The Teaching Professor

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This week we are highlighting “The Teaching Professor” A weekly, online newsletter dedicated to helping college faculty improve students’ learning.

Library and Academic Services (LAS) offers many avenues of support to faculty at RRC Polytech. Among those is our subscription to The Teaching Professor; an online, weekly, newsletter aimed at those teaching in higher education.
The Teaching Professor has been lauded for its succinct articles that make the connection between theory and practice in the scholarship of teaching and learning. It covers a wide range of topics such as course development, student engagement, academic integrity, online and blended learning, and professional growth.
Here are some reasons to check it out

The Twenty Minute Mentor is a monthly feature of a 20-minute video program. Check in each month to see what the topic is!
This months 20-Minute Mentor is How Can I Optimize Announcements to Help Online Students Navigate My Class? presented by Nathan Pritts, PhD, professor and lead faculty at the University of Arizona Global Campus.

For Those Who Teach is the long-running weekly column from Maryellen Weimer, the publication’s founding editor and its lead writer from 1987 to 2022.
The Library Team has taken the time to pull resources from “The Teaching Professor” in three potential areas of interest for faculty.
Please check them out and take time to get to know “The Teaching Professor”.
1. Preparing For Return to Class
At this time of year, everyone is looking forward to the slower pace of summer days! When the time comes for you to start preparing for your return to the classroom, The Teaching Professor can help with some icebreakers for the first week of classes and with setting the tone of your classroom:
How to Welcome Students to an Online Class
Creating Connections: Team-Building Activities for the Online Classroom
Transforming Classroom Culture
Bringing Authentic Humor into the Classroom
2. Academic Integrity
Academic dishonesty in the 21st century is so different than the days of looking over a fellow student’s shoulder for the answer. The Teaching Professor has many articles addressing this, here are just a few:
How to Keep Your Students’ Work off Study Sites
Cheating: Can We Be Doing More to Promote Academic Integrity?
A More Optimistic Way to Teach Academic Integrity: Standing with Honor on the Shoulders of Giants
Activities that Promote Awareness of What is and Isn’t Cheating
3. Life Long Learning
For educators, lifelong learning is so important. Developing your skills and knowledge after your formal education ends keeps your teaching fresh, allows you to reflect on what you’re currently doing, and gives you new ideas to strengthen your classroom connections. Here are a few articles to get you started:
Energize Your Teaching by Playing to Your Strengths
Why it’s so Hard to Change the Way We Teach
What Ted Lasso Taught Me About my First Semester of Teaching
Pandemic Lessons: Connect More and Hustle Less
Defining and Denouncing Student Shaming: A Teacher’s Reflection
Don’t Forget to Sign Up!
The above links are just a small sampling of what can be found in The Teaching Professor. To sign up for weekly article summaries please click here to sign up Teaching Professor Email Update Service.
Written by Erin Edwards, Resource Management Technician