Communications and Marketing


March 22, 2024

Winnipeg, Manitoba – Shoal Lake 40 First Nation students will be launching a new line of merchandise on World Water Day, March 22, 2024, at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

Students developed a business with their teacher, Andrea Redsky, and have designed and created water bottles and stickers to hang in every home, business, and institution in Manitoba and where Shoal Lake 40 First Nation water flows, as a part of the Kekekoziibii Development Corporation and Harvey Redsky Memorial School Future Business Leaders Project. The students will use this platform to educate Winnipeggers on where their water comes from with 100% of product purchases will go towards Harvey Redsky Memorial School Future Business Leaders Project in 2025. A  number of local Winnipeg businesses and organizations have already partnered with the students to display the merchandise at their offices and throughout their buildings including RRC Polytech, Ernst and Hansch, Business Council of Manitoba, Canadian Mental Health Association, Strong Front Tv, and more! 

“RRC Polytech is committed to addressing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action, recognizing the past wrongs and harms done through the education system, and working to build a path forward that creates equitable opportunities for all learners. Through this shared commitment, we have partnered with Shoal Lake 40 First Nation to foster greater awareness of where our clean drinking water on campus comes from and encourage students, staff and visitors to embody truth and reconciliation in their personal and professional lives.”

-Fred Meier, President and CEO, RRC Polytech

Partners are: National Reconciliation Program (NRP) at Save the Children Canada, Martin Family Initiative, Dreamcatcher Promotions and Shoal Lake 40 First Nation.

What: Press conference to launch Shoal Lake 40 First Nation Merchandise 
Who: Shoal Lake 40 First Nation Students
When: World Water Day – 11:00am, Friday, March 22, 2024
Where: The Canadian Museum for Human Rights – Garden of Contemplation

“Future Business Leaders project is Shoal Lake 40 First Nation’s commitment to investing in our future generations while raising important awareness of the sacrifices our community has made so people in Winnipeg can enjoy the water that flows through Shoal Lake 40 First Nation to their taps. Our youth are teaching all of us about how to achieve economic reconciliation and we are grateful to our partners for their support.” says Chief Redsky.

It was the building of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights that helped create the large campaign that resulted in constructing Freedom Road so now Shoal Lake 40 First Nation members can enter and exit their community safely. Shoal Lake 40 First Nation and The Canadian Museum for Human rights hold a special relationship with each other, and the community is proud and excited to launch the Shoal Lake 40 First Nation Future Business Leaders project at the museum. 

In 1919, the aqueduct to carry clean lake water directly to Winnipeg through Shoal Lake 40 First Nation was finished. The original Ojibwa village was displaced and moved to a man-made island. A parcel of the band’s traditional land, 3,000 acres, became City of Winnipeg property and split the reserve into three separate parcels. People moved from the old village to a nearby peninsula then Winnipeg dug a diversion canal through the neck of the peninsula, effectively creating an island and isolating the community. Despite Winnipeg using the water that flows through Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the reserve itself had a 24-year boil water advisory that only ended in 2021 and was the 2nd longest in Canada. 

The students at Harvey Redsky Memorial School are eager to share this knowledge and the knowledge of Shoal Lake 40 First Nation with Winnipegers, to educate them on how and why they have clean drinking water and our shared history and sacred responsibility to water, environmental stewardship and building a community and generation of water educators and protectors. 

“The students in grade 6-8 at Harvey Redsky Memorial School initially endeavoured to raise funds to go on a year end field trip. However, once they learned that they could have a lasting impact on youth in our community by raising funds to provide a sustainable way to support youth entrepreneurs and skill development, and educate Winnipegers about where they get their drinking water from, they jumped on board. They started by selling water bottles and stickers with a QR code that takes people to our Website. Here they learn about our journey toward getting a road and water treatment plant. Next we sold tumblers and a sticker that says “The water from this tap comes from Shoal Lake #40” on a blue water drop and also contains our QR code. We are entering the next phase with the sale of our next generation water bottle and a partnership with DreamCatcher Promotions.” -Says Andrea Redsky

The students decided to launch their Future Business Leaders Project on World Water Day 2024, to show the significance of their water history, and to help raise awareness and funds for the students who live in Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, who are still directly impacted by the water history. To support and purchase merchandise, please visit

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.