
Library and Academic Services


Honouring Indigenous Themes on National Canadian Film Day

April 22, 2020

What is National Canadian Film Day?

National Canadian Film Day logoNational Canadian Film Day (NCFD), held on April 22, was started by REEL Canada, a charitable organization that celebrates Canada through film. NCFD is a massive one-day, coast-to-coast-to-coast celebration of Canadian cinema. Why did they start it? Because “film – more than any other medium – has the power to capture the soul of a nation, and when we only watch movies from somewhere else, we lose a part of ourselves… there’s no substitute for the connection you can feel when you watch something from your own backyard” (Source: About NCFD). With that mission in mind, NCFD was born.

Honouring Indigenous Themes Through Canadian Film

We delved into the Library’s online video collection and found a number of Canadian productions based on Indigenous themes. Here is a selection of streaming titles that you can enjoy at home (log in may be required).

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PASS SYSTEM (Toronto : V Tape, 2015)

Pass system

The Pass System illuminates Canada’s hidden history of racial segregation. For over 60 years, the Canadian government often denied Indigenous peoples the basic freedom to leave their reserves without a pass. Cree, Saulteaux, Dene, Ojibwe and Blackfoot elders of the prairie land where this took place tell their stories of living under and resisting the system, and link their experiences to today.

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STOLEN SISTERS (Toronto : V Tape, 2015)

Stolen sisters

Stolen Sisters takes viewers inside the contentious issue of missing and murdered Aboriginal women, from the rolling farmland of Saskatchewan to the haunting depths of the dark alleys in Vancouver’s dangerous Hastings district. You will hear the stories of the missing and witness one family’s desperate search for their loved one.

WE WERE CHILDREN (Montreal : National Film Board of Canada, 2012)

We were children

In this emotional film, the profound impact of the Canadian government’s residential school system is conveyed unflinchingly through the eyes of two children who were forced to face hardships beyond their years. We Were Children gives voice to a national tragedy and demonstrates the incredible resilience of the human spirit.

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DANCING AROUND THE TABLE (Ottawa : National Film Board of Canada, 2013)

Dancing around the table (Part one and two)

Part One provides a fascinating look at the crucial role Indigenous people played in shaping the Canadian Constitution. Part Two charts the battle to enshrine Indigenous rights in the Canadian Constitution, capturing a key moment in Canada’s history from the perspective of Indigenous negotiators.

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HISTORY OF TREATIES IN CANADA (Pembroke, ON : LeMay Media, 2016)

History of treaties in Canada

From the Royal Proclamation of 1763 to the implementation on of the modern-day Algonquin land claim, The History of Treaties in Canada explores the history, application on and legacy of these foundational legal documents and how they continue to shape and define the often strained relationships between First Nations and the Crown in Canada.

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NO TURNING BACK (Montreal : National Film Board of Canada, 2013)

No turning back

For two-and-a-half years, Edmonton director Greg Coyes, worked with teams of Native filmmakers, following the Commission on its journey from coast to coast. The video weaves the passionate and articulate voices of Indian, Inuit, and Metis people with the history of Canada’s relationship with its First Nations peoples.

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BEHIND THE MASKS (Ottawa : National Film Board of Canada, 2013)

Behind the masks

A fascinating look at the meaning behind the masks of Indian tribes of the North Pacific coast. Expositor and lecturer is Professor Levi-Strauss of Paris, world-renowned anthropologist and authority on the structural analysis of myth.

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KEEPERS OF THE FIRE (Montreal : National Film Board of Canada, 2007)

Keepers of the fire

Mohawk and Haida, Maliseet and Ojibwe these are the voices of ‘warrior women’ — those who have been on the front lines of some of the most important struggles Aboriginal people have faced in the latter part of the 20th century.

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FOR ANGELA (Montreal : National Film Board of Canada, 2013)

For Angela

A dramatic story of racism and empowerment, inspired by the experience of Rhonda Gordon and her daughter Angela. A bus ride changed their lives in a way no one could have foreseen. When three boys harass Rhonda and Angela, Rhonda finds the courage and determination to take a unique and powerful stand against ignorance and prejudice.

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PATRICK’S STORY (Montreal : National Film Board of Canada, 2013)

Patrick’s story

Patrick Bird was “a casualty of colonialism,” having walked a dark boyhood journey of sexual abuse, neglect, foster homes, detention centres, loss, abadonment, drugs, alcohol, and self-mutilation. With the help of friends and his loving adoptive mother, Patrick begins the search for his identity and spirituality as a Cree man, while discovering his talents in music and acting.

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Missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canada

Violence against women is also a serious issue in Canada, unfortunately. One particular group of Canadian women merit special attention: Indigenous women and girls in Canada experience a scale and severity of violence that constitutes a national human rights crisis. The issue of violence against Aboriginal women and girls is a systematic one with deep roots in sexism, poverty and racism.

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SACRED SUNDANCE (Montreal : National Film Board of Canada, 2008)

Sacred Sundance

Under a sweltering July sky, participants in the sacred Sundance ceremony go four days without food or water. At the end of the gruelling experience they will pierce the flesh of their chests in an offering to the Creator. The Sundance is a ritual long misunderstood, and once banned – but one that is now helping to bring personal and social healing to East Coast Aboriginal communities.

Written by Linda Fox–Library Technician, Program Support and Promotion

Earth Day 2020 #EARTHDAY2020

April 21, 2020

Earth Day Goes Digital

For the first time in history, Earth Day is going digital. With a theme of CLIMATE ACTION and voices stronger than ever, people across the globe will be rallying on behalf of the planet from their computers. The cries need to be heard for a reason: according to, “climate change represents the biggest challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable.” Would you like to be a part of Earth Day Live? To participate in online events, tune into Earth Day Live on Wednesday, April 22.

Sustainability at Red River College

On this Earth Day, we encourage you to read about the inspiring impact the Sustainability department has made at the College. Check it out in their Earth Day blog post.

Explore Environmental Topics From Our Online Library

Explore environmental topics from the comfort of home with our online collection of e-books and streaming videos. Below are some suggestions, but you may want to try entering a keyword in the Library’s OneSearch and see what it brings you. While our physical items are currently unavailable, please remember to use the filter on the sidebar to limit your search results to “Available online.”

E-BOOKS (log in may be required)

Lyme : The First Epidemic of Climate Change

cover artKirkus Lyme disease is spreading rapidly around the globe as ticks move into places they could not survive before. The first epidemic to emerge in the era of climate change, the disease infects half a million people in the US and Europe each year, and untold multitudes in Canada, China, Russia, and Australia. Mary Beth Pfeiffer shows how we have contributed to this growing menace, and how modern medicine has underestimated its danger. She tells the heart-rending stories of families destroyed by a single tick bite, of children disabled, and of one woman’s tragic choice after an exhaustive search for a cure. Pfeiffer also warns of the emergence of other tick-borne illnesses that make Lyme more difficult to treat and pose their own grave risks. Lyme is an impeccably researched account of an enigmatic disease, making a powerful case for action to fight ticks, heal patients, and recognize humanity’s role in a modern scourge.

Being the Change : Live Well and Spark a Climate Revolution

cover artLife on 1/10th the fossil fuels turns out to be awesome. We all want to be happy. Yet as we consume ever more in a frantic bid for happiness, global warming worsens. Alarmed by drastic changes now occurring in the Earth’s climate systems, the author, a climate scientist and suburban father of two, embarked on a journey to change his life and the world. He began by bicycling, growing food, meditating, and making other simple, fulfilling changes. Ultimately, he slashed his climate impact to under a tenth of the US average and became happier in the process. Being the Change explores the connections between our individual daily actions and our collective predicament. It merges science, spirituality, and practical action to develop a satisfying and appropriate response to global warming.

To Master the Boundless Sea : The U.S. Navy, the Marine Environment, and the Cartography of Empire

cover artBeginning in the early nineteenth century and concluding in the first years of the twentieth, Jason W. Smith tells the story of the rise of the U.S. Navy and the emergence of American ocean empire through its struggle to control nature. In vividly told sketches of exploration, naval officers, war, and, most significantly, the ocean environment, Smith draws together insights from environmental, maritime, military, and naval history, and the history of science and cartography, placing the U.S. Navy’s scientific efforts within a broader cultural context. By recasting and deepening our understanding of the U.S. Navy and the United States at sea, Smith brings to the fore the overlooked work of naval hydrographers, surveyors, and cartographers. In the nautical chart’s soundings, names, symbols, and embedded narratives, Smith recounts the largely untold story of a young nation looking to extend its power over the boundless sea.

Coping with the Climate Crisis : Mitigation Policies and Global Coordination

cover artReducing carbon emissions is the most complex political and economic problem humanity has ever confronted. Coping with the Climate Crisis brings together leading experts from academia and policy circles to explore issues related to the implementation of the COP21 Paris Agreement and the challenges of accelerating the transition toward sustainable development. The book synthesizes the key insights that emerge from the latest research in climate-change economics in an accessible and useful guide for policy makers and researchers. Contributors consider a wide range of issues, including the economic implications and realities of shifting away from fossil fuels, the role of financial markets in incentivizing development and construction of sustainable infrastructure, the challenges of evaluating the well-being of future generations, the risk associated with uncertainty surrounding the pace of climate change, and how to make climate agreements enforceable.

Why Are We Waiting? : The Logic, Urgency, and Promise of Tackling Climate Change

cover artAn urgent case for climate change action that forcefully sets out, in economic, ethical, and political terms, the dangers of delay and the benefits of action. The risks of climate change are potentially immense. The benefits of taking action are also clear: we can see that economic development, reduced emissions, and creative adaptation go hand in hand. A committed and strong low-carbon transition could trigger a new wave of economic and technological transformation and investment, a new era of global and sustainable prosperity. Why, then, are we waiting? In this book, Nicholas Stern explains why, notwithstanding the great attractions of a new path, it has been so difficult to tackle climate change effectively. He makes a compelling case for climate action now and sets out the forms that action should take. Stern argues that the risks and costs of climate change are worse than estimated in the landmark Stern Review in 2006—and far worse than implied by standard economic models. He reminds us that we have a choice.

Climate Shock : The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet

cover artIf you had a 10 percent chance of having a fatal car accident, you’d take necessary precautions. If your finances had a 10 percent chance of suffering a severe loss, you’d reevaluate your assets. So if we know the world is warming and there’s a 10 percent chance this might eventually lead to a catastrophe beyond anything we could imagine, why aren’t we doing more about climate change right now? We insure our lives against an uncertain future–why not our planet? In Climate Shock, Gernot Wagner and Martin Weitzman explore in lively, clear terms the likely repercussions of a hotter planet, drawing on and expanding from work previously unavailable to general audiences. They show that the longer we wait to act, the more likely an extreme event will happen. A city might go underwater. A rogue nation might shoot particles into the Earth’s atmosphere, geoengineering cooler temperatures. Zeroing in on the unknown extreme risks that may yet dwarf all else, the authors look at how economic forces that make sensible climate policies difficult to enact, make radical would-be fixes like geoengineering all the more probable.

Tweeting the Environment #Brexit

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The level of politicisation of the environment has been low in the UK. Economic concerns outweigh environmental ones in political debates, public policies and political agendas. Can the rise of social media communication change this situation? Tweeting the Environment #Brexit argues that, although limited by the dynamics of the British context, the technological affordances of Twitter enabled social actors such as the Green Party, ENGOs, and their associates to advance their political and green claims in order to mobilise voters before the 2016 EU referendum and to express their concerns in order to change environmental politics in the aftermath. The interdisciplinary research employed a combination of big data applications such as ElasticSearch and Kibana and desktop applications such as Gephi and SPSS in analysing large-scale social data. Adopting an inductive and data-driven approach, this book shows the importance of mixed methods and the necessity of narrowing down’big’to’small’data in large-scale social media research.

STREAMING VIDEOS (log in may be required)

An Inconvenient Truth

cover artFormer Vice President Al Gore explains the facts of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warning have reached the level of crisis, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment, sharing anecdotes from his experiences.

We are All Related Here

cover artThe story of the Yup’ik people, an Indigenous community of Newtok, Alaska, who are being forced to relocate their village due to the erosion and flooding they are experiencing as a result of global warming. We meet some of the people who are being called America’s first ‘climate refugees,’ and learn about the history and culture of the Yup’ik people of Newtok, who are being forced to relocate their village due to the erosion and flooding they are experiencing as a result of global warming.

Hole Story

Cover artIn this feature documentary, Richard Desjardins and Robert Monderie continue in the same provocative vein as their earlier Forest Alert, this time turning their lens on Canada’s mining industry. Using striking images, rare archival footage and interviews, The Hole Story analyzes company profits and the impact of mining on the environment and workers’ health.

Into the Fire (Nature of Things)

cover artNature created it. Humans harnessed it. And now, as climate change helps light a flame to our forests, scientists are desperately trying to understand fire. In the summer of 2017, more than one million hectares of the B.C. landscape went up in smoke. In 2016, the Fort McMurray wildfire — known as “the Beast” — forced the evacuation of nearly 90,000 residents. This compelling documentary travels from Alberta to Australia to follow researchers and firefighters as they race to learn from a new generation of massive fires.

VIDEO DATABASES – SUBJECT LISTINGS (log in may be required)

Subject Listing: CLIMATE AND WEATHER on NFB Campus

Have a question? Ask Us!

While the Library’s physical doors are closed, the online service desk is still running and ready to serve you. Staff are online during the following hours:Ask Us button for Library chat

Monday – Thursday  7:30am – 8:00pm
Friday  7:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday  8:30am – 4:00pm

During this time, a staff member is available to chat or answer your email. Simply visit and click on the Ask Us button or send an email to

In these uncertain times when many of us are unexpectedly isolated in work and study, RRC Library wants you to know that we care and are still here to assist you.

Learning from Home – One RRC Student’s Experience

April 16, 2020

The past four weeks have been a learning experience like no other. At different times, I have felt disoriented from my loss of structure, frustrated with technological problems, and distracted by the uncertainty of the future. On the other hand, I have also forced myself to work on the art of time management, been proud of my organization skills, and felt tremendous support from my classmates. Here are some of those triumphs from the past few weeks.

Connected Classroom

My class is made up of very few people. As a result, we have grown quite close over the past two years. When it was decided that RRC would be shifting to online learning due to the COVID-19 outbreak, I was scared about what that would mean for our classroom dynamic.

What I have found is that we are staying connected and closer than ever. With frequent questions, library memes, and positive words flowing through our WhatsApp group chat, we are able to maintain the support system that we created in the classroom. Looking for ways to connect with your peers? Check the Working from Home Guide for Students for some tools you can use!

Future Preparedness 

I was thinking this past week about the positives that could come from this uncertain time. Specifically, in regard to the many of us who are going to be finished our programs and heading out into the working world: a scary thing to do even without a global pandemic. What came to mind is that though this situation is oftentimes overwhelming, it has allowed us to learn skills that we may never have otherwise discovered.

For example, we may have learned how quickly and effectively we can adapt to new situations and circumstances. More than that, we may have learned new ways to present information. Above all, we learned that we can efficiently work and finish projects in a time of crisis. These are all skills that we can attest to in future job interviews when they come.

Want to share your learning triumphs in the COVID-19 pandemic? Reach out to us on Twitter or chat with a library staff member using our online service desk.

Online Service Desk Hours

While the Library’s physical doors are closed, the online service desk is still running and ready to serve you. Staff are online during the following hours:

  • Monday – Thursday  7:30am – 8:00pmAsk Us chat service logo
  • Friday  7:30am – 4:30pm
  • Saturday  8:30am – 4:00pm

During this time, a staff member is available to chat or answer your email. Simply visit and click on the Ask Us button or send an email to

Written by: Olivia Oborne, Library Information and Technology student

Nursing Community Assessment Guide

April 8, 2020

A Mine of Demographic and Statistical Information

Developed in consultation with RRC Nursing instructors, the Nursing Community Assessment Guide is a valuable aid for nursing students completing the Community Health Assessment paper. As you gather information about communities to analyze health issues and health needs from a population perspective, it will give you a starting point to help focus your research.

While created specifically for Nursing students, this guide addresses a variety of community perspectives and is useful for anyone looking for demographic or statistical information about Winnipeg. This guide will help you identify and write about the following topics related to a community health assessment:

  • Purpose, target group and location
  • Community history and perception
  • Population
  • Physical environments
  • Socioeconomic environments
  • Education and healthy child development
  • Culture and religion
  • Health regions and social services
  • Transportation
  • Government and politics

We Are Here For You

While the Library’s physical doors are closed, the online service desk is still running and ready to serve you. Staff are online during the following hours (day-by-day Library hours are available at

Monday – Thursday  7:30am – 8:00pm
Friday  7:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday  8:30am – 4:00pm

During this time, a staff member is available to chat or answer your email. Simply visit and click on the Ask Us bubble or send an email to

Related guides >>

Adjusting Study Habits During COVID-19

April 7, 2020

The Challenges of Changing your Study Habits 

We all know that change can be difficult, especially during a time of so many unknowns. 

As Red River College shifts to an online course environment, that means we need to change our study habits and change the way we access resources. 

Helpful Tips

In response to the changes to Red River College’s learning environment, the Academic Success Centre and the Library have created an Adjusting Study Habits During COVID-19 document with tips to help students adapt the way they study.

The tips in the document include how to:

  • Stay OrganizedAvoid multitasking diagram: you'll remember less, you're more likely to make mistakes, assignments take longer
  • Avoid Multitasking
  • Make the Most of Video Lectures
  • Set a Schedule 
  • Develop New Strategies
  • Do Remote Team and Group Work
  • Stay Connected to Others

As we are all adjusting to an online course environment, our advice is to be patient and to take care of your wellbeing first, then try out the suggested tips.

We Are Here For You

While the Library’s physical doors are closed, the online service desk is still running and ready to serve you. Staff are online during the following hours:

Monday – Thursday  7:30am – 8:00pm
Friday  7:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday  8:30am – 4:00pm

During this time, a staff member is available to chat or answer your email. Simply visit and click on the Ask Us button or send an email to

Related links >>

Working From Home Guide for RRC Students

April 6, 2020

The Challenges of Learning and Studying from Home

Many people find learning and studying from home a challenge, and this is magnified by the stresses associated with COVID-19. If you are not accustomed to learning and studying at home, you may be coping with some of the following difficulties:

  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Time management
  • Disruption of plans and goals (graduation, work placements, etc.)
  • Lack of structure
  • Fear and uncertainty
  • Technological problems
  • Distractions

A Timely Guide for StudentsPicture of a RRC student in class

In response to the stress placed upon RRC students at this time, the Library has developed the Working from Home – Students guide. This compilation features refreshing ideas, tips, resources, supports, services and links to help ease the stress of learning and studying from home. We also hope to save you time and energy by providing information you urgently need right now.

Online Service Desk Hours

While the Library’s physical doors are closed, the online service desk is still running and ready to serve you. Staff are online during the following hours:

Monday – Thursday  7:30am – 8:00pm
Friday  7:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday  8:30am – 4:00pm

During this time, a staff member is available to chat or answer your email. Simply visit and click on the Ask Us button or send an email to

Academic Success Centre’s partnerships and services to support Red River College’s efforts towards Academic Continuity during COVID-19

March 31, 2020

Academic Success Centre (ASC) has joined the rest of the College community in its commitment to providing the same level of support through alternate delivery methods, in response to COVID-19.

Chani from ASC in the middle of a WebEx review workshop

WebEx review workshop with Chani Singh

With 12 weekly review sessions offered in courses such as Business Math (MATH-1051) and Managerial Accounting (ACCT-2005), our ASC Staff Tutor Chani Singh didn’t miss a beat. 

Chani launched his first Group Review Workshop for Math and Accounting students on March 17th – well before our students’ return. 

Adopting new technology and new tutoring methods overnight, Chani has engaged with up to 55 students synchronously in his WebEx content review workshops. 

In the meantime, our EAL team has been working closely with program partners to move all language and communication supports from in-person to online delivery. One success story from the first two weeks of this transition is our partnership with the International Business team.

Screenshot of online Diversity Training

Online Diversity Training in progress

Integrating new workshop and class delivery methods has been viewed as an exciting challenge, and EAL Tutor Rebecca Hiebert has delivered four synchronous workshops and several individualized support sessions to over 60 students in the International Business program.

Rebecca facilitated workshops on topics ranging from APA formatting, gender and sexual diversity awareness, constructive feedback, pronunciation practice, and how to maximize WebEx in order to work effectively with teams. 

The International Business faculty has been working closely with the EAL team through WebEx and email to discuss students’ support needs, stay up-to-date on course content and students’ challenges, observe and moderate in one another’s WebEx classes, and creatively collaborate on ways to support students through online delivery. 

Despite the many challenges we face due to COVID-19, we are proud to continue with our ongoing partnerships with RRC programs. As always, we remain committed to collaborate with faculty and staff to advance student support.

ASC has created a website devoted to keeping staff, faculty and students updated to our transition online. Please visit this site regularly, as our service availability is increasing daily:

Working From Home Guide for RRC Faculty and Staff

March 30, 2020

The Challenges of Working from Home

Many people find working from home a challenge, and this is magnified by the stresses associated with COVID-19. If you are not accustomed to working at home, you may be coping with some of the following difficulties:

  • Time management
  • Digital miscommunication
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Burnout
  • Technological problems
  • Distractions
  • Lack of structure
  • Work-life imbalance
  • Fear and uncertainty
  • Disruption of plans and goals

A Timely Guide for RRC Faculty and Staff

Image of laptop on desk - working from home

Photo by bongkarn thanyakij from Pexels

In response to the stress placed upon RRC faculty and staff at this time, the Library has developed a Working from Home Guide. This compilation features refreshing ideas, tips, resources, supports, services and links to help ease the stress of working from home. We also hope to save you time and energy by providing information you urgently need right now.

Online Service Desk Hours

While the Library’s physical doors are closed, the online service desk is still running and ready to serve you. Staff are online during the following hours:

Monday – Thursday  7:30am – 8:00pm
Friday  7:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday  8:30am – 4:00pm

During this time, a staff member is available to chat or answer your email. Simply visit and click on the Ask Us button or send an email to

Related links >>

In these uncertain times when many of us are unexpectedly isolated in work and study, RRC Library wants you to know that we care and are still here to assist you.

COVID-19 – How to Find Scholarly Resources Through our Library Databases

March 25, 2020

Sign that says "Coronavirus disease outbreak"

Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

Information is everywhere, but is it reliable?

COVID-19 information is everywhere you look lately: TV, radio, newspapers, government briefings, social media, friends, etc.  If you are looking for in-depth, scholarly information, the Library can help point you in the right direction.  Use these resources to find current reliable information.


UpToDate is a clinical support database for medical and health professionals.  It offers recommendations based on current medical information, which are evidence-based and authored by physicians.  View these peer-reviewed search results for COVID-19 (log in to your Red River student or staff account to access any of the links below).

CINAHL – Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature

CINAHL gives you access to over 750 nursing and allied health journals including full-text, peer-reviewed articles.  You will also find lessons and evidence-based care sheets.  The following link takes you to the latest full-text, peer-reviewed articles on COVID-19: COVID-19 or “novel coronavirus”  Need help searching?  Email or Chat with Library staff.

Cochrane Library 

Cochrane Library includes systematic reviews, clinical trial reports and evidence to inform and support decision-making for health care professionals.  Cochrane has a special collection on Coronavirus (COVID-19): evidence relevant to critical care.  There is also a special collection for Coronavirus (COVID-19): infection control and prevention measures. Keep tuned to Cochrane as they have the following special collections in development:

  • Effective options for quitting smoking during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Working from home
  • Remote consultation and telemedicine
  • Mental health implications linked to the pandemic
  • Mental health for the workforce
  • Mental health with relation to post traumatic stress disorder for those in recovery or post-ICU
  • Home care for at risk populations


Medline is a database created by the U.S. National Library of Medicine which contains authoritative information on medicine, nursing and more.  The following search contains current, full-text, peer-reviewed articles on covid-19 or coronavirus or 2019-ncov.

Have questions? Contact Us!

The Library can assist you with finding the latest, authoritative information on COVID-19 or any other topic you are researching.  To contact us, email the Library at or visit and click on the Ask Us button. In addition, the Library’s broad selection of online books, videos, and journals may be accessed 24/7 through OneSearch​ (RRC log in may be required).

Written by Lynn Gibson, Library Services

COVID-19 – Coping with Stress and Anxiety

March 18, 2020

Lean on us during this Time of Stress

Woman who appears to be stressed

Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels

Library staff understand that we are in an extraordinary situation with the COVID-19 outbreak which is affecting everyone in the College community.  We are working remotely during our closure, to help students find and use online resources, and assisting instructional staff with resources and other Library supports.  Staff are available through Chat and Email during the following hours:

Mon-Thu 7:30am – 9:00pm
Fri 7:30am – 4:30pm
Sat 8:30am – 4:00pm

You may access our online books, videos, and journals 24/7 through OneSearch (RRC log in required).

For information about online services provided by Academic Success Centre, please visit ASC’s Online Academic Supports website. General news and updates about Library Services will be posted at

College Supports to Ease Anxiety

We are all experiencing increased levels of stress, including learning how to work and learn remotely, care for children and elderly relatives, study in Canada while being far from home and family, and of course being concerned about our own health and welfare.

Healthy Minds Healthy College logoThere are ways to help reduce stress and combat isolation which you may find valuable, such as mindfulness and meditation strategies, fitness apps and virtual social gathering.  RRC’s Healthy Minds, Healthy College initiative provides some resources for maintaining physical and mental fitness during this time of social distancing.  

The College’s Counselling Services will have staff available through phone, email and WebEx to address your concerns.  Visit their page for more information at

Answers to many of your questions can be found on the College’s Coronavirus information page which is being updated continuously.

Reduce stress by Knowing the Facts and Keeping Informed 

Knowing the facts about COVID-19 helps reduce stress from rumors and false information.  Health Canada has up to date information to keep you informed.  Additionally, the World Health Organization has extensive information on the virus. Locally, check Manitoba Health for updates.

Looking for up to the minute information?, Reuters Canada and the Associated Press are reliable news sources.

Managing Stress

The World Health Organization’s Mental Health Considerations during COVID-19 Outbreak provides strategies for maintaining mental and psychological well-being.

Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides tips to Manage Stress & Anxiety during this uncertain time.  

Lastly, the Canadian Mental Health Association is a reliable source of stress reduction information.  Check out their publication Coping with Stress which is free online and the Stress Index quiz.  The Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba offers Self Care strategies also.


Posted by Lynn Gibson, Library Services

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

Learn more ›