Communications and Marketing

RRC Polytech’s expanded partnership with DCSP supporting overall downtown safety strategy at the Exchange District Campus 

September 3, 2024

At RRC Polytech, we want everyone working, learning and visiting our campuses to feel and be safe, which is why we have a comprehensive safety strategy in place. At the Exchange District Campus, a vital part of our safety strategy has been leveraging the dedication and great work by our RRC Polytech Security team and collaborating with the Downtown Community Safety Partnership (DCSP). 

The DCSP is a non-profit organization for the purpose of enhancing the safety, health, and wellbeing of all those who live, work, learn and enjoy the downtown. This also includes providing proactive, non-emergency response, outreach, and intervention to those experiencing complex issues in Winnipeg’s downtown. 

Enhancements to our existing partnership include collaborating with additional community groups –   Bear Clan, Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development (CARHD), N’dinawemak, and OPK Manitoba – to ensure the right resources are available at the right time. This means that there are additional supports and access to resources for students, staff, visitors as well as community members.  

RRC Polytech is a central hub within DCSP’s patrol Zone 2 and therefore a space within the Roblin Centre has been designated for DCSP, community partners and RRC Polytech security personnel to do daily briefings, ensuring emerging safety concerns or issues are addressed in a timely manner. All partners communicate through a shared radio channel, leading to an improved incident response time. 

Map outlining DCSP's three patrol zones in downtown Winnipeg
Pictured: DCSP patrol zones as designated through this summer’s Downtown Safety Action Plan 

Having a dedicated space for DCSP and community patrol partners to be stationed on campus will help ensure members of the community can get the right supports they need, providing the RRC Polytech Security team with more capacity to support the College community – staff, faculty and students. Our Security team will primarily patrol within the three campus buildings – Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, Paterson GlobalFoods Institute and the Roblin Centre – and DCSP alongside community partners will patrol campus grounds and the entirety of Zone 2, supporting within campus buildings as needed. 

RRC Polytech security offices are open 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily, and with the support of DCSP and community partners, EDC campus grounds are patrolled 24-hours a day.  

On the Exchange District Campus and the surrounding area, if you see a DCSP Ambassador nearby, they are here to assist you and everyone who makes up the downtown Winnipeg community. DCSP also hosts regular walks on Wednesdays and are open to anyone and any organization wanting to attend. To sign up for a walk and learn about upcoming events, check their social media channels @WinnipegDCSP. 

While RRC Polytech’s expanded partnership with DCSP is made possible through funding for this summer’s Downtown Safety Action Plan, it will move forward into the beginning of fall. Beyond this time, we will continue to collaborate with DCSP and community organizations to support one another and prioritize the safety of staff, students, visitors on campus. 

As we begin the Fall Term, it’s a good time for a reminder about the safety and security services on campus, and how you can access them.  

Safe Walk and Safe Ride services provide escorts for students, staff and visitors between two points at the Notre Dame Campus or Exchange District Campus, or to a point near the College (including parking lots.)  

To contact the patrol, pick up a Safe Walk or Safe Ride phone located across campus, or call: 

  • Exchange District Campus – 204-949-8305 
    • DCSP can also be called directly at 204-947-3277 or 211 for Safe Walks 
  • Notre Dame Campus – 204-632-2323  

If you witness or are experiencing a safety concern, call or visit Security on campus. RRC Polytech security personnel will address and direct your concern as needed. For example, connecting with the DCSP front line team to provide support to vulnerable community members.  

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.