Communications and Marketing

During Mental Health Awareness Week Red River College launches Mind it!

October 30, 2014

WINNIPEG, MB – Red River College (RRC) in partnership with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) came together to develop a mental health strategy for the college community titled Healthy Minds Healthy College that includes launch of an online resource called Mind it!

The Healthy Minds Healthy College strategy is comprehensive and systemically based, recognizing everyone has a role to play in the positive mental health of the college community. The goal was to cultivate an environment of support that provides a sense of well-being, belonging, connectedness, and positive mental health for all students, faculty and staff.

“The advisory committee that came together in support of this initiative is to be commended,” said Laureen Janzen, Coordinator, Counselling and Accessibility Services (Chair), Red River College. “The vision of Healthy Minds Healthy College was to offer evidence-informed options to respond to the mental, social, psychological and spiritual needs of students, faculty and staff and the committee has exceeded those expectations.”

“We are pleased to have been a partner in the development of this strategy,” said Karen Kyliuk, Mental Health Resource & Education Facilitator, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. “The collaboration between Red River College and WRHA has resulted in a user friendly resource to strengthen the response to mental health needs for the whole college community and a tool that we are proud to be a part of.”

“Every student experiences challenges while balancing school, work, friends and other commitments,” said Meghan Franklin, RRC Creative Communications graduate and creator of the College’s new online resource, Mind it! “When we’re aware of our emotions and the state of our mental health, we’re better equipped to deal with difficult situations, to work towards our goals, and to recognize when to take a breather or ask for help.”

Franklin received a Heroes of Mental Health Award at the Canadian Mental Health Association awards luncheon held October 9, 2014.

The Mind it! website is designed to help RRC students take better care of their mental health by providing a range of online resources on everything from test anxiety and financial stress to sleep deprivation and seasonal affective disorder.

Red River College has nine campuses and annual enrolments of more than 30,000 in full-and part-time degree, diploma and certificate programs. Through award-winning instruction and training on state-of-the-art equipment, RRC prepares its students to become leaders in their fields, while partnering with industry to conduct research and ensure curriculum remains up-to-date.

Click here for more information on the  new Mind it! website →

For more information please contact:

Conor Lloyd                                                               Melissa Hoft

RRC, College and Public Relations                           WRHA Media Relations

Office: (204)632-2581                                                Office: (204) 926-7868

Cell: (204)795-2864                                                   Cell: (204) 299-0152

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.