Communications and Marketing



August 9, 2017

New scholarship to provide support for Red River College students living with schizophrenia

For immediate release: August 9, 2017

Seventy per cent of people living with schizophrenia wish to pursue post-secondary education and gain employment, but only 30 per cent are in the workforce due to lack of opportunity and stigma. Research suggests that creating pathways to post-secondary education can result in many positive outcomes and bridge that gap.

Beginning this year, Red River College students living with schizophrenia will have the chance to apply for a new scholarship that is available to Manitoba students currently pursuing post-secondary education. This new scholarship will provide some financial relief in the form of $1,000.

Through Red River College’s Healthy Minds Healthy College Initiative, RRC is encouraging its students enrolled in programs at any of its nine campuses across the province to apply for this opportunity.

“A large part of the recovery process for a person living with schizophrenia, or any mental illness, is being able to access post-secondary education, said Chris Summerville, executive director of the Manitoba Schizophrenia Society (MSS).  “There are barriers that can stand in the way. This can include stigma, financial burden, lack of accommodation and other issues. The importance of post-secondary education is perhaps even greater for students with a mental illness.”

Summerville added that in most jurisdictions, employment rates for people with disabilities, including mental illness, are lower than those of the general population, but research suggests the disparity can be reduced by education.

This new scholarship was developed in partnership with The Otsuka-Lundbeck Alliance and Manitoba Schizophrenia Society (MSS). The Yes 2 Me program is designed to reward those young people who are pursuing their educational goals, confidently building a better self and working towards a bright future.

“Red River College and our Healthy Minds Healthy College Strategy seeks to promote wellness, recovery and resilience while inclusively meeting needs of students, faculty and staff living with mental illness,” said Laureen Janzen, manager of Counselling and Accessibility Services at RRC. “As well, individuals living with schizophrenia, with supports and accommodations offered through our services, have the opportunity to pursue their post-secondary academic and career goals, achieve success and contribute to the community at large.”

MSS and Otsuka-Lundbeck Alliance are also providing two additional $1,000 scholarships to Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) First Nations and Inuit peoples who are pursuing post-secondary education while living with schizophrenia.

“At Lundbeck and Ostuka, we believe that students living with schizophrenia should not have to worry about access to higher education and we hope that the Yes 2 Mescholarship program will allow them to pursue their dreams,” said Maxime Rouleau, Stakeholder Manager, Otsuka Canada Pharmaceutical Inc.

Eligible students are encouraged to apply before August 31, 2017 using this application form.


To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must:
· be a resident of Manitoba
· be diagnosed with schizophrenia
· complete a Scholarship Application package

And be enrolled in:
· High School equivalency programs
· College, trade or vocational programs
· Bachelor or Graduate degrees

Schizophrenia Facts:
· Schizophrenia is a form of psychosis and typically begins between the ages of 15 and 25.
· While the biggest myth, violence is not a symptom of schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia are far more likely to harm themselves than to be violent toward the public.
· Four out of ten people with schizophrenia attempt suicide with 10% dying by suicide due to the losses associated with and the impact of mental illness.
· Schizophrenia is treatable and recovery possible! Many people with schizophrenia can lead rewarding and meaningful lives in their communities.

For More information contact:
Sangeetha Nair
Manitoba Schizophrenia Society

International students ‘dig’ language learning at RRC’s Summer Institute

August 9, 2017

Red River College’s Language Training Centre Summer Institute celebrates five years of providing cultural and educational experience for international students.

For immediate release: August 8, 2017

Today, more than 30 international students attending Red River College’s (RRC) Language Training Centre’s Summer Institute put their language training into practice, and got a taste of Manitoba’s passion for sport at the 2017 Canada Summer Games women’s volleyball prairie match between Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

The students and instructors are visiting Winnipeg between July 31 – August 11 from the Shenyang Institute of Engineering in Liaoning, China, and the Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute in Shaanxi, China to enhance and gain confidence using their English language skills.

“We are pleased to once again welcome international students and instructors to Red River College’s Summer Institute for the fifth year – most of whom are visiting Canada for the first time,” said Paul Vogt, President and CEO of RRC and member of the 2017 Canada Summer Games Board of Directors. “This program is essential to our continued work building relationships with educational institutions overseas and showcasing the bright future Red River College and the province of Manitoba can offer future international students.”

The focus of the Summer Institute is to balance fun and interactive classroom sessions at RRC with outings to some of the city’s most popular attractions, while helping students build confidence by using English in the classroom and in everyday situations. Since arriving in Winnipeg, students have enjoyed site visits to RRC’s three campuses in Winnipeg, and enjoyed learning excursions to CF Polo Park, Assiniboine Park, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the Canada Summer Games, and Winnipeg’s Folklorama.

The Shenyang Institute of Engineering is one of RRC’s longest standing partnerships – dating back 30 years. Nearly a decade ago, the two institutions signed a cooperative agreement to establish a joint-diploma program, where students pursuing careers in the fields of electrical engineering, power engineering or hospitality management are given the opportunity to complete the final year of their studies at Red River College. The Summer Institute came to fruition to allow students to experience and familiarize themselves with the language and culture before moving to Manitoba to pursue their studies.

“We are proud to celebrate five successful years of the Summer Institute, and to promote the Language Training Centre as one of the premier language training facilities in Canada,” said Vogt. “Each year we hear students return home and share their positive experience with classmates and instructors, and this encourages even more participation. We will continue to work with our international academic partners around the world to welcome prospective students to Red River College.”



August 9, 2017

New technology, training and research spaces will help strengthen partnerships and create more opportunities in aerospace and advanced manufacturing: Vogt 

For immediate release: August 2, 2017

Red River College will be home to a new Smart Factory and will be expanding its Centre for Aerospace Technology and Training (CATT) as part of a $10 million investment over five years by Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD).

“These new facilities will ensure our students and industry partners in aerospace and manufacturing remain at the forefront of research and training,” said Paul Vogt, president and CEO of Red River College. “This is a very strategic investment on the part of the Government of Canada that will help Red River College to continue to develop Manitoba-grown industry leaders and innovations.

“This expansion is going to have far-reaching impacts across the province and will be able to serve both the aerospace and non-aerospace industries through direct access to the College’s equipment, facilities, and expertise.”

The Smart Factory will be located at RRC’s new Skilled Trades Technology Centre – currently under construction and expected to open in 2018 – and will be an applied research space, experiential learning facility, and technology demonstration site. It will combine emerging technology including robotics, automation, additive manufacturing, high-speed robotic inspection and industrial networking.

The Smart Factory will enhance learning at Red River College by allowing students to experience and work in factory settings, while also providing Manitoba companies with access to state-of-the-art equipment, instructors, researchers and students in order to test and prepare their technologies for incorporation into their own operations.

The CATT was established in 2009 as a strategic partnership between Red River College, StandardAero and federal and provincial governments. This centre, the first Industrial campus at RRC, is co-located at StandardAero’s Plant 5 facility. In addition to the federal funds announced today, both StandardAero and RRC committed to in-kind contributions of $4.5 million and $1.2 million respectively.

“We continue to be proud to partner with Red River College on initiatives that build upon the strengths of our industry,” said Russell Ford, CEO of StandardAero. “Having access to this kind of space and technology helps us to consistently be trailblazers in innovation.”

These enhancements mark the third expansion of the CATT, which will include cold spray technology, non-contact inspection and high-speed laser scanning systems, robotic welding seam tracking, a compressor blade profiling system and upgrades of existing digital X-ray, lasers systems and induction heating.

Manitoba is leader in aerospace and manufacturing, with the province boasting the largest aerospace sector in Western Canada. These projects will ensure that RRC remains on the leading edge in providing highly-skilled students and industry professionals to key areas of the economy, including advanced materials processing, robotics and automation, industrial networking and data analytics.

These projects also complement the College’s existing Technology Access Centre for Aerospace and Manufacturing (TACAM) that provide ongoing research, innovation and customized training support to the aerospace and manufacturing sectors in Manitoba.



July 27, 2017

Red River College presents repaired hockey sticks to Winnipeg Aboriginal Sport Achievement Centre

For immediate release: July 27, 2017

WINNIPEG, MB – Eighteen NHL quality game-used hockey sticks have been given a new life at the Winnipeg Aboriginal Sport Achievement Centre (WASAC), where they will be used by Winnipeg youth dreaming of becoming the next Mark Scheifele or Jocelyne Larocque.

The sticks, which were damaged or broken during last season’s Winnipeg Jets and Manitoba Moose games, were repaired to like-new quality by Red River College students using composite materials and innovative programming.

“The kids and staff at WASAC really represent the spirit of community and we are thrilled to provide them with this new equipment,” Vogt said. “This project is a fantastic training opportunity for our students who are learning to work with different composite materials, and as a bonus we are able to provide the younger generation of Winnipeg’s youth with opportunities to grow through sport.”
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Rebecca Chartrand appointed Executive Director of Indigenous Strategy

June 19, 2017

New Leadership will Enhance Indigenous Education and Student Support at Red River College

Red River College today announced the appointment of Rebecca Chartrand as the College’s new Executive Director, Indigenous Strategy, to lead in the enhancement of Indigenous education. She will oversee a planned expansion of student supports, the creation of new academic programming, and the expansion and deepening of partnerships between Red River and Indigenous communities.

“We are thrilled to add Rebecca to our senior leadership team at the College,” said Paul Vogt, president and CEO, RRC. “Red River is moving forward with a plan to add transition and mentoring services to support the success of Indigenous students across the College, and new programs designed to provide the skills needed in Indigenous communities.  Rebecca will lead the process in consultation with our elders and our dedicated and experienced faculty and staff.”

Chartrand, who will start in August, comes to the College from Seven Oaks School Division, where she has spent the past seven years as Division Lead Aboriginal Education. Chartrand is also a sessional instructor at the University of Manitoba; the president of The Indigenous Peoples Commission for Manitoba; the founder and professional development chair of the Council for Aboriginal Education in Manitoba; and an education advisor for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

“Education is the key to improving the lives of Indigenous peoples and to improving Indigenous and non-Indigenous relations across Canada,” Chartrand said. “We need to create the programs, supports and opportunities that allow Indigenous peoples to demonstrate their leadership and innovation in all facets of our society. I am excited to be joining a strong Indigenous education program at RRC and a College that is committed to doing even more for Indigenous students.”

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May 4, 2017

WINNIPEG, MB – Media are invited to Red River College’s 17th annual Graduation Pow Wow to celebrate the success of our Indigenous students. This year, there are 117 students registered to be honoured at the Pow Wow that are graduating from programs across the College.

WHEN: TOMORROW, Friday, May 5, 2017

10:00 am – Pipe Ceremony

12:00 pm – Grand Entry

1:00 pm – Honouring Indigenous Graduates

WHERE:          Red River College, North Gym, 2055 Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg

The Graduation Pow Wow is a community event that welcomes hundreds of guests, community members, dancers, drummers, college staff, faculty and student and his hosted by the School of Indigenous Education.

“It is a time for celebration, where we come together as a community, to honour the achievements of our Indigenous graduates through our annual Graduation Pow Wow,” says Jules Lavallee, Elder-In-Residence.  “As we acknowledge their successes through this cultural event, these role models are an inspiration to all of us, but more importantly, to our next seven generations.”

In addition to celebrating student success, RRC’s Pow Wow festivities reflect the College’s continued commitment to making education more accessible for Indigenous learners. RRC aspires to deliver excellence in Indigenous achievement through partnerships and networks, incorporating Indigenous knowledge, philosophies, perspectives and content with innovative and relevant programming. It is through a respectful, student-centered and culturally safe learning environment that quality programming will be delivered to address Indigenous achievement.

Red River College expands nursing program in rural Manitoba

May 4, 2017

New programming will further enhance training provided in
Winkler and Portage la Prairie

Red River College today announced that it will expand its award-winning Bachelor of Nursing program to its regional campuses in Winkler and Portage la Prairie, providing opportunities for students to train in some of the most state-of-the-art training facilities in rural Manitoba.

The program recently received an award for Regional Achievement by the Canadian Nurses Students’ Association, and the College is excited to have the opportunity to enhance and expand its programming by offering this program through its regional campus network.

“It’s important to deliver programming that meets the needs of Manitoba’s labour market and for many years the Regional Health Authorities asked us to bring our Bachelor of Nursing program to rural Manitoba,” said Paul Vogt, President & CEO, Red River College.

“Our regional campuses provide important access and pathways to pursuing a post-secondary education and the programs we provide are developed in consultation with the community to ensure their needs are being met.”
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Red River College Awarded Nearly $2 Million in Federal Funding for Industry and University Partnerships

May 2, 2017

Red River College today received two federal grants totaling nearly $2 million for applied research in aerospace, manufacturing and sustainable building technology. One of these grants is a milestone for the College, which received its first College-University partnership grant.

“This is great news not only for the College but for aerospace, manufacturing and sustainable building technology,” said Paul Vogt, President of Red River College. “We are placing a strong emphasis on collaboration, bridging a critical gap between colleges, industry and universities by working directly with the University of Manitoba.”

Federal Minister of Science Kirsty Duncan announced these grants during an industry breakfast at the Colleges and Institutes Canada Conference this morning in Ottawa.

“I’m so pleased that the Government of Canada was involved in such a valuable funding opportunity. Uniting Red River College with these sustainable industries will allow for brilliant minds to work towards a bright future for Canada; complete with a vibrant middle class, quality jobs, and an innovative economy,” said Minister Duncan.

Both grants are being awarded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

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Massive expansion for Red River College’s Exchange District Campus Announced Today

April 27, 2017

$95.4 million investment will create jobs, expand research and foster innovation

The Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of Natural Resources, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, joined Manitoba Education and Training Minister Ian Wishart and Paul Vogt, President and CEO of Red River College (RRC) to announce support for the construction of a $95.4 million Innovation Centre at RRC’s Exchange District Campus.

RRC will use government and private-sector funding to develop a new Innovation Centre, the first of its kind in Western Canada. The Innovation Centre will attract an additional 1,200 students to the Exchange District, stimulating economic development and further growth of this historic part of downtown Winnipeg. It will bring together industry, students, instructors, researchers, and community members to work on commercialization projects for start-ups and SMEs. The Centre will also enable social enterprise and Indigenous entrepreneurship, and help ensure students are job-ready and able to thrive in the new economy.

“This historic investment by the Government of Canada is a down payment on the government’s vision to position Canada as a global centre for innovation,” said Carr. “That means making Canada a world leader in turning ideas into solutions, science into technologies, skills into middle-class jobs and start-up companies into global successes.”

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Sweat Lodge Officially Opens for Students and Staff at RRC

April 20, 2017

Newest addition to the College’s Ceremonial Grounds will help RRC continue to infuse Indigenous culture and knowledge throughout our campus: Vogt

For Immediate Release: April 20, 2017

WINNIPEG, MB – Elders, students, and leaders from Red River College came together today in a special cultural ceremony to officially open the College’s first Sweat Lodge.

Led by Elders-in-Residence, Jules Lavallee and Mae Louise Campbell, today’s ceremony, which included a teaching about the Sweat Lodge, welcomed more than 40 participants – many of whom have never participated in this type of sacred ceremony before.

“I had a vision in 2004 of having a Sweat Lodge at Red River College available for students and staff and that vision has now become a reality,” said Elder-In-Residence, Jules Lavallee. “It’s a legacy for everyone to enjoy, that will help to heal for years to come and it was an incredible opportunity for staff and students to work together for the same purpose.”

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RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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