
Library and Academic Services


Stay Bright in Fall and Winter! Borrow a Therapy Lamp From Your Library

October 12, 2023

Photo of a pseron reading a book in front of a therapy light at the EDC Library
Therapy Light Station in use at the Exchange District Campus Library

What is light therapy?

Light therapy, also known as bright light therapy or phototherapy, uses a light box to mimic outdoor lighting. Light therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions, including auto-immune disorders, wound healing, depression, seasonal affective disorder, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. It is often used in winter to help with depression, lack of sunlight, and listlessness.

Exposure to artificial light helps adjust the body’s regulation of melatonin, a hormone that controls the body’s sleep cycle, and serotonin, a natural mood-stabilizing hormone.

Three main benefits of using light therapy are:

  • Increased energy
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Enhanced mood

It is easy to use, safe (UV-free) and can be done in your own home. The light box needs to be placed at a 45-degree angle, 2-3 feet away on a flat surface. For maximum benefit, use consistently every morning for 20-30 minutes. Improvements can be felt within 2-4 days.

Light Therapy is not recommended for everyone, consult a physician first if you have an eye disorder or are taking medications that may cause your skin to be light-sensitive.

Interested in “lightening” up your mood?

Light boxes are available at the RRC Polytech Library for a one-month loan period.

To reserve a light box, use the Library’s Equipment Shopping Cart system. Begin by selecting your preferred location below (log in with RRC Polytech credentials may be required).

Permanent light therapy stations are also available on a first-come, first-served basis at the Exchange District and Notre Dame Campus Libraries.


If you have any questions, you may connect with a Library staff member through Ask Us Chat or in person during Library hours!

Adapted from Winter Blues Setting In? Brighten up those dark days of winter with light therapy! (posted on November 25, 2021).

National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit People

October 4, 2023

A vertical shot of a red dress hanging from a branch of a tree.
Image source: Adobe Stock

October 4 marks the Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S). While marches and vigils happened in the past, the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission made looking into why violence happens towards this group its 41st call to action, with a final report from the inquiry released in 2019. The introduction from the executive summary of the final report states what has changed regarding attention to the issue:

The fact that this National Inquiry is happening now doesn’t mean that Indigenous Peoples waited this long to speak up; it means it took this long for Canada to listen.

The Library provides books and streaming video to support both formal studies of issues within regular classes and for those wanting to educate themselves about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit. At the centre, now and always, are those individuals who are no longer here, taken too soon, with friends, family, hopes, and dreams.

Browse a range of resources in our updated Guide >> Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, & Two-Spirit (MMIWG2S)

Featured Videos

National Film Board (NFB)

The National Film Board continues to provide access to films and documentaries with attention to boosting Indigenous filmmakers.

CBC’s Curio

CBC’s Curio assembles videos from News in Review to The National.

Viewing streaming videos: Click on an image to go directly to a video. You may be required to log in with your RRC Polytech credentials to access it.

Tina Fontaine: A Murdered Girl’s Legacy. October 2019

Tina Fontaine was just 15 when her body, wrapped in a duvet cover and weighed down by rocks, was pulled from Winnipeg’s Red River. A report from the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth says in the years since her murder, not enough has changed to ensure other children in circumstances similar to Tina’s are not at risk. But Tina has left a legacy. Her death focused attention on missing, murdered Indigenous women and girls and inspired volunteer groups such as the Bear Clan Patrol to work at protecting vulnerable people on the streets. Warning: This program contains disturbing images and subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.

Public Forum on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

This special edition of The Current is a public forum held at the Museum of History in Gatineau, Que. – the fifth in a series of forums on missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG). Anna Maria Tremonti and panellists explore the work of the National Inquiry into MMIWG, leadership and reconciliation.

Featured Books

The Library’s newly curated MMIWG2S (Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2 Spirits) Collection is a great way to explore physical and electronic resources on the topic. Two titles from this collection are featured below.

Betty: the Helen Betty Osborne story

In the early hours of November 13, 1971, Helen Betty Osborne, a young Aboriginal woman living in La Pas, was walking home alone when she was abducted by four young white men, sexually assaulted, and then viciously beaten and stabbed with a screwdriver. Despite the horrific nature of her murder, and the identities of her killers being known to many in The Pas, no arrests were made until 1986, and the subsequent trial resulted in only one conviction.

Highway of tears: a true story of racism, indifference and the pursuit of justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls

For decades, women–overwhelmingly from Indigenous backgrounds–have gone missing or been found murdered along an isolated stretch of highway in northwestern B.C. The highway is called the Highway of Tears by locals, and it has come to symbolize a national crisis. In Highway of Tears, Jessica McDiarmid explores the effect these tragedies have had on communities in the region, and how systemic racism and indifference towards Indigenous lives have created a culture of “over-policing and under-protection,” simultaneously hampering justice while endangering young Indigenous women.

Questions or Comments?

Library staff love to assist staff and students with our collection! Feel free to connect with us in person at the Notre Dame and Exchange District Campus Libraries or through Ask Us Chat at

Written by Fatima DeMelo–Reference Technician, Library and Academic Services

The Library’s Chatbot: Powered by “LI” Instead of AI

October 3, 2023

Background on the New Chatbot Feature

In June 2023, the RRC Polytech Library expanded our Ask Us Chat (the service) with the launch of the Library chatbot. This was the result of several months of work by Meagan Acquisto and me, Christina Janzen. The main goal of adding a chatbot to our Ask Us Chat was to provide consistent, basic help—especially after-hours. 

For those who may not know, a chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users. There are many different types of chatbots, ranging from complex AI-powered chatbots that can learn and adapt to user behaviour, to simple scripted bots.  

Without further preamble, let’s jump into the chatbot’s creation story… 

Building the Library’s Chatbot

A Rules-Based Chatbot Run by “Librarian Intelligence”

Library managers took notice when the Saas library software vendor, Springshare, launched a new chatbot feature in LibAnswers.  

(Having a hard time understanding the jargon? You’re not alone. Throughout the Library chatbot development process, I learned a lot of computing language. A few definitions are listed at the bottom of this post.)

Meagan and I were tasked to build the Library chatbot; we took a deep dive into training webinars. Immediately, we noticed that the LibAnswers Chatbot is rules-based and uses simple if/then logic to link actions together. Springshare advertises this by stating their chatbot is not run by AI, but “LI” or Librarian Intelligence. Humorous. As implied, the benefit to a rules-based model is that each library that subscribes to LibAnswers Chatbot has better control over its users’ experience (this can also pose challenges, but I won’t get into that). 

Before jumping into the Chatbot application, we consulted LibAnswers statistics and came up with a list of common questions that Library users ask. Most questions fall into five categories: directions & general information, equipment bookings, printing/photocopying, tutoring & academic coaching, and referrals to College departments outside the Library, in that order. Next, we checked to make sure the answers—instructions, materials, etc.—were up to date and could be found online. Finally, we mapped out the ideal user experience in a flow chart (shown below).  

Snippet from preliminary user-experience flowchart

Building the User-Experience Flow in LibAnswers Chatbot

Once we started building within Chatbot, we hit a wall: Springshare has a maximum of 50 actions per “flow.” Initially, we thought this would limit the scope of our chatbot, but quickly found a solution by linking several flows together. Other small inconveniences in the build process were expected because software developers often lean on early adopters to find bugs and suggest new features to improve the software (which we did). 

In the end, Meagan and I chose to use self-led prompts instead of keyword searches because open-ended text input requires extensive keyword tagging. We hope to develop the scaffolding for free-response queries in the future. For now, our menu/button-based, or ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ system has enjoyed limited, yet generally positive, feedback. Staff testers reported that the bot was “a good little jumping off tool,” “designed well,” and appreciated that users could quickly connect to a live chat with staff. 

Your Opportunity to Provide Feedback

The Ask Us Chat bubbles logo that when clicked on initiates a chat.

Have you used the Library chatbot (available by clicking on the Ask Us Chat bubble)? Please rate our chat or share your thoughts by answering our survey! The survey is available here, but a link is also found at the end of every Library chatbot interaction. 


Ask Us Chat (the service)

The RRC Polytech Library’s online reference service where Library staff answer inquiries, provide research guidance, and reference assistance to the RRC Polytech community. 


‘Software as a service’ or cloud-based subscription access distribution model.


A company that sells library software.


One suite of services offered by Springshare 

LibAnswers Chatbot (Chatbot)

Springshare’s name for their chatbot feature.

Written by Christina Janzen, Reference Technician/Library Chatbot Builder

Truth and Reconciliation Week 2023

September 19, 2023

This year’s TRC Week theme is “Colonization Impacts Everyone” and various books and movies tackle the theme and further number one of the 94 calls to “building student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect.” A call applying to faculty and staff as well in their daily work. 

The Library continues to add Indigenous resources especially as more and more authors publish works as varied as Swampy Cree author David A. Robert’s graphic novel Sugar Falls to Cree scholar Verna Kirkness’s autobiography Creating a Life’s Work. Bringing these voices to the College community during Truth and Reconciliation Week, the Library is having an “Indigenous Voices” book table during the following dates and times: 

  • Sept. 25, 1-3pm | Exchange District Campus, Atrium 
  • Sept. 28, 11am-2pm | Notre Dame Campus, Library Hallway

Bring your staff/student ID to sign out books and we can recommend more titles from the collection. However, books are not the only formats offered during TRC Week, and the experience of colonization isn’t solely on Turtle Island. 

Featured Titles (And More) 

While the book table will bring a selection of titles, we want to highlight two titles in our collection with more found in the Library’s curated Indigenous Resources Collection.

Decolonizing data: unsettling conversations about social research methods 

(by Jacqueline M. Quinless)

Provides a deeper understanding of the social dimensions of health as applied to Indigenous peoples, who have been historically underfunded and excluded from health services, programs, and quality of care; this has most recently been seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In this together: fifteen stories of truth & reconciliation

(by Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail)

An eye-opening collection of personal essays by Indigenous and non-Indigenous contributors from across Canada. Without flinching, the contributors—including journalists, academics, and artists—each explore their own “aha” moments regarding Canada’s colonial past and present to ask how we can all move forward in a spirit of reconciliation and anti-racism. 

Featured Videos

Both CBC’s and National Film Board offer outstanding videos on Indigenous topics. To view a few hand-selected options, click on an image below. (login with RRC Polytech credentials may be required to view online resources).

Guides to Get You Started

Guides are a great place to start on any topic as they highlight resources hand-selected by Library staff. Of particular interest is our Indigenous Health and Well-Being guide.

Colonization Impacts Everyone: Two Notable Titles

While we continue to focus on Canada, colonization has impacted cultures around the world from borders to languages, with the fallout felt across generations. Countries like Australia and New Zealand have continued their own reconciliation journey with two films exploring the impact of systemic attempts to erase Indigenous Cultures: 

Once Were Warriors 

In a poor suburb of Auckland, Jake and Beth Heke live a life defined by drunken parties, unstable friendships, and confrontations with authorities. Jake, a complex man with a rascal’s charm, is weighted down by a quick temper, alcoholism, and an evil streak of male entitlement. Beth’s beauty has been scarred by broken dreams and Jake’s beefy fists. Yet her inner strength and desire to save her family make her the solid center around which this story of tragedy and hope is constructed.

Rabbit-Proof Fence

In 1931, Molly and her younger cousins, Gracie and Daisy, were three half-caste children from Western Australia who were taken from their parents under government edict and sent to an institution, were taught to forget their families, their culture, and re-invent themselves as members of “white” Australian society. The three girls begin an epic journey back to Western Australia, travelling 1,500 miles on foot with no food or water, and navigating by following the fence that has been build across the nation to stem an over-population of rabbits.

Have a Question or Comment? Connect with the Library!

Connect with a Library staff member through our Ask Us Chat, our Ask a Question form, or visit one of our service desks during regular Library hours. We would love to hear from you!

Written by Fatima DeMelo – Reference Technician

Boost Your Writing Skills With the Academic Success Centre’s Online Workshop Series

September 7, 2023

Are You Ready to Elevate Your Writing Skills?

The Academic Success Centre can help with that! This fall, we are offering Building Your Writing Foundation, a series of seven online workshops, each tailored to refine a specific aspect of academic writing.  

Sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 12:15-12:45pm, Sept. 13 – Oct. 25, 2023.  Students are welcome to attend any or all of the seven sessions. No registration is required! 

Building Your Writing Foundation Workshop Schedule

Workshop 1: Writing Professional Emails

What does a professional email look like? When should I send one? 

Date: September 13, 2023 12:15-12:45pm

Description: Join this workshop to learn all about professional emails: when to send them, what they look like and sound like, how to structure them, and how to write with a professional tone.

Workshop 2: Claim and Evidence

How do I support a claim? What even is a claim? 

Date: September 20, 2023 12:15-12:45pm

Description: Join this workshop to learn what a claim is, how to strengthen your claims with reasons, and how to back them up with evidence. Learn how to provide evidence with both personal experience and research.

Workshop 3: Reflective Writing

What does it mean to reflect? How can I write about what I’ve learned?

Date: September 27, 2023 12:15-12:45pm 

Join this workshop to learn what reflective writing is and how to spot a reflective writing assignment. Learn a reflective writing structure you can use in your assignments and see it in action with a discussion board post example.

Workshop 4: Paragraph Structure

How should I organize my ideas in a paragraph? 

Date: October 4, 2023 12:15-12:45pm 

Description: Join this workshop to learn how to organize big ideas and details into a clear paragraph. The paragraph structure you will learn can be applied to all types of academic writing assignments, including summaries, reflections, discussion posts, essays, reports, and more.

Workshop 5: Summarizing

How can I reduce a text to only the main idea?

Date: October 11, 2023 12:15-12:45pm

Description: Join this workshop to learn what summaries should and should not include. Learn how to write a summary that accurately expresses the main idea of a text.

Workshop 6: Paraphrasing

How do I use other writers’ ideas in my writing? 

Date: October 18, 2023 12:15-12:45pm

Description: Join this workshop to learn how to write another person’s ideas in your own words and how to incorporate into your writing. Learn a five-step process to paraphrase effectively. 

Workshop 7: APA Citations and Formatting

What is APA citation style? Where can I find information to use APA accurately? 

Date: October 25, 2023 12:15-12:45pm 

Description: Join this workshop to learn the basics of why and how the APA citation style is used in many academic assignments. Then, learn how to use online resources to become confident in creating in-text citations and references in the APA 7th edition citation style.

Visit Our Webpage!

Visit the Building Your Writing Foundation webpage for login information and more!

Content submitted by Meg Loewen, Academic Support Specialist – Academic Success Centre

Six ways your Library is here to help you succeed

September 5, 2023

There has never been a better time to start using your Library!  With a variety of useful resources and services offered at both the Notre Dame and Exchange District Campuses, as well as through our website, your Library is here to help you succeed!  


Coming to the library is as easy as walking through the door! Once inside, you are free to browse the collection of print materials, use our computers for printing, ask questions, or simply find a space to study and work on assignments.  

We strive to make the Library an inclusive, welcoming, and safe space, where you can feel comfortable working toward your academic goals! So, come in, say “hello” to our friendly staff, and start using the space today. We’ll be happy to see you!  

Learn more >> Use the Library


If you have a question, we encourage you to ask the Library staff for help! You can do this by approaching the service desk and asking them directly, or you can also ask a question through our Ask Us Chat.

To use the chat, simply click on the Ask Us Bubble on the Library website. This will connect you with our Library chatbot, which uses self-led prompts to answer a variety of common questions. If you have a more detailed question, you can also choose the option to connect with a Library staff member over live chat, and they will be happy to help!  

Learn more >> Library and Academic Services website


If you are starting an assignment and need help finding research on a particular topic, or if you just want to learn how to search more effectively on your own, Library staff can help with that!  

They will go step-by-step through the search process with you, ensuring you find the best resources to satisfy the requirements of your assignment. On top of that, they will also help you to improve your search skills for future assignments by showing you how to search more effectively. 

Learn more >> Research & Write


If you are struggling with a particular course, or if you just want to learn the skills needed to be a better student, the Academic Success Centre (ASC) is a great resource within the Library to check out!  

The ASC offers tutoring services for a variety of courses and topics, as well as drop-in workshops and exam prep sessions! You can sign up for tutoring online, or you can come in and speak with a tutor who will help you find the tutoring solution for your particular needs!  

Learn more >> Tutoring Services


If you would like to borrow something from our collection, there are a couple of ways to go about it. You can browse the shelves on your own, or, if you are looking for something specific, you can search online through our website. Searching through OneSearch, or through a specific database, allows you to filter your search results according to a variety of parameters, ensuring you find the best and most relevant resources available!  

In addition to an extensive and varied collection of print resources — which includes books, magazines, and DVDs — students have free online access to thousands of electronic resources, such as ebooks, academic journal articles, and industry manuals.  

Learn more >> Browse & Borrow


Finally, we also lend out equipment at both Library locations! This includes everything from phone chargers and various types of cables and adaptors to larger equipment such as cameras and tripods, speakers, microphones, projectors, and even laptops!  

In the modern college, a laptop is an essential piece of equipment to own. However, if you are waiting for your laptop to be repaired or for funding to come in for you to purchase a new one, the Library can help you get through that time! We lend out laptops for up to a month. To see the complete inventory of equipment items and their availability, check out the website! 

Learn more >> Equipment

Written by Dylan MacDougall, Reference Technician – Library and Academic Services

Strengthen your speaking skills with the English Conversation Circle

September 1, 2023

Hosted by the Academic Success Centre, students are invited to join the weekly English Conversation Circle to strengthen speaking skills and build connections and confidence through communication practice.


No registration is required, just drop in and join the conversation! Sessions will run for 12 weeks, starting the week of September 5th.

Date and timeLocation
Tuesdays | 12-1pm
Sept. 5-Nov. 21
Exchange District Campus
Thursdays | 12-1pm
Sept. 7-Nov. 23
Notre Dame Campus
D208 (Global Connections Room)
Fridays | 12-1pm
Sept. 8-Nov. 24
Online >> Click here to join with Webex
(use RRC Polytech email address)


Conversational Speaking Skills

Each week, the English Conversation Circle will practice different conversational speaking skills, including:

  • Starting a Conversation
  • Closing a Conversation
  • Interrupting
  • Resuming after an interruption
  • Giving opinions
  • Asking personal questions
  • Keeping the Conversation Going
  • Checking Comprehension

Topics of Interest

Conversation skills will be practiced around topics of interest to the group, including:

  • Family & Friends
  • Seasonal activities
  • Cultural practices
  • Getting to know one another
  • Getting to know Winnipeg

To learn more, contact, or join our first sessions to participate! 

Submitted by the Academic Success Centre’s English Language Centre

Maximize Your Potential With “Understanding How You Learn” Workshops

August 31, 2023

Student looking sideways and smiling. Embedded text: Understanding how you learn: Four-part online workshop series. Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch | Sept. 12-21.

When we learn, we change

Think back to something you learned with little effort (sport, skill, language, instrument, coding, math concept). What factors, behaviours, and practices led to this learning? Which tools did you leverage for your skill development? What barriers did you overcome?   

One thing we know is when we learn something, we change. We change at the level of knowledge, skill, attitude, and/or behaviour. And we learn through practice and experience.  

Thinking about this process of learning, how do  certain things impact learning (for the good or for the bad)?   

Four areas that impact learning

The Academic Success Centre (ASC) is excited to deliver four online workshops aimed to shed light on significant areas that impact learning. Our hope is that through our Understanding How You Learn Workshop Series students will build lasting awareness of these four areas, and use strategies around them as they move through college successfully.  

1. Your Brain & Learning 

When we learn, important changes take place in our brain, including the building of new connections between neurons. The more we practice you something – that math concept or instrument we talked about above – the stronger the connections in our brain become. This workshop will dive deeper into how the brain learns best and what it needs to maximize learning potential. Our hope is you will walk away with actionable tools for optimal brain health.  

2. Critical Thinking & Learning

Critical thinking is the intentional pairing of judgement with knowledge. It is a thought process that requires looking “one step deeper” than the facts. In college, you may be asked to think critically about information in order to connect ideas, pinpoint the importance and relevance of arguments and ideas, recognize, build and evaluate arguments, among other things   

When we think critically about new information or a deep thinking task you gather information, separate feelings from facts, look at the bigger picture and decide what you think.  This systemic approach is useful for learning new information and completing tasks in a thoughtful way.   

3. Stress & Learning

Everyone has stress – it’s part of the human experience! But when does stress become unhelpful and what can we do about it? Join this workshop to learn about what’s going on in the stressed-out brain; how stress can impact your ability to learn and recall knowledge; and how to manage unhelpful stress! 

4. Procrastination & Learning

Many of us delay doing something we need to do – but don’t want to do. Instead, we choose to spend our time on more pleasant or interesting things. This is normal behaviour. But, why is it normal? When we put off a task that we have to do – we still have to do it – and now with shortened time and increased anxiety (and of course the addition of other tasks). The consequences of procrastination in college should not be ignored. Perhaps the best approach though is to overindex the benefits of overcoming procrastination. The first step in this approach is to manage negative feelings which lead to procrastination. The second step is to shift habits and behaviours (focus on the next action, understand that mood follows action, and place obstacles in front of procrastination temptations).   

Schedule at a glance

We invite students to join our workshop series this Sept. Come see all you can learn about learning in 30 minutes!    

The brain & learning  Tue., Sept. 12 | 12:15-12:45pm
Critical thinking & learning  Thu., Sept. 14 | 12:15-12:45pm
Procrastination & learning  Tue., Sept. 19 |  12:15-12:45pm  
Stress & learning  Thu., Sept. 21 | 1 2:15-12:45pm

Link to join

To join, simply click on the following link at the scheduled date and time >>  WebEx Link to Join Workshops

Series webpage

Bookmark the series webpage and join from there >> Understanding How You Learn Workshop Series  

Submitted by Dayna Graham – Student Case Manager and Faculty Liason, Academic Success Centre

Have a question? Your Library can help with that!

August 28, 2023

The RRC Polytech Library is here to help with any of your questions, big or small. We offer two ways to connect: in-person or online.


When on campus, visit our Service Desk at the following locations:

Notre Dame Campus
CM18 – 2055 Notre Dame Avenue

Exchange District Campus
P214 – 160 Princess Street


When off-campus, visit the Library and Academic Services’ website and click on the “Ask Us” bubble. You will go through some self-led prompts that offer responses to our most common questions.

Alternatively, you can skip the questions and select ‘Live Chat’ to connect with a Library staff member during our open hours or submit an email question after hours.

Written by Meagan Acquisto and Christina Janzen – Reference Technicians

Know Your Resources! Part 3: Knovel: Aerospace and Radar Technology

June 12, 2023

The Library at RRC Polytech has an abundance of resources to help you with your studies, research, and even pastimes. Over the next few weeks, we will highlight some of the fantastic databases that you have access to.

What are databases?

So, databases. What are they? How are they useful to me? And why are there so many? The databases we subscribe to are specifically chosen to align with the college’s programs, initiatives, and individual courses that are offered to our students. Each database has specific information on areas of interest to help with your studies. Some databases are specifically ebooks, some are journals on the latest information in the field, and some are entirely composed of videos.

To optimize the availability of information, there are several databases we subscribe to. The great thing about this is that you simply choose one database and search for what you need as opposed to having too many results about irrelevant topics.

Each database has different tricks and tips to make sure you’re able to search for the right information. They’re not all set up the same and each will have its own set of rules to make sure you’re getting the most out of it.

Let’s explore one of our newest editions to the database collection.

Knovel: Aerospace and Radar Technology

You may have already used or heard of the Knovel database. Knovel is a database of ebooks covering many aspects of the engineering field. Not only does it provide valuable information, but it also has interactive equations, unit converters, and other handy tools for engineering work. Within the Knovel database, we subscribe to different collections. The newest one is Aerospace and Radar Technology. Knovel is intended to be used by professionals and students alike and so a mobile app was created. Having the app on a mobile device offers quick access to the information.

Since there are a variety of collections available through Knovel, check out some tips below for searching this specific collection.

When you first open the Aerospace collection, you’ll notice that there are hundreds of references and equations. Like the previously covered Alexander Street database, RRC Polytechnic has only subscribed to certain portions. To make sure that you’re getting accessible information, click the “My Subscription” tab.

Once you’ve clicked the correct tab, you’ll notice that there are fewer sources you’ll need to comb through.

Like any database, you are able to filter and use search terms. As you type your search terms, the results will automatically start to filter through.

When you have found a book or manual you’re interested in viewing, simply click on the link and the eBook will show up. Once you’re in, more filtering options are available such as searching within the reference text. It’s best to be specific as you may get hundreds of results.  

One of Knovel’s handiest features is “add notes.” By clicking this, you are able to add additional information such as a study note or a read-later note. However, in order to access this feature you will need to make an account with your RRC Polytech email address. It’s very easy to do and this way, your added information has a place to be stored.

You also have the option to save the reference material or the chapter you’re browsing to either your account or your mobile device.

By clicking “My Knovel” on the left, you’re also able to see what other items have been saved for further reading or access, recent searches, and recent views. You can also look at your specific saves under “My folder.”

As you can see, Knovel has a lot of great capabilities for you to access Aerospace and Radar Technology’s content. You have the option to filter inside of materials, add your own notes, save chapters, and easily pick up where you left off. A perfect tool for students and professionals needing quick access to information.

Stay tuned for more of “Know Your Resources!”

Keep an eye out for the next installment of Know Your Resources! where we will continue to explore all the great resources the Library has to offer. If you have any questions on how to access or navigate something come and visit us in the Library or send us a message through our Ask Us Chat — we’d love to assist you.

The previous edition of Know Your Resources! is available here >> Part 2: Alexander Street Nursing Video Collections

Written by Justine Hawley – Library Resource Management Technician

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of the Anishinaabeg, Ininiwak, Anishininwak, Dakota Oyate, and Denésuline, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.