RRC Polytech Opens Doors for New Learners
Manitobans looking for a rewarding career path are welcome to visit Red River College Polytechnic’s (RRC Polytech) Winnipeg campuses tomorrow to learn what the College has to offer.
The Open Doors event is RRC Polytech’s signature open house event which anticipates welcoming more than 4,000 prospective students and their families to tour the campuses, meet instructors, learn about available supports and find a program that sparks their interest.
Date: Wednesday February 19, 2025
Daytime: 9am–2pm (last campus tour leaves at 1pm)
Evening: 5pm–8pm(last campus tour leaves at 7pm)
Locations: Notre Dame Campus and Exchange District Campus
Potential students and their supporters can explore the campuses through a guided tour. Specialty tours are available at each campus, including a Culinary, Hospitality and Residence tour of the College’s Paterson GlobalFoods Institute; skilled trades and technologies tours featuring programs included in the Price Institute of Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics; and creative arts and information technology tours featuring programs included in the Schroeder Institute of Entertainment and Media Arts.
$5,000 Bursary Available for Attendees
Potential students who visit RRC Polytech during the Open Doors event are also eligible to enter for a $5,000 bursary to support their educational journey. Learn more about how the bursary impacted the 2024 recipient here.
For more information, please visit rrc.ca/opendoors