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RRC Polytech celebrates prolific donors Walter and Maria Schroeder on National Philanthropy Day

November 15, 2023

Founders of the Schroeder Foundation awarded Outstanding Philanthropist at 2023 AFP Awards

Winnipeg, Manitoba, on Treaty No. 1 Territory and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis NationToday is National Philanthropy Day, and longtime Red River College Polytechnic supporters Walter and Maria Schroeder of the Schroeder Foundation are being recognized for their years of supporting organizations, institutions, and individuals in Manitoba and throughout Canada with the 2023 Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Manitoba Outstanding Philanthropist Award.

RRC Polytech and the University of Manitoba co-nominated the duo in recognition of their dedication to Winnipeg youth.

“Walter and Maria Schroeder’s work has truly been transformative, and today RRC Polytech is so proud to celebrate their contributions with our community as Manitoba’s 2023 Outstanding Philanthropists,” said Fred Meier, President and CEO, RRC Polytech.

“The Schroeder Foundation has awarded hundreds of full post-secondary scholarships to institutions in Winnipeg – including more than 180 to RRC Polytech – which includes tuition, books, and wrap-around supports. The Schroeder Foundation students now also have the opportunity to participate in the Transition to College program, which helps them start their programs with the knowledge and confidence they need to succeed on day one.”

The Schroeder Foundation donates millions of dollars to organizations every year, with a focus on improving healthcare, providing economic education, and empowering youth and Indigenous communities across the country. The Foundation currently invests more than three million dollars annually in Winnipeg alone.

“Supporting Red River College Polytechnic has always been important to us, because of the many useful trades and related activities they provide for students,” said Walter Schroeder. “It’s an ideal institution for people to pursue one of the most important things they can do in life, which is to use education as a means of overcoming financial barriers. RRC Polytech is a top-notch institution that is ideally suited to do this, which is one of the reasons we chose it in our endeavours to provide scholarships and bursaries.”

RRC Polytech has previously honoured Walter and Maria Schroeder with an Honorary Bachelor of Education degree in October 2022, in recognition of their dedication to removing barriers to education for Manitoba youth.

“Partnerships and donor support are key to our success at RRC Polytech,” continued Meier. “Walter and Maria Schroeder are the embodiment of this support, as they see the value in investing today to create a better and brighter tomorrow – for students and our community.”

The Schroeders received their award this afternoon at the Manitoba Philanthropy Awards, a National Philanthropy Day celebration recognizing outstanding charitable work throughout the province.

Read the Donor Spotlight on Walter and Maria Schroeder and watch the student testimonial video here.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.