Corporate Legal

Policies and Corporate Legal

G1 – Policies Development Framework Procedures

1.0 Preamble


This Policies Development Framework Procedure establishes the procedures by which policies are reviewed, updated, approved, and retired.

2.0 Definitions


“Academic Policy” means a College Policy that relates to Academic Matters and that is approved by the Senior Academic Committee of Red River College.


“Administrative Policy” means a College Policy that relates to all non-academic matters at RRC and is approved by the Approver determined by the Policy Development Framework Procedures.


“Board of Governors Policy” means a Policy developed in accordance with the Bylaws and policies of the Board of Governors of Red River College and approved by the Board of Governors.


“College Policy” means a statement of policy that mandates requirements of or provisions for members of the Red River College community. College Policies may be developed from time to time to:

  1. implement or assure compliance with a law, regulation, Board of Governors bylaw or direction;
  2. advance a key aspect of the Red River College mission or its relationship with its Stakeholders;
  3. mitigate institutional risk; and/or
  4. promote operational efficiency and includes Academic Policies and Administrative Policies.

A College Policy does not include a Board of Governors Policy.


“Designate” means the Management representative that the Policy Owner designates within a given College department or school that sponsors a policy.


“Procedures” is a document that describes the process for implementing a Policy. Procedures provide direction to management and employees about how to carry out the policy in a way that avoids unnecessary ambiguity, conflict, inconsistency, or inefficiency. Procedures may be revised from time to time as necessary.


A “Policy Approver” is the College’s Senior Academic Committee for all Academic Policies and the College President for all Administrative Policies.


“Policies Development Procedures” means the Procedures developed to support the Policies Development Policy.


“Policy Owner” means the Member of the College’s Executive Team who has the responsibility to lead the College department sponsoring the policy or the College President.

3.0 Policy Approver

3.1 Administrative Policies

  1. All Administrative Policies must be approved by the College President.

3.2 Academic Policies

  1. All Academic Policies must be approved by the Senior Academic Committee of Red River College.

4.0 Policy Development and Review Process

Phase 1: Pre-Drafting

Phase 1.1 Notification:

  1. The Policy Owner will determine that a new policy is required or, as it relates to an existing Policy, the Legal and Compliance team will notify the Policy Owner that a policy under the Policy Owner’s area of responsibility is scheduled for a review.
  2. The Policy Owner will name a Designate.

Phase 1.2 Planning:

  1. The Designate will prepare a plan for appropriate consultations with College community stakeholders. They may use the template attached at Appendix “A” to assist with planning and may recommend to the Policy Owner that a Policy Working Group be formed.
  2. In the event that a Policy Working Group will be formed, the Members of the Senior Leadership Team will facilitate the formation of the Policy Working Group to permit appropriately broad consultations.

Phase 1.3 Issue Identification:

  1. The Designate will collaborate with College community stakeholders as appropriate to gather input concerning gaps, issues or needs to inform the drafting process.

Phase 2: Creating the Draft Policy

Phase 2.1

The Designate will draft or revise the policy using the Policy Template attached as Appendix “B”. The Designate will take into consideration the drafting guidance at Appendix “C” in creating a working draft policy and the Glossary of Terms.

Phase 3: Consultations

Phase 3.1

The Designate:

  1. may request policy drafting support from the Legal and Compliance Department;
  2. for Administrative Policies, will consult with Legal and Compliance to ensure legislative compliance or other legal issues are surfaced.

Phase 3.2

The Designate will seek feedback and review of the working draft policy from the College Community stakeholders in accordance with the consultation plan. Where a Policy Working Group has been created, the Policy Working Group is responsible for reviewing the initial draft and providing this feedback to the Designate including without limitation, concerning the practical implications of the Policy content.

Phase 3.3

The Designate will revise the Policy as may be appropriate on the basis of the feedback received during the consultative process.

Phase 3.4

The Designate will submit the draft policy to the Owner for review.

Phase 3.5

The Owner will review the draft policy. The Owner has the discretion to bring the policy and substance of any relevant community stakeholder consultations to any member of the Senior Leadership Team, or SLT as a whole, for additional consultation, particularly where there are significant changes to the policy under review or there are significant interdepartmental impacts.

Phase 3.6

In the event that there are additional issues, needs or gaps identified, the Owner will provide this feedback to the Designate.

Phase 3.7

The Designate, following the receipt of feedback from the Owner:

  1. shall revise the policy in accordance with the Owner feedback;
  2. may undertake additional consultations with relevant community stakeholders including any Policy Working Group regarding the feedback from the Owner; and
  3. shall re-submit the policy to the Owner.

Phase 3.8

The Policy Owner and Designate shall repeat the steps set out at paragraph 7 until the Policy Owner is satisfied with the Policy.

Phase Four: Approval and Communications

Phase 4.1

When the Owner is satisfied with the form and content of the Policy, the Owner then circulates the final policy to the Senior Leadership Team at least two weeks prior to a meeting of SLT where the Policy will be presented and recommended for approval to ensure that each Member of the College’s Senior Leadership Team has the opportunity to raise concerns or issues for resolution.

Phase 4.2

The Sponsor presents the Policy to the Approver with a recommendation for Approval at a meeting of the SLT.

Phase 4.3

The Approver considers and approves the Policy or requests changes.

Phase 4.4

Once the Approver has approved the policy:

  1. the Owner sends the approved policy and written confirmation of the Approver’s approval to the Legal and Compliance Department; and
  2. the Legal and Compliance Department posts the approved Policy to the College’s Policies website.
  3. The Owner undertakes any additional notifications or communication strategy as may be appropriate in circumstances.

5.0 Policy Review Period


The Owner is responsible to review each policy within their area of responsibility every Five years:

  1. unless otherwise required by legislation; or
  2. at the Owner’s discretion to review more frequently than every five years.


In circumstances when a review period exceeds five years, the Owner is responsible for providing the rationale in writing to the Approver.


The Legal and Compliance Department shall notify the Owner one year prior to the scheduled policy review.

6.0 Associated Procedures


The Owner is authorized to create and establish procedures as required to implement a policy approved in accordance with this Procedure Guide and may delegate this process to the Designate. The Owner may request the assistance of the Legal and Compliance Department to assist in the drafting of Procedures.


Procedures may be amended from time to time without the requirement of a full policy review and as needed in order to facilitate the adoption of best practices or respond to changes or evolution in College operations.


Procedures must be provided to the Legal and Compliance Department. The Legal and Compliance Department will be responsible to post amendments to Procedures on the College Policies Website.

7.0 Policy Retirement


Policies that are no longer required or in use may be retired. This means that they are no longer in effect and are removed from the College’s website.

Phase 1: Planning

Phase 1.1

When the Owner determines a policy is no longer required due to operational, statutory, regulatory, or other types of changes the Owner shall:

  1. consult with the Legal and Compliance department identify and address any legislative or compliance related concerns around retiring the Policy; and
  2. provide notice to the Approver in writing and will:
    1. include rationale for retiring the policy;
    2. address relevant community stakeholder concerns around the policy retirement; and
    3. bring any unresolved concerns to the Approver’s attention.

Phase 2: Approval

Phase 2.1

A policy is retired when the Approver approves the retirement of a Policy in writing.

Phase 2.2

The Owner is responsible for confirming the Approver’s acceptance to the Legal and Compliance department to ensure that a record of the retirement is retained. The Legal and Compliance Department is responsible for removing the policy from the College’s Policies Website.

Phase 3: Communication

Phase 3.1

The Owner will undertake appropriate steps to communicate the retirement of the Policy to the College Community.

8.0 Acknowledgement


This Policy and Procedure drew significantly, with permission, on the excellent resources and work done by Ryerson University in its Administrative Policy Framework and associated Procedures.


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