Communications and Marketing

Statement from Red River College’s Board of Governors, regarding the marble from the Union Bank Tower Project

January 21, 2015

For Immediate Release: January 21, 2015

WINNIPEG, MB – Today, Lloyd Schreyer, Chair, Red River College Board of Governors, made the following statement regarding the Board’s investigation into allegations of marble being taken from the Union Bank Tower project by RRC’s former president.

“As of yesterday, the board made the decision to engage Winnipeg Police to undertake a review of the allegations.  The board looked into this to the best of its ability but determined we do not possess the necessary legal tools to adequately conclude the investigation. Once the Police review is complete, appropriate action will be taken.”

“The Board will await the results. At this juncture, it is not appropriate to discuss this further until the review is complete and conclusive.”


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