Communications and Marketing


Extreme weather testing facility coming soon to Red River College

November 28, 2016

Red River College today announced the next steps on the construction of MotiveLab – a highly-specialized extreme weather testing facility that will be the first of its kind in Western Canada.

MotiveLab is a 3,000 square-foot state-of-the-art facility – essentially a giant heater or freezer – that will work in close connection with industry to provide testing for heavy vehicles of all shapes and sizes, including transit and highway buses. Already, companies have identified more than 65 full days of demand for MotiveLab’s research and development services.

“Manitoba’s heavy vehicle manufacturing sector is a cornerstone of our economy, and this research and testing facility is a direct result of our close ties with manufacturers, as well as our efforts to meet current and future training and technology needs,” said Paul Vogt, president & CEO, Red River College. “It’s an approach we are taking across all sectors to help local industry innovate, create jobs of the future and be more competitive in the global marketplace.”

Today’s announcement provides a total of $6 million from the federal and provincial governments and RRC for the construction of MotiveLab, a climatic chamber that allows for year-round testing to be conducted at extreme temperatures and under full loads with using a 1,000 horsepower, three-axle, dynamometer. The program will also train students in this highly-specialized and emerging program area.

“The heavy vehicle sector is faced with increasingly stringent environmental demands, which has its players pushing the envelope in terms of new design and technology implementation,” said Ray Hoemsen, executive director, Research Partnerships & Innovation, Red River College. “This all gives way to ever greater research and testing needs. MotiveLab will be a unique Western Canadian facility that will help give Manitoba firms a competitive edge.”

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Skills/Compétences Canada Kicks Off 12th National Skilled Trades and Technology Week in Winnipeg, Manitoba

October 31, 2016

OTTAWA, ONTARIO, October 27, 2016 – Skills/Compétences Canada is officially launching National Skilled Trades and Technology Week on November 2, at Red River College, Notre Dame Campus in Winnipeg, Manitoba

What: Launch of National Skilled Trades and Technology Week

This event generates awareness about the opportunities in skilled trade and technology sectors for students, educators and industry. Attendees, including students from local schools, will participate in interactive Try-A-Trade® and Technology activities hosted by educators and industry experts.


  • The Honourabe Ian Wishart, Minister of Education and Training
  • Sherry Holmes from HGTV’s Holmes Makes it Right
  • John Oates, President of Skills/Compétences Canada
  • Paul Vogt, President and CEO of Red River College
  • Nina Widmer, SCC alumni, SCNC 2014 Brick Masonry silver medalist
  • Geoff Frodsham, CEO of Princess Auto

When: Wednesday, November 2, 2016

  • 7:45 – 9:00 am: VIP networking breakfast sponsored by Princess Auto
  • 9:05 – 9:45 am: Official program with keynote speakers
  • 9:45 – 11:30 am: Students (Group 1) will participate in interactive Try-A-Trade® and Technology activities
  • 11:30 – 1:30 pm: Red River College Pep Rally, where approximately 200 college students will have the opportunity to visit the Try-A-Trade® and Technology activities
  • 1:30 – 1:45 pm: Welcome from Skills/Compétences Canada
  • 1:45 – 3:00 pm: Students (Group 2) will participate in interactive Try-A-Trade® and Technology activities


Red River College, Notre Dame Campus, 2055 Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba

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CAMPUS ADVSIORY – Roblin Centre Closed Tuesday October 11

October 14, 2016

Red River College’s Roblin Centre (formerly the Princess Street Campus) will be closed on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 in order to allow for necessary work to the water main adjacent to the campus. During that time the water will be shut-off  and for the health and safety reasons classes will be cancelled and the campus will be closed to the general public.

Regular operations are expected to resume on Wednesday, October 12, 2016.

Red River College has been advised that this outage will not affect the adjacent RRC properties located in the Exchange District. Classes, programs, and services offered at the Massey Building and the Paterson GlobalFoods Institute will carry-on as scheduled.

Steady and stable enrolments signal another busy academic year for Red River College

September 15, 2016

Red River College has had a very strong start to this academic year – including a $5.9 million investment in research funding – the largest the College has seen since it began its applied research program in 2004; and to add to that good news, preliminary early enrolment numbers are a sure sign of more good things to come.

Early numbers for 2016 indicate that Red River College’s enrolment remains stable and the College will continue the pattern of steady and increasing enrolments going forward.

Based on a five-year trend, Red River College saw an overall increase of .5 per cent in its program enrolments this year, and over the past 15 years the College has experienced an increase of 66 per cent in its program areas.

Of particular note, this year’s numbers identified significant increases in the following areas: Business Information Technology (up 15.1%), Applied Accounting (up 14 %), Business Administration (up 3%), Primary Care Paramedicine (up 23%), Civil Engineering Technology (up 3.7%), and Community Development/Economic Development (up 53%).

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$5.9 million for Red River College to bolster research in heavy vehicles and culinary innovation

September 8, 2016

Today, Red River College received the largest influx of research funding since founding its research enterprise in 2004. This new investment will allow Red River College to boost innovation capacity in Manitoba’s vehicle technology and food development sectors.

“This is a red-letter day for the College, our partners, and for Manitoba’s innovation outlook in general,” said Paul Vogt, president and CEO of Red River College. “These national awards acknowledge not only industry needs, but the ability of the College to deliver innovation services, and Manitoba as a place where leading edge products are developed.”

The Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour (on behalf of The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science) announced that Red River College will receive $3.6 million for advanced and sustainable vehicle technology research and $2.3 million for culinary innovation. Read More →

Statement from Red River College regarding Jackie Healey’s Statement of Claim

August 3, 2016

For Immediate Release: August 3, 2016

WINNIPEG, MB – Red River College has been notified that a Statement of Claim was filed on behalf of Jackie Healey regarding the assault that occurred at the Behavioural Health Foundation in Selkirk, Manitoba.

As a leader in post-secondary education, Red River College is committed to ensuring that our students are safe and secure in all educational settings. We are investigating this incident thoroughly to determine what occurred and what improvements can be made.

Dr. Linda Burnside, PhD, is leading the investigation and review, and we anticipate that her work will be concluded prior to the start of the academic year.

Red River College remains committed to supporting Ms. Healey throughout her recovery and in her educational pursuits.

As this matter is now before the courts, Red River College will refrain from making any further comments related to this incident.


Statement from Lloyd Schreyer, Chair, Red River College Board of Governors

July 7, 2016

For Immediate Release: July 7, 2016

WINNIPEG, MB – This message serves as an update regarding the Winnipeg Police Service review surrounding allegations that RRC’s former President used marble from the Union Bank Tower for a home renovation project.

In January 2015, the board asked the Winnipeg Police Service to review these allegations. Prior to engaging the police, the Board had conducted their own internal investigation but the results were inconclusive, which resulted in our decision to ask the Winnipeg Police for their assistance, as they possessed the necessary tools and authority to properly review this matter.

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Working Together to Help Build Manitoba: Red River College and the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology sign MOU

June 22, 2016

Today, Red River College (RRC) and the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT) committed to explore new ways to work cooperatively to provide programs and services to benefit learners, employers and communities throughout Manitoba.

“This new agreement builds on the strengths of MITT and RRC by growing the relationship between both of our institutions,” said Paul Vogt, President and CEO, Red River College. “Not only will today’s commitment support our work in driving our Province’s skilled trades agenda, but it will put us in a position to collaborate on initiatives that help all students succeed, including Indigenous, newcomer and international students. This evolving relationship between our institutions will continue to allow us to provide meaningful and rewarding educational opportunities and pathways for students.”

The MOU reaffirms their commitment to work cooperatively to provide programs, improve pathways and expand services to benefit learners, employers and communities throughout Manitoba. The MOU further states that both RRC and MITT will examine ways that each institution can share resources – including but not limited to: facilities, equipment, curriculum and faculty expertise – while also supporting economic and social development initiatives to boost opportunities for Manitoba’s Indigenous and international students.

“The signing of the MOU demonstrates the commitment of both colleges to work together to the benefit of our students,” said Paul Holden, President and CEO, Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology. “We have to continue to encourage these forms of agreements across the post-secondary system.  Whether that be between universities and colleges or between a college and another college as is the case here, students need the opportunity to take what they have learned and see it recognized as they pursue advanced studies in other institutions in Manitoba.”

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Investigation begins into the assault on Red River College student Jackie Healey

June 15, 2016

Following the May 29th attack that left Red River College student Jackie Healey and a worker at the Behavioural Health Foundation in Selkirk severely injured, Red River College has hired Dr. Linda Burnside, PhD to conduct an investigation into the incident and to review current policies and procedures related to workplace practicums for the College’s Child and Youth Care Diploma program.

Dr. Burnside has extensive experience in the social services field in a variety of direct service delivery, managerial, and administrative roles in both non-profit and government sectors, with a particular emphasis on practice in the child and family services system.  Additionally, she is well versed in post-secondary practices, working as a sessional instructor with students studying social work and counselling at the University of Manitoba since 1995. 

She has extensive experience in conducting systemic and case-specific reviews regarding complex cases or serious incidents involving children in care.  She has conducted research and published numerous reports, articles and book chapters on issues facing children and families involved with the child welfare system.  Read More →

Urban Circle co-founder to receive Honorary Diploma from Red River College

June 8, 2016

WINNIPEG, MB – Tonight, A long-time community leader will be recognized with the College’s highest academic honour for the lasting impact she’s had on the lives of children and families.

Eleanor Thompson, Director of Development at Urban Circle Training Centre, will receive RRC’s 2016 Honorary Diploma in Community Development/Community Economic Development.

As co-founder of Urban Circle, Thompson has worked tirelessly for nearly 30 years to provide accessible, culturally appropriate education and training to Indigenous people in Winnipeg. Thompson is a strong advocate for programs that are grounded in Indigenous culture, and that lead to employment in stable sectors with potential for growth. As such, Urban Circle partners with RRC on certificate programs in heath care, family support and early childhood education — many of which lead to advanced studies in social work and education.

Recently, Thompson served as one of the driving forces behind the development of the Makoonsag Intergenerational Centre on Selkirk Avenue, a 52-space early learning facility for the children of Urban Circle students. She’s also a member of the Premier’s Advisory Council on Education, Poverty and Citizenship.

“She has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to providing culturally relevant and respectful educational opportunities to empower the social and economic development of her community,” says RRC’s Dr. Christine Watson, interim Vice-President, Academic and Research. “Her belief in the transformative power of education truly reflects the mandate and values of Red River College.”

The College’s Honorary Degrees and Diplomas recognize individuals who’ve demonstrated high standards of excellence in their personal and professional achievements, and whose local, national and international accomplishments qualify them for such a recognition.

Recent recipients include Dave Angus and Ace Burpee (2015), and Larry Vickar and Lisa Meeches (2014).

Thompson will receive her diploma at convocation ceremonies taking place this evening, at 7:00pm at the Centennial Concert Hall.

Red River College’s Spring Convocation takes place from Tuesday, June 7 to Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 at the Centennial Concert Hall. Times are below:

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 – 7:00pm

  • School of Business and Applied Arts
  • School of Continuing Education

Wednesday, June 8, 2016 – 1:00pm

  • School of Business and Applied Arts
  • School of Health Sciences and Community Services

Wednesday, June 8, 2016 – 7:00pm

  • Centre for Teaching Excellence, Innovation and Research
  • School of Construction Engineering and Technologies
  • School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts
  • School of Health Sciences and Community Services
  • School of Indigenous Education
  • School of Transportation, Aviation and Manufacturing

To learn more about RRC’s convocation ceremonies visit:


RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.