RRC proposes nursing degree program
It was announced today that Red River College will be submitting a
proposal to the Council on Post-Secondary Education (COPSE) to combine
its current RN diploma program and joint RRC-University of Manitoba RN
baccalaureate program into a new baccalaureate RN program.
In addition to providing 15 additional RN education seats, the new RRC
degree program will provide nurses with a four-year baccalaureate
degree delivered on an accelerated 32-month schedule. The proposed
program would be launched in September 2010.
“Red River College is proud of the role we’ve played in helping build
capacity across Manitoba’s health-care system and we’re happy the
province is moving to expand our degree granting authority by
supporting a new, larger accelerated nursing program,” said Dr. Jeff
Zabudsky, president of Red River College.