Policy Owner: Chief Human Resources Officer
Approver: President and CEO
Date Approved: June 18, 2024
Last Reviewed: New
See the E4 – Minors on Campus Procedures ›
RRC Polytech recognizes the importance of encouraging young people to explore their interests, learn new skills, and make meaningful programs and career connections through engaging in safe learning experiences and events at RRC Polytech.
The aim of this Policy is to set out processes and expectations to help ensure the physical and emotional safety of Minors participating in RRC Polytech programs or third-party programs/events occurring on RRC Polytech property.
“Authorized Adult” means an individual authorized to interact with, supervise, chaperone, or oversee Participants in a Youth Activity. This includes but is not limited to faculty, employees, students, and parents.
“Coordinator” means an RRC Polytech Employee who is responsible for organizing a Youth Activity, overseeing its direction and ensuring compliance with this Policy.
“Security Check” means Criminal Record Check, Child Abuse Registry Check, and Vulnerable Sector Check.
“Minor” means a person under the age of 18 who is participating in a Youth Activity. This Policy does not apply to RRC Polytech students under the age of 18 enrolled in an RRC Polytech program that leads to an academic credential, including micro-credentials.
“Youth Activity” means an RRC Polytech event, camp, or other programming directed primarily at Minors led by RRC Polytech or taking place on an RRC Polytech campus.
This Policy applies to all RRC Polytech events, camps, or other programming directed primarily at Minors and led by RRC Polytech. The Policy also applies to all RRC Polytech employees and anyone who volunteers at a Youth Activity.
This Policy does not apply to:
RRC Polytech will provide Youth Activities that enhance the awareness of and interest in applied learning opportunities at RRC Polytech among Minors in Manitoba. RRC Polytech will provide a safe and supportive environment for Minors to engage in applied learning and start the process of developing their skills and interests.
Youth Activities will be provided only where they are planned in a manner that assesses and manages risks for Minors and for RRC Polytech. The extent of the planning, preparation, and approvals for each Youth Activity depends on the level of risk associated with it. Planning will involve identifying hazards associated with each Youth Activity, analyzing the risks related to each hazard, and determining how best to manage and mitigate those risks in accordance with the Procedures.
RRC Polytech will comply with all legal requirements, including reporting suspected abuse to Child and Family Services. Any RRC Polytech employee involved in a Youth Activity who knows, suspects, or receives information indicating that a Minor has been abused during a Youth Activity, or at all, or who has other concerns about the safety of a Minor shall notify the Coordinator immediately even if they are unsure whether the concerns amount to abuse. Any Coordinator notified about such concerns must immediately notify Security Services and comply with any other steps set out in the Procedures.
Supervision of Youth Activities shall comply with the following requirements as well as any further requirements set out in the Procedures:
RRC Polytech cannot guarantee that Youth Activities will be problem-free and cannot account for all the potential risks that Minors and employees might experience while participating in a Youth Activity. Minors and their parent/legal guardian are responsible for being aware of any potential risks of participating in the Youth Activity.
Throughout the duration of a Youth Activity, RRC Polytech may take photos or videos for marketing purposes, provided that RRC Polytech has obtained consent to do so from the Minor or their parents/legal guardians, as applicable, before the program begins through the use of a consent and/or waiver form.
The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for overseeing the development of Procedures and approving Procedures required under this Policy.
The Coordinator overseeing a Youth Activity is responsible for:
Safety, Health, and Security Services is responsible for:
RRC Polytech, its employees, external organization sponsors, Minors, and their parents/legal guardians share the responsibility for:
All members of the College Community shall comply with this Policy. Breach of the Policy may result in appropriate disciplinary action being taken by the College up to and including termination.
In the event of any alleged breach of this Policy or its associated Procedures, RRC Polytech may take immediate and necessary interim measures to ensure the safety and health of Minors and other members of the College Community at a Youth Activity before investigating an alleged breach. Such interim measures do not determine the validity of the allegation.
This Policy will be reviewed and updated as required within five years of its approval date.
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.