Communications and Marketing

On September 9th It’s Chef vs Chief at the First Annual Jerk Chicken Cook-off

September 11, 2015

On September 9th there will be a battle of delicious proportions in Winnipeg’s Exchange District, that will pit Red River College’s (RRC) award-winning Chef Tim Appleton against Winnipeg Police Chief Devon Clunis, to see who has the best Jerk Chicken Recipe.

Annually, Chief Clunis hosts a Jerk Chicken event for members of the Winnipeg Police Service to raise money for the WPS Endowment Fund, and after meeting Chef Appleton and exchanging culinary taunts; Chef Appleton served Chief Clunis a grilled habanero pepper and that resulted in a challenge – a Jerk Chicken Cook-off.

This first annual event hopes to attract more than 500 people to Red River College’s Paterson GlobalFoods Institute with the goal to raise money for two very important funds that help communities and children in the welfare system succeed – the Winnipeg Police Service Endowment Fund and the Red River College Youth-in-Care Bursary.

“Time to fire up the jerk pit and fan the flames of fundraising in the name of the Winnipeg Police Endowment Fund,” says Chief Clunis. “I know Chef Appleton can bring the heat, and I’m ready for the challenge. Between the two of us, we’ll add a little extra spice to September and our efforts to make life a little brighter for organizations that share our vision for a stronger community.”

I am pleased to be involved in this community event to benefit youth,” said Chef Tim Appleton, Culinary Arts Instructor, School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts, Red River College, and Winnipeg Chef of the Year from the Canadian Culinary Federation. “It is truly a recipe for success and the result is an opportunity for accessible education – our Youth in Care Tuition Bursary waives the tuition fee for youth who grew up in the child welfare system. The Chief is an admirable opponent and like-minded in raising funds to remove barriers to education that will help people in our City.”

Chef Appleton and Chief Clunis will compete for top likes for their Jerk Chicken recipe with community invited to vote. The event will take place at Bijou Park, next to Red River College’s, Paterson GlobalFoods Institute on Wednesday September 9, 2015 from 11am – 1pm.

A minimum contribution of $5.00 is requested and includes Chef and Chief’s jerk chicken, a side of rice and beans and a non-alcoholic beverage.

A panel of judges will vote for their favourite recipe with two awards being presented:  People’s Choice and Judge’s Choice.

About the Winnipeg Police Service’s Endowment Fund

The WPS Endowment Fund was created in 2014 under Chief Clunis’s leadership. Established through the Winnipeg Foundation, it will provide a means to subsidize recognized community projects that support the WPS’s vision of creating a culture of safety. For more information, click here:

About Red River College’s Youth in Care Tuition Bursary

RRC’s Youth in Care Tuition Bursary allows youth in Manitoba who grew up in the child welfare system to attend Red River College tuition-free. The Child and Welfare Services Authorities select suitable students for bursaries. Eligible donations to the fund are matched through the Province’s Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI). For more information, click here:

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