Communications and Marketing

Lights, camera, convocation! RRC Polytech celebrates largest fall Virtual Convocation Ceremony

November 2, 2021

Winnipeg, Manitoba, on Treaty No. 1 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis Nation   – The Red River College Polytechnic community gathers virtually today to celebrate the College’s largest fall convocation, and the first class to graduate since Red River College embraced its new identity as RRC Polytech.

1,400 students will become graduates at today’s online ceremony, representing every RRC Polytech school and campus across the province, as well as international students from across the globe.

Earlier this October, Manitoba’s largest college unveiled a bold new strategic direction and embraced its identity as Manitoba’s polytechnic by bringing that word into its name, as Red River College Polytechnic, or RRC Polytech. The new name signals a stronger focus on strategic workforce development, applied research, and more flexible learning options that aim to keep Manitobans ahead by transforming disruption into opportunity.

“Today we mark a momentous occasion, both in the lives of our graduates and in the history of RRC Polytech. As our post-secondary institution embraces its strengths in polytechnic education by embarking on a new strategic plan, our graduates stand ready to thrive in a new world of work: one that needs their unique skills and knowledge like never before,” said Fred Meier, RRC Polytech President and CEO.

“Employers continue to embrace and adopt new technologies, industrial processes and economic and social realities as they emerge from the pandemic. RRC Polytech stands ready to lead and support our partners to seize the opportunities. Our institution is always one step ahead, and that means our graduates are, too. They are ready – now – to pivot, adapt, and create solutions that position Manitoba at the leading edge of innovation.”

The Fall 2021 Virtual Convocation Ceremony will feature messages from speakers across the College and province, including:

  • Fred Meier, President and CEO;
  • Dr. Christine Watson, Vice-President, Academic and Research;
  • Loren Cisyk, Chair of RRC Polytech Board of Governors;
  • The Honourable Wayne Ewasko, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Immigration;
  • Mandeep Sidhu, Vice President Internal, Red River College Students’ Association;
  • Jared Akman, Director of Operations at Akman Construction, 2008 graduate of the Structural Engineering Technology program;
  • Orycia Karpa, Communications Coordinator at Women’s Enterprise Organizations of Canada, 2020 graduate of the Creative Communications program;
  • Deans, Chairs, Coordinators and Faculty from across the College; and
  • Graduating students from the first graduating class of RRC Polytech

“Earning an academic credential is an important milestone — especially from programs like ours that have so much potential to shape the future of our businesses and communities,” said Dr. Christine Watson, VP Academic and Research, RRC Polytech. 

“We are so proud of what today’s graduates have accomplished, and proud of what their talent will tell the world about where they studied. Learning is a lifelong journey, and RRC Polytech is ready to walk beside them every step of the way.”

Graduates are encouraged to join in the celebrations online by taking photos and sharing them on social media by tagging Red River College Polytechnic (@redrivercollege) and using the hashtag RRC Polytech Alumni (#rrcalumni).  Graduates may also purchase lawn signs at the Campus Store. 

RRC Polytech’s Fall 2021 Virtual Convocation Ceremony will stream on Facebook Live today, Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 3:00pm. For a full list of graduates, award winners, and to stream the ceremony please visit

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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