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Residential Decorating Students Partner with IKEA on Co-Create Spaces

May 21, 2019

Today, a group of 24 Red River College’s (RRC) students unveiled five displays they created in partnership with IKEA.

The in-store displays are an iconic part of the IKEA experience and are different in every location, based on localized market research. They’re designed to address the needs of a specific person, place and price-point.

Josephine Pulver — an interior designer and Residential Decorating instructor at RRC — saw a chance to connect with the industry and turn IKEA’s design process into a final project for her students.

“Last year I placed two of my students at IKEA for their practicums and got to meet some of their staff, and saw the opportunity to set up a project with them,” says Pulver. “The mission is to get students involved, and show the industry what our students are doing at RRC.”

Five displays designed and built by Pulver’s students are now on display at IKEA’s Winnipeg location. The five rooms — called Co-Create Spaces — were unveiled over the weekend, and will remain in-store for the next three years.
Through the Co-Create project, students were able to work off-campus and immerse themselves in the process from start to finish. IKEA provided the research, room dimensions, budget and list of products, then the students broke into groups and began sketching solutions for better everyday living.

“We start from inspiration and develop a concept, which we present to our client, then we get our client’s feedback and get them involved in the progress of the plan development,” says Pulver. “We then carry that through to the completion of the project.”

“We have a specific way of working that comes with having been here for a while, so [the students’] designs suggested different ways to use our products that we may not have thought of before,” adds Andrea Dreilich, communication and interior manager at IKEA.

The Co-Create project marked the first time these students were able to take their drawings and translate them into real spaces. As Pulver notes, communicating directly with an actual client comes with lessons that can’t be reproduced in a classroom. The confined space and timeline limitations (students only had two weeks to build the spaces) afforded additional opportunities for learning.

“They’ve experienced what it’s like to work with a contractor, for example, and how on top of things you have to be. It’s also little things like remembering to bring your plans to the site … that will hopefully give them a step up when they join the workforce,” she says.

One of IKEA’s current interior designers is a recent graduate of the same program. Kerri Harpman completed her workplace practicum at IKEA in 2018 and was hired directly after graduating. She was recently selected to go to Coquitlam, B.C., for six weeks to join a team of specially selected interior designers from across Canada, and helped redesign the IKEA store there.

“I feel like I was well prepared. My instructors were awesome, and I was able to take things that I learned, like space planning, and apply it and see my work come to life,” says Harpman.

Here in Winnipeg, Harpman helped oversee the build-outs at IKEA. She says passing on her knowledge to a group willing to learn and adapt was a great experience, and also a reminder of how far she had come after only one year in the industry.

“Designing a room isn’t all about what it looks like. The room has to be functional,” she explains. “In a big store like IKEA, we have certain rules to follow and you can’t just change things, so it can be hard to wrap your head around that as a student. In school, you hand your plans in and think it looks good, but when you have to implement it, you learn a lot.”
Dreilich says the partnership is beneficial for all involved.

“We get an opportunity to see what up-and-coming designers are working toward, and see this as an opportunity to connect with fresh talent,” she says. “The students get to put it all together in real life, which is not typical in a design program.”

Pulver says the project wouldn’t have come together so quickly without interest and buy-in from IKEA, and internal support from RRC.

“Things like this set Red River College apart,” she says.

Red River College Unveils Indigenous Stoles at 19th Annual Pow Wow

May 3, 2019

WINNIPEG, MB – Today, Red River College will unveil a new Indigenous graduation stole at RRC’s Graduation Pow Wow to recognize the achievements of the College’s Indigenous students. The students will be presented with their stoles by RRC’s elders and members of the College’s leadership.

The 19th annual Graduation Pow Wow has grown by more than 25 per cent from last year and is one of RRC’s largest cultural celebrations.

“Advancing indigenous achievement is a key priority at Red River College, and the College recognizes the important role it plays in supporting reconciliation efforts across the Province,” said Rebecca Chartrand, Executive Director, Indigenous Strategy. “Presenting our students with these beautiful Indigenous stoles will give them a great sense of pride at the Pow Wow and as they walk across the stage at convocation. Today is about celebrating our students’ success and this stole an important way of honouring who they are, their culture, and their achievements at the College.”

The stole was designed with symbols to represent The Seven Sacred Teachings, Métis culture, and Inuit culture. In the middle of the stole is the Red River College logo, which rests on the back of the neck. The Assiniboine and Red rivers are also represented throughout the design, which lays on red silk to proudly display the College’s brand colour.

“The Red and Assiniboine rivers are historically and culturally significant to Indigenous peoples; they are the reason so many groups came to reside on the land that Red River College campuses are located on. This geography has informed Indigenous history and is our College’s namesake, so it was really important to incorporate the rivers symbolically into the design,” said Chartrand.

Students who receive a stole at the Pow Wow are encouraged to wear their stole at the College-wide Spring 2019 Convocation ceremonies on June 4 and 5, 2019 at the Centennial Concert Hall. The stoles will also be available at convocation for Indigenous students.

Every year, the Pow Wow welcomes hundreds of guests, community members, dancers, drummers, college staff, faculty and students to join in the community celebration hosted by the School of Indigenous Education.

“Today is an important event for our students to not only honour and celebrate all their hard work and achievements, but it also gathers the community around our students to give them our support as they start their careers. We look forward to continuing a lifelong relationship with each of our students and graduates.”

In addition to celebrating student success, RRC’s Pow Wow festivities reflect the College’s continued commitment to making education more accessible for Indigenous learners. RRC aspires to deliver excellence in Indigenous achievement through partnerships and networks, incorporating Indigenous knowledge, philosophies, perspectives and content with innovative and relevant programming.

Media are invited to attend the Pow Wow festivities:

WHEN:               TODAY, Friday, May 3, 2018

10:00 am            Pipe Ceremony in the North Gym
10:30 am            Dancer, Drummer, and Honoured Guest Registration
12:00 pm            Grand Entry
2:00 pm              Honour Indigenous Graduates
5:00 pm              Feast

WHERE:               North Gym, Red River College, Notre Dame Campus

2055 Notre Dame Avenue

Red River College receives green thumbs up

April 15, 2019

Winnipeg, MB – Red River College is abuzz once again and it’s not just the honeybees. This time paper reduction is taking a front-seat, even ahead of electric vehicles and urban beekeeping, as one of the many innovative and green initiatives that has once again landed Manitoba’s largest institute of applied learning on Canada’s Greenest Employer list for the ninth straight year.

This annual award recognizes RRC’s environmentally friendly policies and programs that continue to successfully engage staff in their sustainability efforts on campus and at home. Staff surveys consistently show that 90 per cent of RRC’s staff and faculty believe sustainability needs to be a priority in all College operations. It continues to be a key strategic priority for Red River College and is a fundamental part of the College’s Strategic Plan.

“Organizational sustainability is a journey without a final destination at Red River College,” said Sara MacArthur, director of sustainability. “We must continually adapt to use resources more efficiently and reduce impacts by implementing new programs, embracing innovation and fostering a culture of sustainability among staff, students and stakeholders, and we are proud to say what we’re doing is working.”

One area where staff have really gone green this year is the Mechanical Engineering Technology department, where a group of instructors worked with the College’s Sustainability Office to reduce their overall paper consumption by 23 per cent over which worked out to 11,672 sheets of paper. Not only did that mean less paper use in their department, but it also resulted in a cost-savings of 33 per cent and earned them the College’s Sustainability Leadership Award.

“Staff and student engagement is critical for the success of any of the sustainability projects that we initiate, and we have seen that many areas of the College eager to get involved and make positive change within their departments,” said MacArthur. “We are fortunate to have a variety of individuals throughout the organization who are committed to sustainability and take initiative, over and above their job duties, to advance sustainability and inspire others”

Green transportation continues to be top of mind at the College and it didn’t just stop at the creation of the City of Winnipeg’s first all-electric transit bus either. Through the College’s applied research initiatives, staff, students and visitors now have access to seven multi-level electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at its Notre Dame Campus.

That means staff, students, and even visitors at RRC have an option to charge their car in as little as 30 minutes, using our Level 3 rapid charging station, one of the first of its kind in Manitoba, or they can plug-in to one of our Level 1 or 2 charging stations to top up their car while they’re on-campus.

Another exciting initiative is the College’s urban beekeeping project that is operated in partnership with Beeproject Apiaries. RRC has three hives installed on the rooftop of the Notre Dame Campus and three on the fourth floor patio of the Paterson GlobalFoods Institute, and together these hives yielded nearly 200kgs of honey last year that was sold at the College-run farmers’ markets held throughout the year.

Throughout the summer, staff and students had the opportunity to visit the hives and learn about the important role bees play in our food system.

Something Like A Genomenon: Genome360 Initiative Launches Today At Red River College

March 21, 2019

Winnipeg, MB – Today, Red River College (RRC) is showing off its good genes, with the launch of the Genome360 initiative and the unveiling of new, state-of-the-art equipment to support ongoing learning and research at the College.

Today’s unveiling will showcase the iSeq100, a small but mighty machine – not much bigger than a microwave – that will bring Red River College into the era of next-generation DNA sequencing. Designed for simplicity, the iSeq100 allows labs of all sizes to sequence DNA rapidly and with high accuracy. The equipment will provide students with the hands-on training needed to excel within laboratories and to thrive in the workforce of this growing field.

Also on display at today’s launch is a prototype Molecular Biology Interactive Learning Enterprise – or MOBILE Lab, for short. The electric vehicle, that’s bigger than a golf cart but smaller than a car, will be parked temporarily inside RRC’s A building today, and while it’s designed for mobility, its permanent home is with Genome Prairie. The MOBILE lab, developed in partnership with Westward Industries, provides storage, transport, and sufficient workspace to bring the lab into the field or classroom.

With a total investment of $2.3 million, the Genome360 initiative aims to propel Manitoba to prominence in the genomics sector. Included in the investment is Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) equipment such as the iSeq100, now located at Red River College.

Genome360 is an initiative started by Genome Prairie and its funding partners to build a hub for genomics and phenomics capabilities in Manitoba.

WHO: Representatives from Red River College, Genome Prairie, Illumina Canada, Pest Surveillance Initiative, and the Composites Innovation Centre will speak prior to a reception and tour of the lab where the iSeq100 equipment is housed.

WHEN: Today, Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 10:30a.m. (formal program to begin at 10:30a.m. with reception and tour to follow)

Red River College’s Notre Dame Campus – Building lobby (East entrance)
2055 Notre Dame Ave

Photo opportunities:

  • Announcement of funding from RRC President Paul Vogt, industry partners
  • iSeq100 sequencing machine in lab A205
  • MOBILE Lab – an electric-powered vehicle that provides storage, transport, and workspace to bring the lab into the field or classroom


Transportation Leader and Visionary Donates $1.5M to Red River College

March 20, 2019

A transportation pioneer will help Red River College train the next generation of industry achievers, and ensure the viability of Manitoba’s skilled workforce for decades to come.

Jan den Oudsten — founder and former president of New Flyer Industries, and inventor of leading-edge transit technology — along with his wife, Maria den Oudsten, is donating $1.5 million to RRC, one of the largest gifts the College has ever received from individual donors.

“I spent much of my life in an industry I am passionate about, and am incredibly humbled to be able to give back and inspire the next generation of learners,” says den Oudsten. “Working and living in Winnipeg was the best time of my life. Winnipeg has the best bus builders in the world, and it is my hope that with this gift that reputation of excellence can continue for many more years.”

RRC is celebrating the transformative gift by officially renaming its Heavy Equipment Transportation Centre. The 60,000-sq.-ft. training and research facility will now be proudly known as the Jan den Oudsten Vehicle Technology & Research Centre (VTRC).

The expansive complex was built in 2008, and was one of the first education centres in Manitoba to receive LEED® Silver certification from the Canada Green Building Council. Every day, close to 170 students at VTRC are trained in transportation technology programs such as Heavy Duty Mechanic, Truck Transport Mechanic (apprenticeship), Trailer Mechanic (apprenticeship), Outdoor Power Equipment (certificate and apprenticeship) and specialized training for General Motors.

VTRC also works with industry partners such as New Flyer to drive applied research in vehicle technology and development, and to support the transportation industry on energy conservation and alternatives (such as electrification), cold-weather testing and technology integration.

This work is expanding with the construction of MotiveLab™, a 7,000-sq.-ft. research facility that will support Manitoba’s heavy vehicle sector, including transit. MotiveLab™ contains a climatic chamber with the ability to test vehicles in extreme weather conditions — from -40C to +50C — while under full load conditions.

“On behalf of Red River College I am so grateful and honoured that the den Oudstens chose to support the College through this impactful gift. Their generosity will benefit thousands of students every year by enabling the College to build and upgrade its state-of-the-art facilities with cutting edge equipment,” says RRC President Paul Vogt.

“Students today, and for decades to come, will be equipped with the confidence, training and skills necessary to become leaders in their chosen fields, all thanks to Jan and Maria den Oudsten.”

Den Oudsten’s contributions to the vehicle research sector have made a significant impact around the world over his 50 years of service. He purchased New Flyer in 1986 and introduced his vision for European-style accessible low-floor technology to the North American transit market, ensuring all passengers — including those with significant mobility challenges — are able to travel using regular transit services in cities across the continent.

Den Oudsten was also involved in pioneering hydrogen fuel cell technology applications, and was the first to introduce a 60-foot articulated diesel-electric hybrid bus. In 1999, he unveiled the Invero, New Flyer’s state-of-the-art transit bus design. Under his leadership, New Flyer expanded to over 2,000 employees. Today, the company has more than 44,000 buses in service, just over 7,300 of which are electric powered and 1,600 of which are zero-emission.

On Thu., March 21, den Oudsten will also be recognized and honoured with the 2019 Pioneer Award from the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters – Manitoba.

Better, Faster, Stronger: SpaRRCky prepares to compete at the 2019 Shell Eco-marathon

March 14, 2019

Today, Red River College’s Shell Eco-marathon competition team will be unveiling the updated SpaRRCky battery-electric vehicle.

The Shell Eco-marathon is a competition that challenges students around the world to design, build and drive the most energy-efficient vehicle. With three major annual events in Asia, Americas and Europe, student teams take to the track to see who goes the farthest on the least amount of fuel.

SpaRRCky raced against 100 student teams in the 2018 competition and placed 14th in the battery-electric category after a successful run around the track – achieving 104km/kwh. The team is hoping that with experience under their belt, and improvements to SpaRRCky, they’ll place even higher in the 2019 competition.

WHERE:      Skilled Trades and Technology Centre – 2055 Notre Dame Avenue

WHEN:          TODAY March 14, 2019

TIME:            4p.m

WHAT:        Guests and media will have the opportunity to hear from team members and
faculty advisers about the improvements and changes made to SpaRRCky
over the last year. Opportunity to view and photograph the completed
SpaRRCky vehicle with members of the team.

Indigenous Culinary Skills students open first pop-up short order restaurant at Red River College

March 11, 2019

Winnipeg, MB – Red River College’s inaugural Indigenous Culinary Skills program is cooking up opportunities for students and re-opening the doors to the College’s Prairie Lights restaurant at the Notre Dame Campus.

The College’s first-ever pop-up short order restaurant will see this inaugural group of students cooking made-from-scratch breakfast and lunch starting March 12th to April 17th, with a menu featuring a new take on some delicious Indigenous dishes.

“A key priority for the College is to advance Indigenous achievement and elevate student success. Our role as a college is to ensure we create the programs, supports and opportunities that allow Indigenous peoples to demonstrate their leadership and innovation in all facets of our society,” said Rebecca Chartrand, Executive Director, Indigenous Strategy.

The students will operate the restaurant as a real short order kitchen, which won’t only give students practical experience that they can use when they enter the workforce but it will also touch on power skills like team work, communication, time management and problem solving. This initiative demonstrates the College’s commitment to support Indigenous learners on their journey towards education and successful employment as well as growing Indigenous peoples successfully into all industries.

“By offering traditional Indigenous dishes such as bannock tacos and 3-sisters soup, these students will be sharing their culture with the rest of the College and members of the public who come to dine at Prairie Lights. That really fits into the work we are doing with Truth and Reconciliation through celebrating Indigenous culture and advancing Indigenous achievement in our communities. You can really see the sense of pride students have by sharing the food they make that is part of their history.”

The restaurant will also give employment experience to students enrolled in College Transition, a one-year exploratory certificate program. The College has hired these students to run the “front-of-house” operation and as part of their new role also received First-Aid Training and their Food Handler’s certification.

“Red River College is dedicated to finding innovative opportunities to build a better future for students,” says Chartrand. “There is a compelling need for financial assistance for Indigenous students who want to pursue post-secondary education, so we will find solutions and remove barriers to education and employment wherever we can.”

The Prairie Lights restaurant will be open to the public from March 12th to April 17th and offers made-from-scratch breakfast, lunch and daily specials. Hours of operation are Tuesday through Friday; 9 am to 10:30 am for breakfast, and 11 am to 12:30 for lunch. Seating is limited and is first-come, first-served.

Get to the Chopper; Government of Canada invests in hands-on training at RRC’s Stevenson Campus

March 7, 2019

Winnipeg, MB – It’s all systems go today at Red River College’s (RRC) Stevenson Campus, where the Government of Canada will make an exciting announcement for Manitoba’s aviation sector – one of the largest in Canada.

Dr. Doug Eyolfson, Member of Parliament for Charleswood-St.James-Assiniboia-Headingley and Paul Vogt, RRC President and CEO will share flight plans to ensure students training for careers aircraft maintenance training will be ready for takeoff generations to come.

For more information and to confirm your attendance, please contact Emily Doer, 204-990-1885 or

On behalf of the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, MP Doug Eyolfson will announce support that will help students reach new heights in aviation and aeronautics.


  • Dr. Doug Eyolfson, Member of Parliament for Charleswood-St.James-Assiniboia-Headingley
  • Paul Vogt, RRC President and CEO
  • RRC Aviation and Aerospace students, instructors, and staff
  • Industry partners and supporters

DATE: Thursday, March 7, 2019

TIME: 11:00am

Red River College’s Stevenson Aviation Campus – Hubert Kleysen Hangar:
2280 Saskatchewan Avenue

Photo opportunities:

  • MP Doug Eyolfson and RRC President, Paul Vogt, will make the announcement in Red River College’s Stevenson Campus in the Hubert Kleysen Hangar.
  • Students working in the classrooms and in hangar area.

Red River College and Indspire Announce $1 Million in Bursaries to Advance Indigenous Achievement

February 7, 2019

Winnipeg, MB – Today, Red River College (RRC) and Indspire announced a commitment to double the funding for the Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries, Scholarships, and Awards. This renewed investment will support Red River College’s continued efforts to create more pathways to education for aspiring Indigenous students. Today’s announcement builds on RRC’s commitment to advance Indigenous achievement in Manitoba.

“This financial support we’ve created demonstrates our commitment to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action. There is a compelling need for financial assistance for Indigenous students who want to pursue post-secondary education. The Building Brighter Futures bursary we’ve created at Red River College will help remove financial barriers for students to support their educational aspirations,” says Executive Director, Indigenous Strategy, Rebecca Chartrand.

“From an educational perspective, Red River College is already seeing the difference these funds are making for our students. We have a number of students in our School of Indigenous Education who wouldn’t be here had it not been for this meaningful and impactful partnership, and we’re excited to see the impact we will have as we continue to grow this bursary to support more students.”

In the pilot year, the Building Brighter Futures bursary provided support to 85 aspiring Indigenous students by matching dollar for dollar to cover the full cost of tuition, books and supplies for students enrolled in RRC’s Indigenous Education programs. Now in its second-year, the innovative partnership will provide $1 million in financial support and enable twice as many students to enroll in the following Indigenous Education programs:

  • ACCESS Pathway to Health Programs (10-month transitional program)
  • ACCESS Pathway to Engineering Technology Programs (10-month transitional program)
  • Culinary Skills Indigenous Certificate (10 months)
  • Social Enterprise Diploma (2 years)
  • Indigenous Language Certificate Program (10 months)
  • Introduction To Trades (5-month preparatory program)
  • College Transition (10 months)
  • Community Development/Community Economic Development (2 years)

A key pillar of RRC’s five-year strategic plan is to continue to support Indigenous student success and through this initiative, led by RRC’s School of Indigenous Education, the College believes these bursaries will help continue to remove the barriers to access post-secondary education for Indigenous learners in Manitoba.

“The College is focused on Indigenous Achievement, which means we are focused on creating opportunities for Indigenous students. We are working hard to build partnership with Industry, Indigenous organizations and other bodies that want to support our students,” said Chartrand.

“This partnership is another step in the direction of supporting First Nations, Inuit and Métis to achieve their potential, so they can in turn transform their families, communities, and Canada,” said Roberta Jamieson, President and CEO of Indspire. “We are grateful for the support of Red River College and for the work they are doing to advance Indigenous achievement and education.”

Indigenous students who are interested in learning more about Indigenous programs and bursaries available are invited to attend the Aspiring Indigenous Student Enrolment Fair on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 from 1:00pm – 7:00pm at the Notre Dame Campus in the Indigenous Support Centre.

The event will provide future students with an opportunity to meet Support Staff and Instructors who can answer questions and help with filling out application forms for any of the featured programs. Students are asked to bring their Social Insurance Number, official high school transcripts and proof of Indigenous Ancestry to help complete the applications.

Learn more at

Indspire is a national Indigenous charity that invests in the education of Indigenous people for the long-term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities, and Canada. Indspire’s vision is to enrich Canada through Indigenous education and by inspiring achievement. In partnership with Indigenous, private and public sector stakeholders, Indspire educates, connects and invests in Indigenous people so they will achieve their highest potential.

Red River College hires first-ever Truth and Reconciliation Manager

February 5, 2019

Winnipeg, MB – Red River College is proud to announce that Carla Kematch has been hired as the new Manager, Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement. Kematch will lead the College in their commitment to Manitoba’s Indigenous Education Blueprint, an unprecedented commitment to advance Indigenous education in the province and to make Manitoba a global centre of excellence for Indigenous education, research, languages and culture.

As one of nine post-secondary signatories to the Manitoba Indigenous Education Blueprint, which takes action on recommendations made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, the College recognizes it has an important, proactive role to play in supporting reconciliation efforts in the province.

“A key priority for the College is to strengthen our partnerships and continue to advance Indigenous achievement in our communities, and education is the key to improving the lives of Indigenous peoples and to improving Indigenous and non-Indigenous relations across Canada,” said Rebecca Chartrand, Executive Director, Indigenous Strategy. “Our role as a college is to ensure we create the programs, supports and opportunities that allow Indigenous peoples to demonstrate their leadership and innovation in all facets of our society. We are excited about the skills, experience and perspective that Carla brings to the College as we look at addressing the important role we play in supporting the calls to action towards Truth and Reconciliation.”

Kematch comes to the college with 30 years’ experience working within the Indigenous community in a variety of capacities, including the development of training programs for staffs, community clients, board members and other partners which has also included: policy development, needs assessment, implementation plans, evaluation and delivery of group training. As part of her work in program development, she developed, launched and stabilized Art City. Her policy work at the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs for five years focused on promoting Indigenous hiring, recruitment and retention plans. From there, she worked at the Mental Health Commission of Canada as a Project Winnipeg Site Consultant and United Way as their Capacity Building Director.

In addition to these projects, Carla has extensive knowledge developing recruitment and retention plans for government department and projects, private sector and nonprofit organizations: such as the Red River Expansion Project and Valard Construction. In both these projects, Indigenous communities were engaged and processes were developed for the hiring and training of Indigenous community members.

“This position came up and it just seemed like a natural fit for me to move in and indigenize the different areas within Red River College. I know it’s a big project but I’m looking forward to the challenge,” said Kematch. “The 94 Calls to Action covers all aspects of everyone’s lives; health and wellness, government policy, and education institutes, so it’s all encompassing. It also recognizes the history of Indigenous people, their challenges as well as celebrating the culture. Ideally, we will embed, instill and recognize the Calls to Action within every area. I think everybody is doing it already, they just haven’t been able to identify what it is they are doing and how it correlates to the specific calls, so if staff and students recognize that they are already doing it then it will be easier to embed it and instill it in how they work every day.”

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

Learn more ›