Communications and Marketing

Red River College Awards Two Lieutenant-Governor Medals at this week’s 2015 Winter Convocation

February 18, 2015

For Immediate Release: February 9, 2015

WINNIPEG, MB – Red River College congratulates its most recent recipients of the Lieutenant – Governor’s Medals for Proficiency, Diego Mendoza (Chemical Biosciences Technology), and Pablo Steinberg (International Business).

Each year, a maximum of four Lt-.Gov.’s Medals are awarded to RRC students who best combine good character, academic and technical achievement, and involvement in the College and/or community This year’s winners embodied every aspect of the award.


A May 2014 graduate of the College’s Chemical and Biosciences Technology program, Diego Mendoza was born in El Salvador, and moved with his family to Canada in 1993, following years of civil unrest.

He graduated with an International Baccalaureate diploma from Miles MacDonnell Collegiate in 2003, and went on to earn a Bachelor of Sciences degree with a major in Microbiology from the University of Manitoba.

After working in quality assurance for a local food company, he enrolled at RRC, where he hoped to gain further experience in analytical and laboratory work. As part of his program’s co-op education component, he landed his current job as a laboratory technician with the City of Winnipeg’s Water and Waste Department, where he monitors local industries to ensure proper waste treatment processes and environmental protections are in place.

While attending RRC, Diego served as a student representative for the Chemical and Biosciences Technology Advisory Committee; following his graduation, he has continued to serve as an industry representative.

Diego has a 10-year history as a Canadian Naval Reservist with HMCS Chippawa in Winnipeg, having been inspired to join the military by the sacrifices his parents made in moving to Canada.

His years of naval service include several coastal patrols to safeguard Canada’s waters and sovereignty, and a number of local deployments prompted by emergency flood responses throughout Manitoba.

For the last five years, he’s served as president of HMCS Chippawa’s Junior Ranks Mess, a support and mentorship initiative for local sailors that also raises funds for such charities as the Christmas Cheer Board, the Firefighters Burn Fund, Prostate Cancer Canada, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada, and the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities’ Easter Seals campaign.

In 2012, Diego was awarded a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his considerable military, academic and community outreach efforts.


Originally from Argentina, International Business graduate Pablo Steinberg moved to Canada with his family in 2004, and became a Canadian citizen in 2008.

Over the last 10 years, he’s worked in advertising and marketing for such companies as JWT Worldwide, BBDO, and McCann-Erickson, where his portfolios included such clients as Ford, Esso, Kraft, and Procter & Gamble.

Armed with a keen interest in cultural diversity, Pablo enrolled in Red River College’s International Business program in 2013, graduating with honours in January of this year.

In his award submission essay, Pablo notes the decision to return to school was one he made with his family, since he wanted to impart two lessons to his children: that education is the key to success, and that effort at any age is the key to excellence.

Pablo believes education provides the opportunity to open doors, and the power to make changes. In his case, he’d planned to make changes not only to his own life and the lives of those around him, but also to the economy of Manitoba and or Canada.

Pablo sees his community involvement as a means by which to begin effecting change. While in Winnipeg, he has volunteered for Manitoba Opera’s signature fundraising gala, for the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Manitoba, and for Folklorama’s Argentina “Tango” Pavilion, for which he’s served as vice-president for the last two years.

While at RRC, Pablo served as a peer tutor and as a class representative. He is also heavily involved in Winnipeg’s start-up community; earlier this year, his entrepreneurial efforts earned him the Best Student Pitch award at Innovate Manitoba’s annual Pitch Day event.

He is currently involved in a number of projects, including serving as a board member for International Manitoba Global Traders, and coordinating the operations of Vantage Studios & Print Shop, a local advertising and marketing agency.



*Note to editors – approved photos are attached

**Red River College’s Winter Convocation takes place February 9 and 10 at Winnipeg’s Centennial Concert Hall starting at 7pm. To view this year’s convocation ceremonies visit

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