Communications and Marketing


Red River College leads nation in research partnership growth and ranks as a Top 10 Research College for third consecutive year

October 22, 2015

Red River College (RRC) has been recognized as Canada’s top large research college in partnership growth for 2014, as well as 8th overall by Research Infosource in their annual Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges 2015 list.

The College has placed in the top 10 overall every year since Research Infosource first published its Top 50 list in 2013.

“Applied Research & Commercialization at the College continues to create and deliver more applied research and innovation resources for our partners and the communities we serve,” said Paul Vogt, president and CEO of Red River College. “Next to workforce-ready graduates, applied research offerings are key to our business community. It has led to many innovations in products, production methods and services delivered by Manitoba enterprises.”

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1M Donation Lands at Red River College

October 22, 2015

The keys to a twin- turboprop airliner with a pressurized fuselage were handed over to RRC President & CEO, Paul Vogt at a special ceremony held today to celebrate the history of Swanberg Air and their generous contribution to the staff and students at Red River College’s Stevenson Aviation.

The British Aerospace Model Jetstream 31, along with associated equipment, manuals and training aids, valued at $1M dollars was donated by the Swanberg family of Grande Prairie & Fort St. John, in memory of Sylvan and Dorothy Swanberg.

“There is an increasing demand in the aviation industry for highly skilled graduates and with Manitoba being home to the third largest aerospace sector in Canada, this working aircraft will enhance training opportunities,” said Paul Vogt, president & CEO, Red River College. “We are grateful to the Swanberg family for their impactful donation that allows students to train on state-of-the-art equipment and become leaders in their field.”

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Red River College to Announce Significant Donation to Propel Student Training at Stevenson Aviation Campus

October 21, 2015

For Immediate Release: October 21, 2015

WINNIPEG, MB – Media are invited to attend the unveiling of the newest addition to Red River College’s Stevenson Aviation Campus.


  • Paul Vogt, President & CEO, Red River College
  • Christine Crowe, Interim Vice-President, Academic & Research, Red River College
  • Ann & Konner Sawyer, Swanberg Air
  • Justin Hatch, student, Red River College’s, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Student,


TOMORROW, Thursday, October 22, 2015, 11:00am to 12:00pm

WHERE:          Red River College’s Stevenson Aviation Campus,                                                                     2280 Saskatchewan Avenue, Winnipeg

Manitoba is home to the third largest aerospace sector in Canada – and Red River College’s Stevenson Campus is an active partner, training our workforce to participate in all aspects of the aviation and aerospace sector. Our grads are found throughout industry – overhauling aircraft engines, maintaining aircraft, building components, or in management positions such as Directors of Maintenance and Quality Assurance.

Since the 1930s, Red River College  has become one of Manitoba’s largest institutes of applied learning; with nine campuses located throughout Manitoba the College has positioned itself as a leader and a compelling first choice for post-secondary education and a critical source of knowledge, training, research and innovation. RRC has more than 30,000 enrolments annually and more than 200 + full-and part-time programs.

Through award-winning instruction and training on state-of-the-art equipment, RRC prepares its students to become leaders in their fields, while collaborating with industry to conduct research and ensure curricula remain up-to-date.



Red River College to Make Presentation to the Winnipeg Police Service Endowment Fund

October 19, 2015

The Results are In!
The First Annual Jerk Chicken Cook-off was a resounding success!

For immediate release: October 19, 2015

WINNIPEG, MB – Media are invited to attend a photo opportunity that will celebrate the success of the first annual, Chef vs. Chief Jerk Chicken Cook-off, that was held on September 9th, that pitted Red River College’s Chef Tim Appleton against Winnipeg Police Chief Devon Clunis, in a culinary battle to raise awareness and money for the Red River College Youth in Care Bursary and the Winnipeg Police Service Endowment Fund.

This first annual event attracted more than 500 people to Winnipeg’s Exchange District and helped raise $3600.00 in support of both worthwhile initiatives. Chief Clunis won the day after being awarded the Judges Choice Award and the Peoples Choice Award!

Red River College President & CEO, Paul Vogt will make the ceremonial cheque presentation today to Winnipeg Police Chief Devon Clunis and RRC Culinary Arts Instructor, Chef Tim Appleton.


  • President & CEO of Red River College, Paul Vogt,
  • Winnipeg Police Chief Devon Clunis,
  • Culinary Arts Instructor, Chef Tim Appleton, and
  • Students from Red River College’s School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts.

WHERE: Jane’s, Red River College’s Urban Upscale Restaurant located on the first floor of the PatersonGlobalFoods Institute at 504 Main Street.

WHEN: Monday, October 19, 2015 from 11:00am to 11:30am.

About the Winnipeg Police Service’s Endowment Fund

The WPS Endowment Fund was created in 2014 under Chief Clunis’s leadership. Established through the Winnipeg Foundation, it will provide a means to subsidize recognized community projects that support the WPS’s vision of creating a culture of safety. For more information, click here:

About Red River College’s Youth in Care Tuition Bursary
RRC’s Youth in Care Tuition Bursary allows youth in Manitoba who grew up in the child welfare system to attend Red River College tuition-free. The Child and Welfare Services Authorities select suitable students for bursaries. Eligible donations to the fund are matched through the Province’s Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI). For more information, click here:


Note to Editors: President Vogt, Chief Clunis, Chef Appleton, and the students will be available for interviews following the ceremonial cheque presentation.

Red River College’s Ongoing Commitment to Sustainability Recognized Nationally

September 24, 2015

Red River College of Applied Arts, Science and Technology has been recognized for excellence in building management by being awarded the 2015 Earth Award at the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) national conference BOMEX 2015 in Quebec.

The College’s Heavy Equipment Transportation Centre (HETC) received an Earth Award in the Industrial Office Building category.

“We have an excellent Facility Management team and this award further demonstrates our hard work and dedication to sustainability. I wish to congratulate the team for their tireless efforts,” said Tom Skraba, director, Facility Management, Red River College.

The Earth Award recognizes excellence in resource preservation and environmentally sound commercial building management. During the selection process, BOMA evaluated the building’s ability to reduce overall environmental risk, provide good indoor air quality, practice green cleaning, recycling, and energy conservation.

Red River College’s Heavy Equipment Transportation Centre is one of the largest industrial training facilities in Manitoba, and is one of the province’s most environmentally friendly buildings.

This 60,000 square foot facility was one of the first education centers in Manitoba to receive a BOMA BESt Platinum certification, a Silver LEED® certification from the Canada Green Building Council, and has many sustainable features uncommon for a large industrial building:

  • Geothermal heating and cooling – A groundwater loop system provides partial heating and cooling of the facility.
  • Natural heating – SolarWall systems collect the sun’s energy to preheat outdoor air before it ventilates classrooms.
  • Daylight views – More than 90% of regularly occupied spaces have direct views of the outdoors.
  • Native vegetation – Plants surrounding the building require little maintenance, are drought resistant, and help control storm water runoff.
  • Recycled and regional content – More than 25% of building materials have recycled content, and 35% of materials are from Manitoba, Saskatchewan or North Dakota

Earlier this year, BOMA Manitoba presented a pair of Earth Awards to Red River College’s Exchange District Campus’s Roblin Centre and Heavy Equipment Transportation Centre.

Last year, RRC’s Paterson GlobalFoods Institute (PGI) was recognized in the Multi-Use Building category. The Roblin Centre, HETC and PGI are all included on BOMA’s BESt (Building Environmental Standards) Certified Buildings list.

Shown above: Randal Froebelius, Chair BOMA Canada, Tom Skraba, Director Facility Management, Red River College, Alex Flemming, President, Demand Side Energy Consultants Inc. , Dave Wozny, Technical Officer, RRC, Darryl Oshanyk, Financial Assistant, Red River College, Murray Hiebert, Maintenance Manager, RRC, Benjamin Shinewald, President & CEO, BOMA Canada

Initial Enrolment for Red River College’s 2015/2016 Academic Year Remain Steady

September 14, 2015

Early numbers from the first week of classes at Red River College are a sure sign that it will be another busy academic year for staff and students.

Fall 2015 numbers compared to the same time last year remain consistent and indicate Red River College continues the trend of experiencing high enrolments.

Over the past 15 years, Red River College has seen an overall increase of 66 per cent in its program enrolments.

“Human capital drives our economy – there is an increasing demand for a workforce with specialized skills and Red River College delivers education and training that keeps pace with industry trends and needs in our Province,” said Paul Vogt, president & CEO, Red River College.

Of particular note, this year’s enrolment saw increases in Business Information Technology (up 24%), Mechanical Engineering Technology (up 11%), Automotive Technician – Diploma (up 50%), and Manufacturing Technician (up 30%).

In addition to some key program areas, Red River College is also seeing continued growth in its Post-Graduate Diploma programs (up 48%) and a continued increase in the recruitment of international students (up 32 %).

The steady growth at Red River College means the College operates at capacity. This spring Red River College and the Province of Manitoba broke ground on a new 100,000 sq.- ft.,  state-of-the-art Skilled Trades Technology Centre at its Notre Dame Campus, which is set to be completed in 2017.

“Red River College has a central role in the creation of careers in Manitoba and the new Skilled Trades Technology Centre will train up to 1,000 students each year to provide industry with highly-trained employees,” said Vogt. “This new facility will be a key factor to increasing Manitoba’s skilled workforce to 75,000 by 2020.”

Over the next few weeks’ enrolment will fluctuate as numbers from Continuing Education programs, Regional Campuses and Apprenticeship programs are tabulated.

Annually, Red River College offers more than 200 full-and part-time degree, diploma, post-graduate diploma and certificate programs. Through award-winning instruction and training on state-of-the-art equipment, RRC prepares its students to become leaders in their fields, while collaborating with industry to conduct research and ensure curriculum remains up-to-date.


Read the full story on the RED Blog

Province Adding 18 New Engineering Seats, New Engineering Hybrid Pathway at University of Manitoba

September 14, 2015

Young Manitobans who want to work as engineers will soon have more opportunities to enter the faculty of engineering thanks to $500,000 in new funding from the province that will create 18 new seats and a new hybrid pathway between the University of Manitoba and Red River College, Premier Greg Selinger announced today.

“Civil, electrical, industrial and mechanical engineers are in demand in our province and increasing the number of engineering graduates is necessary to create more good jobs and keep our economy growing,” Premier Selinger said.

The University of Manitoba (U of M) is the only institution in the province to offer accredited engineering degrees and the current seat capacity in the program is 336.

“The faculty of engineering at the University of Manitoba is in high-demand – attracting the best and brightest students from Manitoba and beyond,” said Dr. David T. Barnard, president and vice-chancellor.  “This investment ultimately will enable us to graduate more engineers, responding to a real and pressing need in our province.”

Undergraduate engineering enrolment has increased by 48 per cent at the U of M since 2008, Barnard noted.

The new hybrid engineering pathway will be introduced over several academic years through collaborative efforts between the University of Manitoba and Red River College (RRC), supporting increased credit transfer and recognition of prior experience for hybrid engineering students.

“Red River College is proud of the quality of its graduates and we welcome opportunities for them to further their education as a result of this pathway program with the University of Manitoba,” said Paul Vogt, president and CEO, Red River College.  “When you combine the experience our students receive from both institutions, it’s a recipe for success that will have a considerable benefit to many industries here in Manitoba.”

Once fully established, this new hybrid pathway will transition between 10 and 15 hybrid engineering students annually from RRC and other post-secondary institutions to U of M engineering degree programs.

“Engineers provide services that drive our economy,” said John Bockstael, president and CEO, Bockstael Construction, and graduate of the faculty of engineering at the University of Manitoba.  “It’s important that we provide opportunities for our students to receive a first-rate education in their home province where they can then build careers and contribute to our economy.”

Over the past 15 years, enrolment in Manitoba universities has grown 42 per cent overall, the premier said, adding enrolment in colleges has grown 52 per cent and apprenticeship placements have more than tripled.

Both of the initiatives build on the province’s commitment to provide more seamless pathways to career opportunities for Manitoba students and prepare students for the jobs of tomorrow including:

  • working with schools, colleges and universities to ensure there are no wrong doors in education and a seamless transition between high school and post-secondary education;
  • investing in shops classes and equipment so that students taking high school shops programs get their apprenticeship-certified first year of college instructions for free while still in high school;
  • investing in dual-credit programs so students earn both high school and university credits in high school to get a head start on university; and
  • hiring career development co-ordinators to work with schools, colleges and universities to help students find co-op and job opportunities while in high school.

Read the full story on the RED Blog

On September 9th It’s Chef vs Chief at the First Annual Jerk Chicken Cook-off

September 11, 2015

On September 9th there will be a battle of delicious proportions in Winnipeg’s Exchange District, that will pit Red River College’s (RRC) award-winning Chef Tim Appleton against Winnipeg Police Chief Devon Clunis, to see who has the best Jerk Chicken Recipe.

Annually, Chief Clunis hosts a Jerk Chicken event for members of the Winnipeg Police Service to raise money for the WPS Endowment Fund, and after meeting Chef Appleton and exchanging culinary taunts; Chef Appleton served Chief Clunis a grilled habanero pepper and that resulted in a challenge – a Jerk Chicken Cook-off.

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Mr. Paul Vogt joins Red River College as President & CEO

July 8, 2015

Red River College’s (RRC) Board of Governors announced today that Mr. Paul Vogt will join Red River College as the institution’s fifth President and CEO effective August 17, 2015.

“It gives me great pleasure to welcome Paul Vogt to Red River College,” said Lloyd Schreyer, Chair, Board of Governors, Red River College. “Paul’s extensive background as an administrator and public service leader and his contributions to education policy in Manitoba will be an asset as Red River College continues to evolve and grow as a leading post-secondary institution in Manitoba.”

Paul Vogt was head of the public service in Manitoba for eight years. He joins Red River College after serving as an Executive in Residence at the University of Manitoba and advising on the development of a multi-year post-secondary education strategy for Manitoba. He also helped to establish the province’s new Advisory Committee on Advanced Education.

“While Paul’s extensive background is well-suited for institutional leadership, his relationships within the community are key to driving strategic planning initiatives with various stakeholders who contribute to the mission of the College,” said Schreyer. “I look forward to working with Paul as the College continues to prepare skilled graduates to drive Manitoba’s economy.”

Education has been a fundamental part of Paul’s career. After completing his B.A. (Honors) in Political Studies at the University of Manitoba, he earned a Rhodes Scholarship and pursued graduate study at Oxford (where he earned an MPhil Politics degree) and Princeton University.  Following his studies he returned to Manitoba to begin a career as an educator and public servant.

Over the past 25 years, Paul taught at the University of Manitoba, the University of Winnipeg and Canadian Mennonite University. He has lectured on a wide range of subjects, including public administration and governance, Canadian politics, political theory, feminist theory and economics.

From 1999 to 2005 Paul served as Policy Secretary to Cabinet for the Government of Manitoba, and from 2005 to 2013 he served as Clerk of the Executive Council and Cabinet Secretary. He was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Manitoba in 2013/14 and taught in the University of Manitoba’s and University of Winnipeg’s Masters in Public Administration program.

“Education is the cornerstone to create a thriving economy,” said Paul Vogt. “I am honoured to join Red River College, an institution that plays a critical role in our community with a proud past and bright future. By building on the College’s impressive track record and working with dedicated employees, labour and government, I am excited by the opportunity we collectively share to continue to evolve creating rewarding and engaging opportunities for students, staff, and faculty at Red River.”

External to his post-secondary contributions, Paul’s community and industry impacts are notable. He was the 2013 recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for Public Service, the 2014 recipient of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration and the 2015 recipient of the University of Manitoba’s Distinguished Service Award.

He has served on the United Way Cabinet, the Board of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, and the Advisory Council to the Dean of Science at the University of Manitoba. Paul has also served on a number of scholarship and awards committees, including the Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, the Loran Scholarship Selection Committee, the Order of Manitoba Advisory Council and the selection committee for the Public Service Excellence Awards.

He currently serves as the Chair of the Governance Committee of the Assiniboine Park Conservancy Board, the Fort Whyte Foundation Board and the 2017 Canada Games Committee.

Well Known Community Leaders to Receive Honorary Diplomas at RRC’s Spring Convocation

June 9, 2015

Red River College (RRC) shall pay tribute to two community leaders and passionate Manitobans at RRC’s spring convocation ceremony held June 9 – 10, 2015 at the Centennial Concert Hall where 2600 RRC students will celebrate graduation.

Honorary Diploma recipients this year are President & CEO of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Dave Angus (Business Administration), and local Winnipeg Radio Host and community advocate Mr. Ace Burpee (Creative Communications).

“Both recipients are leaders in their community; their contributions are widely known and well respected,” said David Rew, Interim President & CEO, Red River College. “On behalf of the Board of Governors and the Awards Committee, I congratulate both individuals for their outstanding contributions to our community and for their work as advocates for Red River College.”

Mr. Angus has been a long-standing fixture in Winnipeg’s business community, having served as the Chair of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and as the President and CEO since 1999. Under his leadership the Winnipeg Chamber has increased its membership to the highest level in its history and has been recognized by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce as an Accredited Chamber with Distinction. ++

Mr. Angus also played an instrumental role in bringing a World Trade Centre to Winnipeg; establishing Leadership Winnipeg, Yes! Winnipeg and the BOLD initiative: a grassroots public policy campaign designed to mobilize the community behind forward-thinking BOLD ideas to increase prosperity in the City.

Mr. Burpee has been a celebrity and leader in Winnipeg’s broadcast industry for more than a decade and is well known for the hundreds of charitable events and causes, both local and international, that he donates his time to every year.

Through his tireless efforts Mr. Burpee has helped raise millions of dollars for countless charities and has helped bring awareness surrounding many important social and community issues.

Mr. Burpee’s community work has earned him many national and community-based awards including the Queen’s Diamond Jubliee Medal, the Hero of Mental Health Award, and the Volunteer Manitoba Award for Outstanding Community Leadership and last year he was recognized as a Manitoba Hero.

Mr. Burpee is the current host of The Ace Burpee Show on 103.1 Virgin Radio, a columnist with Metro Winnipeg, and the host of The Great Tastes of Manitoba.

The honorees will receive their diplomas at convocation ceremonies taking place Wednesday, June 10 at the Centennial Concert Hall.

To learn more about RRC’s convocation ceremonies visit:

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.