Communications and Marketing


Pathway Program lays foundation for bright future in Manitoba

October 18, 2017

RRC’s Language Training Centre students put language and technical skills to work for Habitat for Humanity.

Winnipeg, MB – Today, students in Red River College’s (RRC) Language Training Centre’s Pathway Program to Construction Skills will lend a helping – and skilled – hand for the day at Habitat for Humanity as part of an introduction to practical training.

The students are refugee newcomers to Manitoba who enrolled in the Pathway Program to enhance their English language skills and gain practical hands-on experience, with a goal to gain full-time employment working in the construction sector once they complete their training.

Many of the participants were forced to flee their homes due to war from countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Sudan, and have made Manitoba home after receiving refugee status. Though many of them have had to leave behind everything they know – their experience working in construction and the skilled trades is something they’ve brought with them and, now they are hoping to put those skills to work as they begin their new lives here in Canada.

“Most of us can’t even begin to imagine moving across the world to a new place where we speak a different language, and not be able to pursue employment in a career or industry we’ve spent our lives working towards – but this is a reality for many of these students,” said Stuart Schwartz, Program Manager at RRC’s Language Training Centre.

“Other students may not have previous experience, but have the desire to learn. This program aims to bridge the gap and remove the language barrier by providing students with the essential language training, technical skills and experience they need to gain employment working in Manitoba’s construction sector.”

One student eager to put his experience to work is Alazar Elyas. Elyas, who is originally from in Eritrea, moved to Winnipeg with his wife in June 2016 from Sudan. Prior to coming to Canada, Elyas worked as a plumber for close to 23 years.

“I’ve always enjoyed working with my hands and my career in plumbing. When I came to Manitoba, I talked to many places and offered to volunteer for experience,” said Elyas. “At the start my English language benchmark was a level four, so there were safety risks due to communication barriers. I heard about the Pathway Program from the Immigrant Centre and enrolled to participate right away.”

The Pathway Program was developed by staff at RRC’s Language Training Centre and was first offered in March 2017 through the support of the Refugee Employment Development Initiative (REDI) for refugees and newcomers, and provided training to 21 students in the field of dry walling, masonry, and flat-top roofing.

The second cohort began training this fall, and today students spent the day using some of their new skills gained in the classroom to help Habitat for Humanity put the final touches, including landscaping and building a new wooden sidewalk, on a new home for a family in Winnipeg.

This introductory experience will serve as fundamental training for the students, and will not only give them an opportunity to practice their language skills, it will help assess professionalism, how well they work with a team, and their ability to comprehend instructions and work safely – all while supporting an important community charity.

“We feel very fortunate to have Red River College’s Pathway Program to Construction Skills students here today giving their time to help us build a strong community,” said Sandy Hopkins, CEO of Habitat for Humanity Manitoba. “We believe in success through collaboration and this is just another example of how we can work together to help our city grow, diversify and develop into a stronger and more vibrant place to live.”

In addition to providing important language and skills training. The Pathway Program also provides each student with a month-long paid, on-the-job experience with the goal to support long-term employment in the construction sector.

“It’s been great to join instructors in the classroom and learn and develop new skills in areas like carpentry and drywall,” said Elyas. “When I graduate I hope to gain full time employment and work alongside a skilled plumber so I can continue my learning. In the future, my goal is to return to Red River College and complete my plumbing certificate and perhaps one day, open my own business.”

Inaugural Celebration Dinner to Help RRC Students Experience the World

October 16, 2017

WINNIPEG, MB – You’ve heard the phrase ‘too many cooks in the kitchen’ – but for one day next month, the more cooks the better.

On Tuesday November 7, Red River College’s School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts (SHCA) is hosting an Inaugural Homecoming Dinner for alumni of its Hospitality and Tourism ManagementCulinary Arts, and Professional Baking programs.

The event will celebrate the achievements of the school’s graduates while fundraising for the Student Travel Opportunity Fund, which will help Culinary Arts and Professional Baking students travel to national and international competitions, and will give new and exciting learning opportunities to Hospitality and Tourism Management students where they can demonstrate and grow their skills.

The fund has recently allowed two Professional Baking students to attend a four week-long course in Germany and for six Culinary Arts students to participate in the Cook the Books competition in Toronto.

“Participating in competitions motivates students to strengthen their technical skills, learn new techniques, and practice at elevated skill levels,” said Karen McDonald, Academic Chair for the SHCA. “Our programs are strengthened when students can participate in high-level competition, and bring back new skills they’re eager to share in the culinary labs. Similarly, students in Hospitality and Tourism programs benefit from educational travel by experiencing local cultures.”

As is demonstrated on OLN Canada’s show Departures – visiting a new country or region allows opportunities to develop deeper inter-cultural understandings, “which is essential to global citizenship and for individuals working in hospitality and tourism to be able to provide the best possible customer service,” said Laura Wiebe, tourism instructor at the SHCA.

“Travel in general opens one’s eyes to life beyond your personal experience; it’s our intention to provide those awe-inspiring opportunities for students that are simply beyond the classroom,” said McDonald.

The homecoming dinner will include an eight course dinner prepared by students and alumni guest chefs. Tickets are available on eventbrite.

Your light-used cookbooks are needed!

While the primary aim of the event is to celebrate the achievements of graduates, the SHCA is seeking donated cookbooks to sell at the event in order to replenish the Student Travel Opportunity Fund.

“There’s something satisfying about flipping the pages of a cookbook,” says Cassandra Watson, hospitality instructor and Homecoming Dinner co-chair. “Cookbooks tell stories through their photographs, and how the recipes are organized to complement each other. Not only is the fundraiser a good cause, I’m confident our attendees will sincerely appreciate the inspiration.”

Cookbooks can be dropped off at the security desk at the Main Street entrance of Paterson GlobalFoods Institute at 504 Main St. in Winnipeg between 7am and 9pm Monday to Friday until November 3.


This release is distributed on behalf of Red River College’s School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts.

Red River College Students On Track to Compete In International Race

October 4, 2017

A rush of electricity is racing through Red River College over the next six months.

A team of students from Red River College’s (RRC) Mechanical Engineering Technology program have been meeting every Wednesday since January 2016 to design and build a battery-electric vehicle. In a few short months they’ll watch it cruise, coast and drift along the track at the Sonoma Raceway in California.

In April, the team will compete at the 2018 Shell Eco-Marathon Challenge Americas in Sonoma, California, where they will face off against more than 1,000 student-made cars from high schools, colleges and universities from across the Americas. The goal; build the car that can go the farthest distance while using the least amount of energy.

This morning they presented a sneak-peek to RRC President and CEO, Paul Vogt and officially announced the car’s name: SpaRRCky.

“This is one of the best examples of applied learning,” said Vogt. “When you combine industry-led training, with highly motivated students, and faculty expertise, you can achieve great things. I am very proud that our College is a place where we can turn vision into reality, and I can’t wait to see how our racer performs in California.”

Students can enter the competition in one of two vehicle categories – Prototype or UrbanConcept. The Prototype category challenges teams to enter futuristic-looking, streamlined vehicles focused on maximizing efficiency; and the UrbanConcept category focuses on practical road designs. For both categories teams can use any of seven official energy sources – including conventional fuels such as gasoline or diesel, as well as alternative fuels such as hydrogen, ethanol, gas-to-liquid (GTL), compressed natural gas (CNG) or battery electric technologies.

RRC’s team will be competing in the Prototype category with their battery-electric vehicle, and over the next few weeks the team will be testing each individual component and will begin piecing the vehicle together. By November they’ll be ready for test drives.

“The best part for me is that I can apply all the knowledge I’ve learned at school to the real world,” said Bin Yang, one of the team members. “We look forward to testing, and fixing, and testing until we’re ready to go.”

Next week the team will begin its search for a driver. For updates, follow along at

Thank you for helping the team make it to California

This project has been generously supported by CTTAM Inc., Custom Castings Limited, Consortium for Aerospace Research and Innovation in Canada (CARIC), Vehicle Technology Centre Inc., Judy Werier and Leon Fainstein.

For sponsorship opportunities please contact Jakee Werbuk at 204.632.2086 or

Red River College paints positive picture for mental health on campus

October 2, 2017

Anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and healing through art; the focus for Mental Illness Awareness Week  

Winnipeg, MB – As the saying goes, “art is not what you see, but what you make others see,” and this week, Red River College (RRC) will invite artists from Artbeat Studio to exhibit their work and provide staff and students with opportunities to see and understand the realities of mental illness on campus during Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW).

Through the College’s Healthy Minds Healthy College initiative many different educational events, in addition to ArtBeat Studio exhibits, have been sketched out to help raise awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health.

Sessions taking place this week include learning to cope with student anxiety offered by the Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba, and a presentation from the Manitoba Schizophrenia Society focused on increasing knowledge about schizophrenia and psychosis.

“As a post-secondary institution focused on the health and well-being of staff and students, Mental Illness Awareness Week is an important initiative for the College to be engaged in,” said RRC’s Mental Health Coordinator, Breanna Sawatzky. “Our priority is to create opportunities for the entire college community to learn more about mental health through education, and foster a safe, responsive and supporting environment to talk about mental illness and how it impacts those who we study and work with.”

This year’s program will also expand on previous initiatives to continue to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness and promote and create more awareness around the many community supports and programs that are also available to staff and students.

“We are pleased to join Red River College this year for Mental Illness Awareness Week, and offer opportunities for students to speak to our alumni about how art can save lives,” said Christine Strike, Community Projects Coordinator at Artbeat Studio. “Our vision is to talk to those experiencing mental illness and say it’s okay to take a pause in life and go through a program like Artbeat Studio, and engage in artistic expression, which we believe promotes recovery, empowerment and community.”

“It’s imperative to create a dialogue around mental illness to reduce the stigma and show people they are not alone,” said Strike. “We commend Red River College for their continued work to foster a community of understanding and support around mental health, and we look forward to sharing our stories and art with staff and students this week.”

Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) is a weeklong public education campaign running from October 1 – 7, and was designed to help open the eyes of Canadians to the reality of mental illness – which according to reports from the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health, in any given year 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental health problem or illness.

Red River College’s Healthy Minds Healthy College Initiative aims to develop an environment of support and provide a sense of well-being, belonging, connectedness, and positive mental health for all students, faculty and staff to elevate their potential. Learn more at




Red River College MIAW events include:

Tuesday October 3:

  • Artbeat Exhibit — Notre Dame Campus (NDC) 12-2pm, Library Hallway

Wednesday October 4:

  • Coping with Anxiety – Notre Dame Campus 12-1pm, Orange Lecture Theatre
  • Coping with Anxiety – Exchange District Campus (EDC) 12-1pm, P107, Roblin Centre

Thursday October 5:

  • ArtBeat Exhibit — EDC 12-2pm, Roblin Centre Atrium
  • All About Schizophrenia — NDC 11am-12pm, White Lecture Theatre

New Nurse Prescriber Program now Accepting Registrations at Red River College

September 28, 2017

New Nurse Prescriber Program now Accepting Registrations at Red River College 

For immediate release: September 28, 2017

Red River College is now accepting applications for its new Nurse Prescriber Program, which will train nurses for advanced career opportunities in health care while assisting practicing registered nurses to meet the new requirements mandated by provincial legislation.

The Manitoba government announced last month that it would be bringing the registered nursing profession into the Regulated Health Profession Act (RHPA), effective May 31, 2018, and creating a new designation – the Registered Nurse Authorized Prescriber or RN (AP). The goal is to increase access to safe and effective health care in Manitoba.

RRC’s new advanced certificate program meets the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba educational requirement for the new role of RN (AP) as set out in legislation. An RN (AP) will have the competencies and authority to prescribe certain medications and order screening and diagnostic tests in a defined area of practice.

“Red River College had to move quickly to help nurses and their employers adapt to the new requirements of provincial legislation – particularly those RNs who are currently working as prescribers and will now need to meet the new requirements,” said Christine Watson, vice president Academic, RRC.

“Our nursing department worked closely with the province, Manitoba nurses, the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba, and health care facilities in order to have this new program in place for the current academic year – and well in advance of the changes coming into effect. I want to commend our nursing department for its responsiveness and for its leadership in ensuring Manitoba nurses have the training options they need in order to meet the new requirements.”

RRC is currently offering two pre-requisites to this program – Pharmacology for Nurses and Health Assessment/Prescriber, and these two courses will be offered three times per year going forward in order to provide Manitoba nurses and students with flexible training options.

The Nurse Prescriber Program is available to any current registered nurse practicing across the province and its theory sections are completed primarily through distance training. Theory components are complemented by 160 hours of supervised clinical practicum.

Additionally, nurses have the option to specialize in one of two streams:

Travel Health: Nurses who specialize in this stream will gain knowledge specific to how diseases are developed, the concepts of immunology and medications used to prevent and treat travel health diseases and conditions. Students will also learn how their foundational knowledge can be applied to the components of the nursing process including assessment of travel health.

Reproductive Health/Sexually Transmitted or Blood-Born Infections: Nurses who specialize in this stream will gain knowledge specific to how diseases are developed, concepts of immunology and the safe assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of specific reproductive and STBBI conditions. In addition, students will learn preventative practice measures and best practices in ongoing monitoring of clients.

For more information about the program click here.

Canada’s oldest skyscraper keeps baking up new opportunities in Winnipeg’s Exchange District

September 22, 2017

RRC’s Culinary Institute Now LEED Gold Certified

WINNIPEG, MB – Mayor Brian Bowman and Red River College (RRC) President and CEO Paul Vogt traded their suits and ties for aprons and baker’s hats – joining RRC’s Professional Baking and Patisserie students in the kitchen to twist, shape and celebrate the five-year anniversary of the Paterson GlobalFoods Institute with a friendly pretzel-making bake-off.

The duo were joined by Suzanne Gessler, a proud alumni and owner of The Pennyloaf Bakery, a small-batch artisan bakery on Corydon. Gessler coached Bowman and Vogt as they artfully created their own take on a pretzel, while sharing her experiences as a baker and business owner after changing course in her career as a social worker and attending Red River College’s successful culinary institute.

Gessler, who graduated from the Professional Baking and Patisserie program in 2014, is one of 618 graduates who have walked through the doors of PGI since it became the new home to RRC’s School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts in Winnipeg’s Exchange District during the 2012/13 academic year.

“Today we celebrate not only the tremendous impact the Paterson GlobalFoods Institute has had on education in our city, but also the positive impact of the College’s expansion into the Exchange District,” said Paul Vogt, RRC’s president and CEO. “Restoring heritage buildings and bringing thousands of students and staff to the area has sparked new economic activity and helped revitalize this iconic community.”

Before it was restored by Red River College, PGI was home to the Union Bank Tower, Winnipeg’s first and oldest skyscraper – and at one time, the tallest building in the Dominion of Canada. Today, this newly-certified LEED Gold building houses RRC’s culinary, hospitality and baking programs and serves as a home away from home to many students. PGI contains the the College’s first-ever student residence, which is operating at full capacity this year.

PGI is a key part of RRC’s Exchange District Campus (EDC), which also includes the Roblin Centre on Princess Street. This campus will undergo a massive expansion in the coming years with the construction of a new 100,000-square foot Innovation Centre. Fundraising efforts to build the new state-of-the-art facility are now underway.

“Red River College continues to be a strong anchor and foundation supporting growth and revitalization of our downtown and the Exchange District,” said Mayor Brian Bowman. “It’s great to celebrate the five year anniversary of the Paterson GlobalFoods Institute, a building that continues to help to foster round-the-clock activity, and it’s great to see people increasingly recognizing the Exchange as a place to visit, live, and spend money.”

Since moving to the Exchange District, the number of graduates from RRC’s culinary and hospitality programs has increased by almost 30 per cent, and 92-100 per cent of students who pursue careers in these industries find employment in the first six-months after graduation. The Exchange District area continues to be home to new restaurants – many opened by RRC grads.

PGI is also home to RRC’s growing Culinary Research & Innovation (CRI) program, which offers product development services to industry and researchers, along with testing and demonstration platforms. One important goal is to help develop new innovative uses for locally grown food and support Manitoba’s agricultural and food industry.

Today, the CRI team talked to students about working with local business The Pretzel Place, and showcased the research they have done to find innovative ways to improve the browning of pretzels and develop new seasoning blends. This creates a link for students to see firsthand how the skills and knowledge they are learning in the lab today can be applied later on when working within the food research industry, and helping local food service companies.

Demand for culinary research and innovation is increasing – the program has been involved in about 40 industry projects over the last few years with organizations such as the Manitoba Pulse and Soy Growers, Granny’s Poultry, Food Development Centre, and MSPrebiotic Inc.

Recently, Culinary Research & Innovation worked with Piccola Cucina on the development of a Hemp Macaroon, which won the silver medal for best new food product earlier this week at the Great Manitoba Food Fight 2017.

“It’s an exciting time to be a part of the culinary community in Winnipeg – thanks in large part to the role RRC’s Paterson GlobalFoods Institute has played in training and inspiring many of our city’s finest culinary minds,” said Vogt. “I am honoured to be here today, celebrating with our distinguished guests, instructors, faculty members, and Manitoba’s up-and-coming chefs and bakers in this building who will continue to innovate, create, and change the world of food for generations to come.”

30-Year Partnership with China’s Shenyang Institute Boasts 1,000 Students Attending Red River College

September 19, 2017

What started as an English language training partnership 30 years ago has grown into an opportunity for students in Northern China’s largest city to harness advanced skills in three top industries.

This week six delegates from the Shenyang Institute of Engineering (SIE) are visiting Red River College (RRC) to continue growing that relationship and receive a tour of RRC’s Exchange District Campus and Paterson GlobalFoods Institute. The delegates were greeted by RRC President and CEO Paul Vogt at the college’s Notre Dame Campus Monday morning.

The relationship began in 1987 when RRC and SIE exchanged staff and faculty to offer English language training at the SIE campus in Northern China.

Since 2010, students in Shenyang have been able to enroll in a joint degree program for Electrical Engineering Technology, Power Engineering Technology or Hospitality and Tourism Management. These students have the option of completing the entire program in Shenyang, over a period of three years, with curriculum provided by RRC. Another option is to complete their first two-years of study in China and travel to Winnipeg for the final year of their program.

The partnership has grown steadily and now more than 1,000 Chinese students are enrolled in the joint program between RRC and SIE for the 2017/2018 academic year.

“It’s connections like this that really put Red River College, and Winnipeg, on the map as a hub for the engineering and hospitality industries,” said Paul Vogt, president and CEO of Red River College. “The hands-on learning students receive on campus is crucial to their success and we’re happy to be able share that with our partners in Shenyang.”

One of China’s primary industrial centers, Shenyang (population: 8.1 million) is home to some of the country’s leading firms in the aerospace, heavy machinery, defense, automotive, electronics, and software sectors. It is an industrial center and transportation hub for Northeast China, and also the largest political, economic, and cultural center of the region.

“This 30-year joint partnership records the generational dedication to international education,” said Professor Song Huanbin, Chancellor of the Shenyang Institute of Engineering. “Two years ago we made the decision to extend this partnership for another 10 years, and last year our application received the approval from the Ministry of Education (in China). We are confident in expanding and upgrading the cooperation to a new level, which creates a strong model for China-Canada joint partnerships.”

While in Winnipeg the delegates will also visit Assiniboine Park and Zoo and receive a tour of the city’s cultural landmarks. The visit will culminate with a 30th Anniversary Celebration dinner at Jane’s Restaurant, featuring a menu prepared by RRC students.

Red River College currently has international partnerships with institutions in China, Japan and India. These partnerships allow highly qualified international students to fill available seats in full-time, ESL and continuing education programs and brings opportunities to academic departments for faculty exchanges, sharing of academic expertise and practices.

Notre Dame Campus Closed, Sept 11, 2017

September 11, 2017

For immediate release: September 11, 2017

WINNIPEG, MB – Due to a Manitoba Hydro power outage, Red River College’s Notre Dame Campus is closed and all daytime and evening classes at the Notre Dame Campus will be cancelled.

Regular operations are expected to resume on Tuesday, September 12, 2017. All other campuses remain open today.



August 9, 2017

New scholarship to provide support for Red River College students living with schizophrenia

For immediate release: August 9, 2017

Seventy per cent of people living with schizophrenia wish to pursue post-secondary education and gain employment, but only 30 per cent are in the workforce due to lack of opportunity and stigma. Research suggests that creating pathways to post-secondary education can result in many positive outcomes and bridge that gap.

Beginning this year, Red River College students living with schizophrenia will have the chance to apply for a new scholarship that is available to Manitoba students currently pursuing post-secondary education. This new scholarship will provide some financial relief in the form of $1,000.

Through Red River College’s Healthy Minds Healthy College Initiative, RRC is encouraging its students enrolled in programs at any of its nine campuses across the province to apply for this opportunity.

“A large part of the recovery process for a person living with schizophrenia, or any mental illness, is being able to access post-secondary education, said Chris Summerville, executive director of the Manitoba Schizophrenia Society (MSS).  “There are barriers that can stand in the way. This can include stigma, financial burden, lack of accommodation and other issues. The importance of post-secondary education is perhaps even greater for students with a mental illness.”

Summerville added that in most jurisdictions, employment rates for people with disabilities, including mental illness, are lower than those of the general population, but research suggests the disparity can be reduced by education.

This new scholarship was developed in partnership with The Otsuka-Lundbeck Alliance and Manitoba Schizophrenia Society (MSS). The Yes 2 Me program is designed to reward those young people who are pursuing their educational goals, confidently building a better self and working towards a bright future.

“Red River College and our Healthy Minds Healthy College Strategy seeks to promote wellness, recovery and resilience while inclusively meeting needs of students, faculty and staff living with mental illness,” said Laureen Janzen, manager of Counselling and Accessibility Services at RRC. “As well, individuals living with schizophrenia, with supports and accommodations offered through our services, have the opportunity to pursue their post-secondary academic and career goals, achieve success and contribute to the community at large.”

MSS and Otsuka-Lundbeck Alliance are also providing two additional $1,000 scholarships to Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) First Nations and Inuit peoples who are pursuing post-secondary education while living with schizophrenia.

“At Lundbeck and Ostuka, we believe that students living with schizophrenia should not have to worry about access to higher education and we hope that the Yes 2 Mescholarship program will allow them to pursue their dreams,” said Maxime Rouleau, Stakeholder Manager, Otsuka Canada Pharmaceutical Inc.

Eligible students are encouraged to apply before August 31, 2017 using this application form.


To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must:
· be a resident of Manitoba
· be diagnosed with schizophrenia
· complete a Scholarship Application package

And be enrolled in:
· High School equivalency programs
· College, trade or vocational programs
· Bachelor or Graduate degrees

Schizophrenia Facts:
· Schizophrenia is a form of psychosis and typically begins between the ages of 15 and 25.
· While the biggest myth, violence is not a symptom of schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia are far more likely to harm themselves than to be violent toward the public.
· Four out of ten people with schizophrenia attempt suicide with 10% dying by suicide due to the losses associated with and the impact of mental illness.
· Schizophrenia is treatable and recovery possible! Many people with schizophrenia can lead rewarding and meaningful lives in their communities.

For More information contact:
Sangeetha Nair
Manitoba Schizophrenia Society

International students ‘dig’ language learning at RRC’s Summer Institute

August 9, 2017

Red River College’s Language Training Centre Summer Institute celebrates five years of providing cultural and educational experience for international students.

For immediate release: August 8, 2017

Today, more than 30 international students attending Red River College’s (RRC) Language Training Centre’s Summer Institute put their language training into practice, and got a taste of Manitoba’s passion for sport at the 2017 Canada Summer Games women’s volleyball prairie match between Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

The students and instructors are visiting Winnipeg between July 31 – August 11 from the Shenyang Institute of Engineering in Liaoning, China, and the Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute in Shaanxi, China to enhance and gain confidence using their English language skills.

“We are pleased to once again welcome international students and instructors to Red River College’s Summer Institute for the fifth year – most of whom are visiting Canada for the first time,” said Paul Vogt, President and CEO of RRC and member of the 2017 Canada Summer Games Board of Directors. “This program is essential to our continued work building relationships with educational institutions overseas and showcasing the bright future Red River College and the province of Manitoba can offer future international students.”

The focus of the Summer Institute is to balance fun and interactive classroom sessions at RRC with outings to some of the city’s most popular attractions, while helping students build confidence by using English in the classroom and in everyday situations. Since arriving in Winnipeg, students have enjoyed site visits to RRC’s three campuses in Winnipeg, and enjoyed learning excursions to CF Polo Park, Assiniboine Park, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the Canada Summer Games, and Winnipeg’s Folklorama.

The Shenyang Institute of Engineering is one of RRC’s longest standing partnerships – dating back 30 years. Nearly a decade ago, the two institutions signed a cooperative agreement to establish a joint-diploma program, where students pursuing careers in the fields of electrical engineering, power engineering or hospitality management are given the opportunity to complete the final year of their studies at Red River College. The Summer Institute came to fruition to allow students to experience and familiarize themselves with the language and culture before moving to Manitoba to pursue their studies.

“We are proud to celebrate five successful years of the Summer Institute, and to promote the Language Training Centre as one of the premier language training facilities in Canada,” said Vogt. “Each year we hear students return home and share their positive experience with classmates and instructors, and this encourages even more participation. We will continue to work with our international academic partners around the world to welcome prospective students to Red River College.”


RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.