Welcoming RRC Polytech’s new Chair, School of Continuing Education
RRC Polytech is pleased to welcome the new Chair for the School of Continuing Education. Please join us in welcoming Jody Gillis, Chair, IT and Professional Studies.
Jody Gillis began his career at RRC Polytech in 2000, developing and teaching computer programming courses in Continuing Education. He began teaching in 2002 in the Computer Analyst/Programmer program, which evolved into the Business Information Technology (BIT) program.
Highlights of his career at RRC Polytech include his role as Curriculum Lead for the BIT program, chairing the Directions Conference Committee, the Instructor Assignment Taskforce, the Envision program, helping plan the College’s inaugural Inclusion Week, and his involvement with the union and the RRC Faculty Association.
Jody is an honours graduate of RRC Polytech’s Computer Analyst/Programmer and CAE programs and has his BSc in Applied Computer Science from the University of Winnipeg. He also holds the Master of Trust Management Standards (MTMS) designation and has served on the Civil Service Superannuation Board (CSSB) and associated committees since 2014.
Outside of work, Jody enjoys outdoor activities and spending time with his family.