied whenever copyrighted works are being used.
Fair Dealing is a statutory exemption in Canadian copyright law, which allows for the reproduction and use of copyright-protected works for certain purposes without requiring permission, provided that use/dealing is “fair”. An explanation of fair dealing and its application at the College is detailed in the P7 Policy and Procedures.
The College, its instructors, staff, and its students shall not reproduce any works where the College does not currently hold copyright without a license or other permission of the copyright owner or the representative of the copyright owner, unless such reproduction is otherwise permitted by law.
As a rule, copyright owners may require payment and or permissions for the use of their work under copyright. The “Fair dealing” provisions within the Copyright Act provide an exception to this rule. Fair Dealing allows limited use of a copyright-protected work without requiring permission or licensing. The fair dealing exceptions are contained in sections 29, 29.1 and 29.2 of the Copyright Act.
“Fair Dealing” is not a term expressly defined in the Copyright Act. In addition, there is no clear marker or single conclusive test to easily identify when the use of a copyright-protect work amounts to fair dealing. Instead, each proposed use must pass two distinct tests to determine whether the use would amount to fair dealing or whether a license is required.
The two tests that must be met to permit a user to copy or use works without obtaining a license or other permission are as follows:
Instructors and staff should consult the Procedures and the College’s Fair Dealing Tool in order to determine whether their intended use reasonably meets the two tests for fair dealing. Students should directly consult the Procedures.
Having applied these considerations and with the reasonable belief that a proposed use is fair, instructors, staff, students and other persons may copy a short excerpt of a copyright-protect work in accordance with this Policy and associated Procedures. The meaning of the term “short excerpt” is described in the Procedures.
If the two tests for fair dealing are not met, a license or other permission will be required before making use of the work. The Copyright Officer must be consulted in all such instances.
The Copyright Officer is the College’s primary resource for assisting instructors, staff, and students in determining whether the intended use requires a license or falls within the fair dealing exception. Situations of doubt should be referred for the Copyright Officer for assessment.
It is recognized that the College’s overall compliance with the Copyright Act and its appropriate use of copyrighted materials is a shared responsibility. Accordingly, instructors, staff and students all have obligations under this Policy.
The College is ultimately responsible for ensuring the institution’s compliance with the Copyright Act. To support this objective, the College will:
The Executive Director, Student Services & Global Partnerships, or their designate has the authority to develop and revise procedures relating to the implementation of this Policy.
The Copyright Officer is the employee of the College tasked with providing support and advice on the College’s copyright compliance efforts and Fair Dealing procedures. The Copyright Officer:
College instructors and staff are required to:
Department Chairs shall direct instructors and staff to consult with the Copyright Officer where questions regarding fair dealing arise.
Students are expected to follow this Policy and the associated Fair Dealing Procedures. In particular, students have a responsibility to not further disseminate copied works provided to them by instructors and staff for instructional or educational purposes.
Any College instructor, or staff member who breaches this Policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Any College student who violates this Policy may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with College policy.
Any suspected violations of this Policy must be reported to the Copyright Officer for review, and further investigation as required by the appropriate College authority.
This Policy will be reviewed and updated as required within five years of its approval date.
The Copyright Act
MGEU Collective Agreement
A10 – Intellectual Property and Copyright
IT1 – Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
S1 – Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities
S2 – Student Discipline
Fair Dealing Procedures
RRC Fair Dealing Tool
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.