Communications and Marketing

New scholarships aim to give RRC students a financial boost

October 23, 2017

Red River College scholarships, bursaries and awards available for 2017-18 school year; Apply now!

For immediate release: October 23, 2017

Red River College is unveiling a number of new scholarships and awards aimed at supporting Indigenous learners; students involved in social justice activities; and those are pursuing studies to support the environment.

Last year, a total of 2,300 financial awards ­­– more than $1.5 million dollars – were distributed into the hands of students as part of their Red River College education.

“Many of our students benefit from access to the numerous awards, bursaries and scholarships that are made available through the support of local businesses, industry partners, community organizations, and individuals, who have made an investment in our students,” said Paul Vogt, President and CEO, Red River College.

“This type of an investment not only benefits our students, it helps continue to support Manitoba’s economy as Manitobans are able to access the skills and training they need to join the workforce. We want to make sure students are aware of these awards are available this year.”

With nine campuses across the province, Red River College continues to be a popular choice – operating year over year at capacity, which amounts to about 22,000 students per year.

“Manitoba’s economy relies on the success of our students – as about 98 per cent of our alumni live and work here after graduation – and financial awards help alleviate the pressures that many students face. This is one of the ways we support student success – which is a key strategic priority at the College,” added Vogt.

Students who are still considering applying for a scholarship, bursary or financial award are encouraged to explore the full list of awards with eligibility requirements and application deadlines available here.

In addition to the support from countless supporters, Red River College thanks the Province of Manitoba for financial investments made towards matching funds available for students to pursue a post-secondary education at participating institutions in Manitoba.

New RRC scholarships and bursaries available for the 2017-18 academic year:

Richard (Asher) Webb Social Justice Activist Memorial Award
This $750 annual award is open to all full- and part-time RRC students.

This award was established by the family to commemorate Richard Asher Webb – a community activist who worked for social justice, equality and dignity for marginalized people.

After graduating from Red River College’s Computer Programmer program, Webb worked as the Information Systems Manager at the Village Clinic and coordinated Winnipeg’s first public conference on HIV/AIDS. He went on to become the Executive Director of the Osborne Village BIZ, a project coordinator for the B’nai Brith Human Rights Awards, and served many other capacities within Winnipeg’s gay community. Later in life, he returned to Red River College to study Business Administration.

He was an idealist who truly believed in a world where everyone was equal and those with privilege helped those without. Every day people take extraordinary actions to show leadership on social justice issues in and outside the classroom.

This award will be presented to a student who has demonstrated exceptional effort and ability to lead, organize and engage other students or members of the community to work for systemic change on issues of social justice, including but not limited to antiracism, public health, human rights, discrimination, antipoverty, and LGBTQ issues. Financial need may also be a consideration.

Application deadline is February 16, 2018

Frederick David Taylor IV Memorial Award
A minimum of $500 will be available annually to a Greenspace Horticulture Diploma student

This award was established by family and friends in memory of Frederick David Taylor IV, a 2014 graduate of Greenspace Management program at Red River College. Frederick – who was always passionate about the environment and outdoors – started Sustainable Organic Solutions after he graduated, which focuses on the environment and organic soil health amendments. This award was created to honour Frederick’s legacy going and to support students who share similar qualities.

Recipients will be selected by faculty based on commitment to the environment and sustainable Horticultural practices along with exemplary team work and leadership in the classroom.

Cindy Petrowski and Phillip Marsh Helping Hands Bursary
This bursary valued at a minimum of $500 and is available to a full-time First Nations or Metis student attending any program at Red River College.

This bursary was created by Cindy Petrowski, who graduated from RRC’s Stenography program in 1982.  She chose RRC because of its reputation then – and today – as a post-secondary institution that offers instruction in current and high-demand skills recognized and required by employers. Petrowski and partner, Phillip Marsh, created this bursary to support a First Nations or Metis student in their academic aspirations and help with the financial strain of obtaining a post-secondary education.

Application deadline is January 15, 2018.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.