Communications and Marketing

RRC Polytech Hosting Fourth Annual Truth and Reconciliation Week

September 23, 2022

RRC Polytech is committed to continuing the journey of Truth and Reconciliation as individuals, and collectively as a College community. Next week from Monday, Sept 26, to Thursday, Sept 29, 2022, marks the fourth annual Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Week, a time to learn, reflect and spark conversations that will contribute to understanding, healing and creating stronger relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

Employees and students will be immersed in Indigenous teachings, storytelling and experiences to evolve their understanding of history and current issues impacting Indigenous people, reconciliation efforts and society as a whole. TRC Week is a blend of in-person, virtual and self-guided events and experiences offered by departments from across the College and the RRC Polytech Student Association.

“Truth and Reconciliation Week at RRC Polytech has grown to become a cross-departmental collaboration to offer a wide variety of events for staff and students. With this being our fourth year, we can build upon the foundational knowledge we have developed and really dive deeper into topics staff and faculty require to move forward in their work,” says Carla Kematch, Director of Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement at RRC Polytech.

TRC Week focuses on the vital topics of Residential Schools, Orange Shirt Day: Every Child Matters, and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit, and begins with an all-day session on Indigenous research methodologies led by Dr. Shawn Wilson.

“As a polytechnic, there’s a huge opportunity to integrate Indigenous teachings and knowledge, to create learning opportunities from influential scholars in this space. For TRC Week we are fortunate to be hosting an Indigenous research methodologies session with Dr. Wilson, author of Research is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods,” says Kematch.

Alongside employees and students, community members are invited to join Dr. Wilson’s session on Monday, Sept 26, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Roundhouse Auditorium, located at Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, the Exchange District Campus. Pre-registration for this event is required.

Also embedded within the first day of TRC Week, RRC Polytech will be signing Colleges and Institutes Canada’s (CICan) national Indigenous Education Protocol. As an official signatory, RRC Polytech is furthering its commitment to reconciling a broken trust in our education system and advancing Indigenous achievement through addressing barriers, embracing new ways of learning and knowing, and working together to create meaningful change.

To support meaningful change and live the College’s renewed commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, at the beginning of this year, the re-imagined area of Indigenous Strategy, Research and Business Development was launched. This area, led by Vice President, James (Jamie) Wilson, helps guide transformation in Truth and Reconciliation, and strengthen the College’s relationship between Indigenous communities and the business sector, resulting in expanded opportunities for students, industry and Indigenous communities in Manitoba.  

“To truly embed Truth and Reconciliation and create transformational change, we need to do the work as Individuals and as a collective. TRC Week brings many opportunities to both learn and apply the learning, helping to build critical pathways between RRC Polytech, Indigenous students, and Indigenous communities and businesses,” says Jamie Wilson, Vice President, Indigenous Strategy, Research and Business Development at RRC Polytech.

RRC Polytech’s work towards learning, understanding, healing and building relationships goes beyond TRC Week. Together, the School of Indigenous Education and Library and Academic Services are launching the Truth and Reconciliation Community of Practice, a forum for participants to extend and apply their learning, and to take action to advance TRC and anti-racism throughout fall 2022 and beyond.

For the full TRC Week event listing and more information, visit

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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