Communications and Marketing

RRC Polytech Hosts Winter 2022 Convocation Celebrating Resilience

February 24, 2022

Winnipeg, Manitoba on Treaty No. 1 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis Nation –

Today, RRC Polytech is celebrating the success of its Winter 2022 graduating class through a virtual convocation ceremony.

There are 1,040 students crossing the virtual stage, representing programs from the College’s eight campuses across Manitoba, and includes international students who studied virtually from their home countries. For many graduates their studies took place almost entirely during the COVID-19 pandemic, which challenged students to be open to new or different ways of learning and adapt to a changing world.

“We are proud to be honouring RRC Polytech’s graduates and celebrating as they take the next step into their careers. To get to where they are today shows true resilience and dedication, and I know they will carry those qualities with them into the workforce and help move Manitoba forward,“ said Fred Meier, President and CEO at RRC Polytech. “Our alumni have a strong reputation for being leaders across Manitoba’s leading industries, and I am looking forward to seeing what our newest graduates bring to the table.”

This is the second class to graduate since RRC Polytech’s evolution as a polytechnic. Last year, the College announced that, through its new strategic plan, it would increase its focus on strategic workforce development, applied research and flexible learning options that aim to keep Manitobans in front of what’s ahead.

Honorary Diploma Awarded to Restaurant Legend

RRC Polytech has the distinct privilege of honouring Doug Stephen, founder of WOW! Hospitality, with an Honorary Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management.

“I can’t tell you how honoured and humbled I am to be presented with this recognition,” said Doug Stephen, who also shared the following advice for today’s graduates. “If you can honestly say that you are passionate about what you do when you wake up in the morning, your life will be filled with happiness and fulfillment.”

Stephen is receiving the Honorary Diploma for being an integral part of the Winnipeg dining and hospitality sector, as well as his longstanding commitment to providing RRC Polytech students opportunities to gain hands-on training and work experience.

Graduates Encouraged to Celebrate Together on Social Media

Graduates are encouraged to join in the celebrations online by taking photos and sharing them on social media by tagging RRC Polytech (@redrivercollege) and using the official alumni hashtag (#rrcalumni). Graduates may also purchase lawn signs at the Campus Store. 

RRC Polytech’s Winter 2022 Virtual Convocation Ceremony will stream on RRC Polytech’s website and Facebook Live today, February 24 at 3:00pm.

For a full list of graduates, award winners, and to stream the ceremony please visit

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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