Minister of Advanced Education and Training visits RRC Polytech
Fred Meier, President and CEO, had the pleasure of hosting Honourable Sarah Guillemard, Minster of Advanced Education and Training earlier today.
Fred was able to showcase some of the incredible things happening at RRC Polytech, including projects managed by students underway at ACE Project Space and the opportunities and connections provided to industry and students. They toured the Game Development Program where Minister Guillemard was able to meet students and see first-hand how RRC Polytech is meeting the growing demand.
They were able to discuss College priorities, including opportunities and advantages that a polytechnic brings to bridge the skills gap in Manitoba to support upskilling and reskilling, meeting the ever-changing needs of Manitobans.
The meeting included a tour of Manitou a bi Bii daziigae and highlighted the connected learning spaces, studios, classrooms and one of the largest language training centres in Manitoba.