Library Offers Expanded Support for Research at RRC Polytech

Library and Academic Services is expanding to greater support the scholarly communication lifecycle for researchers at RRC Polytech!
Research Services Offered
Researchers and faculty can benefit from Library Research Services in numerous areas including:

Searching for Information Sources
We can assist you with advanced searches in discipline specific and larger databases; developing search strategies; grey literature searches; and with knowledge synthesis projects (including systematic reviews in the Health Sciences).
Open Access
A librarian can help you with selecting Open Access journals for publication or with complying with the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications.

Author Support
(for scholarly communications)
We can help you navigate the steps between writing and having your work published by traditional and alternative publishers.
Research Data Management
Assistance with writing Data Management Plans (DMPs), data handling best practices, data description, storage, and preservation. Learn about what the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy applies to the research data you collect.

Research Impact
Support for understanding measurements of citation and bibliometrics.
Research Ethics
A librarian can help you with the steps towards receiving Research Ethics Board (REB) approval – necessary when conducting research involving human subjects.
Research Consultations Now Available
Research consultations with a research librarian are now available, in person or via Teams!
You can book a research consultation by filling out a Research Consultation Request Form. The form allows you to attach any protocols, initial searches, or documentation for the librarian to review beforehand to ensure a productive consultation.
Library and Academic Services is looking forward to supporting you in your research endeavours!
Written by Chris Read, MLIS – Research Services Librarian