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Policies and Corporate Legal

A24 – Student Evaluation of Program

Originator: Library and Program Services
Effective: April 1995

1. Introduction

Red River Community College is committed to the continuous improvement of its academic programs. The Student Evaluation of Program survey will give students the opportunity to provide Department Chairs and program faculty with feedback on the program. The Student Evaluation of Program Report will provide background information for the Program Review process.

2. Policy

Each academic program at Red River Community College will be evaluated by students just prior to completing the program.

Surveys will be administered to students in certificate programs in the last term of the program and to students in diploma programs in either one of the last two terms.

Students in short programs will evaluate the program within the last two weeks of the program.

Students in Apprenticeship programs will evaluate the program prior to completing each level of in-College training.

Students in Continuing Education certificate programs will evaluate the program upon becoming eligible for their certificate.

Students in programs which are delivered jointly with other post-secondary educational institutions will evaluate the program at the end of their last term at the College.

3. Responsibilities


Deans are responsible to ensure that each program in their Division is evaluated according to this policy.

Department Chairs

Department Chairs are responsible for ensuring that the Student Evaluation of Program survey forms are distributed, collected, and returned completed to the Program Services Department.

Program Services Department

The Program Services Department is responsible for developing, revising, tabulating and reporting the results of the Student Evaluation of Program.

4. Procedures

At the appropriate time in each program, Department Chairs will ensure the administration of the Student Evaluation of Program survey to students.

Department Chairs will return completed surveys to the Program Services Department for tabulation and analysis by June 30 of each year.

A statistical report on the Student Evaluation of Program will be produced by Computer Services and distributed by the Program Services Department by September 30 of each year. Student Evaluation of Program Trends Reports will be provided for all programs to be reviewed in the time period July 1 and ending June 30.

The Student Evaluation of Program Reports will provide background information about the program to the Program Review Committee as part of the five-year program review process.

A copy of the Student Evaluation of Program Report will be provided to the Program Advisory Committee.

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